from The Diamond Kings of Clarence Checkeredfish
<The young girl begins to wander about the sidewalk, as if she’s in a world all by
herself. Sometimes she imagines the library to be other things…>
“What’s he doing with these?” Charlie Plume asked of the assortment.
…princeto…y…jokin’…“Nex’…t’…” Mexico
team…log…wit’…lacticmilk!…laug…hin’…“’Onor Mande…lbrot!”…Duke-card-
A fair question! Not a lot of sense to all of it! The Captain searched the field and came
up with a good-size twig. He had Antoine Éléphant hold it horizontally. He reached into
his soldier pants and pulled out various strings, then maneuvered Charlie Plume’s hands
into tying the objects to the wood, each one hanging from a separate locale. He lifted the
contraption onto Charlie Plume’s thumb and slid it back and forth until he found the
balance point, where all of the torques summed to zero.
Then with a little extra help from the breeze…!
Behold! A mobile! Good early morning exercise! An example! Of +- force! ’N’.
Radius. ’N’. Right-hand rule! What if all the weights are equal? Where’s gravity
measured from? Space teacher
like…peac…e…t…c…enter…DC…O…th’…mas …se…e…s…u…oo…ntobe17 grand
[Scene 4. “He had the boys and girls do “group lab-reports” when it was all over,”
said Muscles, approvingly.]
Charlie Plume laughed.
This “preliminary” over, it was time for more serious discussion. Antoine Éléphant
took Charlie Plume aside for a short stroll to discuss the recent state of affairs.
The Captain overheard only small bits of the conversation through the brisk air, his
mind engaged again on the beginnings of Charlie Plume’s painting. |What would be the
nuts and bolts of it?|
“The Rev. Ely’s…” |If a train moves on a frictionless track at the same velocity v0, it
experiences no sensation of motion to the conductor. Suppose the conductor stands and
holds a charge q in the palm of his hand! A ground observer watches the train go by.