(Poems Written to the Cecil Taylor Feel Trio’s 2 Ts for a lovely T)
“Epicritic (Pertaining to Cutaneous Sensitivity)”
Crinters acchromat sloughcated b’ Slaughintern’s Ferinry
pickla litrala teatular fitcher glove to
what if someone almost said love
an it bully you thight enda drownder
thanacotic threnoficant vund palar clotsest
anguard pimpleton quore
spotted a finger a ring and still lobbled freth a man can as
breached his name on a nacard did Dralooka Darcuorioni
i’m your onto match
stalled in a chame tumley
swaut a ’gime bedownknuckling
harrowed air, Fister Sault sfatto fissant epilvula pen depen
ole Ustrus Biala lum pure almalgia at the forestrut
that cock’ll drompete junned gyne
what it couldn’t be said to heard
to hoarden thuting gaway gaway
axe no figger bite the numb of Susur Fussuffice
dwell gloemmy, coast pard
werewhistles and shungarms, shrankards adeem and perderm
skintyites and shawlives
serapes musettes and some breadth whittle gerapes
thoughn’t i love herd thoughny heardle of
mapped ayenst it eyethorn and dwind ear ownward
hyeahin dimid earst salvies
sumtinel volishes gander staved the caross mannequisms
them’s them varnishes at wash caulking abruit
sin bales of gunnels chorustaceans gunnaw at prand
teflontine and sample mirr ops
topolites and geogremes
layer of the landolinists
mandaman carumbat, omentia nomentium
meagrant pneumongs nihilmantric he-flushuries at grailtouch
sovert arribal, destimated ocournst deniature
plessibel evils majeured faciafackety
dallongle wane froam kin acres
skin addle tempter swants whoanings
samoyednight foyer la boofin damn atrung
whanyone’s wearn doubt see-eyed mugginy tree
farcian dowdry plimplestiff slankt on or and back gehenna and gack behemute
toothed ferale in Jonoke, Kalabacusa
dismouthent borsed
spirut twangler tropes of sale (condiment)
<track 2>
sands caref secrule faiencer stonal gloods affinganced dackener fwirls
dunned the grillamath grollypuff enlasted whisprine locors
pairlot stwalkin chunked bitch iminy
staggonal rattenscrathers grawl egresswise bas-griev
terse tainted vories vamquishes honely invasorines in a stewl
the cheerkers that was slibbing was wagenin warpun the nighst fitule
swaythew oweltine force a-nack
oags melz adges malebs logosts vorest tawd buzzed aud
“Peduncle (The Support of an Inflorescence)”
Mano ado
psychlomiad bruisther chasmeo peerer
dwars’ve’d at
derts mertsy flirts, bruvren demine
punktervated sclerma chaoklamention malak
gways ayeond beowned untro verier sacrulties
senzadional monagony crample
durying athirsts servose temerity
fevere condritions what’s the posture for thaut fethear thaunt
lestly veer lestless izzaturig calmimen eminough
farrer cha char fool tchefettle bargein savemence skidount capurns
yeah’m drays log hattened ashes by
bylaids and arbit’s lures of ordure glomfer droits to mords
hiya mort soup tod embalmatrics contevince echant avverge
sturburals of hardor
scantities of kenneldown, domcecuff
spewmitten me this drench, zaint wench’s slaw
bedder of’d sloughed and sloshed’n ever tooth’d flusted tawl
spend what, metierscoffer?
bend your sleeve and roll up your anusian bluety
wires comb upper
snivel bodiance qwite skwit
suddire biliance scram of jointice interdarkens
you’ll know the scents of it by which scend
it is your meat, Fodder Oil, suddeal wider, Widow Toe
sikh gypsy umdle market, cinched lido stoatfly fountled chez maize
swung the whole dogthinged in gaza rima
as pinctured by Assguard Míopia
escathabachhatyarian pontriturist from Whack Booyay, Misery
lumpencordially thighned
best vatchyette eh Crapitaint Heefbird?
vandle swank divvier cindry traxi crablard
huzu lurks licks lensed flies daftwing
well it is a sproiler
imbursable pimperelle the gamic moormush
glambollers delide yemz dadu
o soilied turkmens o flaskellated lipisteins
barrelaskers’ ballser tune by danzenda
frenzlic in the darrick flield
darl moistrient fethrile swint palatian
owl mad urlink
caprish falert
amstill the frandig vourtouch
fearzen midge rope
tatted congu line of rancongerous ruition
devil slink
énviron fascia scrap
twong cachent marongs the abwaistrelline, obvene at all
tendle me drendler
gettlefish weeve
i’m sentile of glance big allay
trample revile on the onde bungdle
farnich fennel bits lassit farrier
cooked on a handspit
hitspain wider he-ammer
went on a-tided
farage libinal
“Logozo Scampers (Tortoise)”
Oh hornydaal you know-eyed head-lovel piel
dourly belabored cheliander
the fringebird helly hopeteryx as a-do i
the wrennybellied i-old bosphteryxiated shovelong deign
dreather nather at the anthle than anthilt at flat wade
anorta sags thanesteryx
maniphiled mísemphunct
pranthropy surobviant aversant
cantive sham purge blad ciliant
very line a adieuress swadchrested chestomatrant
mathron adart the frowlline
vinegance at cost
tring tring trist for you, tryptan eyesoar
beesung bellydot
mangaroony joices chiming dirndle dirndly
why spright when errungle twinnical do
sway up kenners seed all yoursy
beautle wholder sighwent hordren bounted affuse
welder welter taltar thank a need the nextnext
the sezier swall the at is is
impeterant deafier stanchascopy borthlessened
no threa to pick bone norone impetucular bondiment
salippers slippy jungst a phrieze ayead
stent in ston fasts vocacle-ever
intenderments carkesses racketpreneurial forktress
wooed daal spoontfisth
sweat uveulah land
germbile at a flankton of the crossed
villagoat scapeself
sfearant noeval
mendevint manthate manifisate
yoned tog tatyr twat
canny be no spleener necken i
nighgth eentime ethic drone blab
froothsel nodder to what sirs ya rightual
crawslappy mawdelinist beameared clamancy yikester
writher on thacard blove the textile numb
barging shrikes, John Cloos
sparing will come withrits
faddolids and corksues, forage sgongs and boring bursts
thrall allahlaha
hornce a-blounding bleating hards
heaven is the name of any language, luza
the forntion offects salivant isceralia
starvangel infired of meaner, demmon of vise
’etal ’liarly ’ulate
“Owele Standing (Small Bird)”
Hone as a fecuntile tar in the boosh the brushk sterror
slake your mights, glom paws on, rue seethe
irict assemile denger fissurizer comatible trances pithology
aggrecient chantoletics tud the flor
glandemise freelingwall
gend forepolays flice, gonors’ mororse
dazzle codbro bantu rawside-ont
improvert povership ready me persh
wizenteen egalmost beyeckienne
tords rude ether
raitor zure clipsed overaressed hyphene dicst
strined a contril vassed and gived gove and bezired
what is spastis plast ordhumed i
havocled quantquorer stridumphent
dastity bleat athongedy waidst
o dry weaner
o heated clod deflammoir
the antelengue spourt your mnembershtip
awezip candlesteam cowreck
kine uhyata fig outure ass on the door alike
bunchle burundugi neaperor
jumpener share pute wimmy swallowmost valeteen stay
bidet maitch kangya rue enitymordant at?
swear madam’s dim’s on tope and betwuttle it
wedly sums hanged chance
wand hance gorillion rottlery swinder
air’s a hope chlinamentary greed anentster
Nidster Muzzleton, vase you any firing say to dwask after youdáy?
toodle chimpoon andlemay be yord despertiny
tibial surge flemur nile aspen fleer sperrant koinigal chromurk
scoloroso, musèdeer sclerdicant
dins watcher badgefore
(northicatory woodnecker)
saw it believereded it nefficagy nuffin
every death arreal
severy popped louse
hoc sweetened pot!
wan lick fene straw reecks brow
a should-er to handlup on
a santing lighd a rickstar to be salaver to the joko of (toportude)
who gnawed names candenter descertial
sweege a mont just in this this
heartstander morial gougen trounance
your moienence
my grieveen
scrum together thistledee twattledoom
the nuptial unspects upsent where the gilleds once
“Pineal (Black Dot)”
Bloviter bwana incongruroony
’m unonly grateless grawl blandener
zorroce omeye current gravelition
the peblems ’n’ posed tivements daunja recknowaledge
smotherin assess lacky grovelmint
disarrays and nests whe’d phend the fronto vert teth trad
fambly i cudded astament ocking ya, bruddither
bent or nada ragczarness
stunvil long davitnue filth revelnue
your or my blankenness
flask mirror
temaphlor flor neverthin nin nits plance
fleer’s masc
willyfluster for virthuing inwise nullpachance
neam per an isnotidrytuten de ouse
remvers of throut
boiler apple duream
ingot rid udd em
ingto flouta sufiin’ rover dem kones dendrite coans
choal breather gromminant lems skindandle óndever
leprybody’s dyeing outh for the versity rung
besmirchant tice wurst awailable bollywalker
honly subvivial surzister is Fra Hunkert Longfur outa Dunfir, No Yolk
swile basian zee or o forg i eat geists
i learnt thatten from a cherman cathodelicker
upere eyes or knottin the snotcloned hulalamp
smuckerty meagler Squintonsil
godjure Fonix Velly regilion wried air, spontner, doen wees?
flickering antler me
bephor the ants prances of salacy
slyily supstitious dogonear frankster
beating truth to life
like they was someone’s preffersory gnote
kashange farad olor
canisphera dyim
on the newish calendar
proctees for jumpstice
simblanch to anot’in’
studnering unta stamdurung dungsakes
and churlmasses ta too ta tay desdy fromlickle wayest
dolderunces sack the fro
teerackle the creminant corenellates
flogged to know you know smate
earnland fwy the brinds and cindles
joqunil grives fordencies swored of florms and ballooms
sed ertia
stanted gorth
swizzle tail ony b. luxy
anodge at wide’s bloond by flankry nohia
thepitale glossèd be-est fumall
owand freebass panker loomspatterin pantser affator
seamule cisions spedited byaye
i heard herd herded
that was the gnowtes jask
i was thear
that’s the news
thungulant troothe
swerby sults anarode inner tube
riddenly irident
the livinginworld
unmake yourself unfortable
sewneyed lurn-in
out to informed lungeon at
sits the gadmused climberate
these our scensions
“Proxumal (Nearest)”
Stikes an affable divot, Thendez? top roof
and what if what do you want
sottopple off to tupelo swooned we arsy potetica
hello, Tick Boolienne—chelonic carkle mantic
pelisse chug the so many y-folled
the carbool heacter amnid rater hoss
crovenant pistulizes probosterces a plowral of sumpstench
fathields afrow ballock at the jazzomia hymely irred
igate itant ascilocyvil of tonegiew
thinkn’t the dure! a blowzened pretermules cattah
vatitoucha! engrrmince wrangels weevilard anyhigher
forpeat jagercynth musetters dutely ignoted
thus us whitappens flamuents
ritarduous sendo roters tongues a-triping reamily and rumbous
romons and their anagravatic milk bilkted thieveryday
licient cuddersalls theyèd princepled pretty topple
why that’s the buryonic tordlongue
talks an ear a stawk a sueet swager—your lifesnatch
loudable veeressiveness foggiest sluckile deraw
bevement sawng swigs fast ’állows
idsconnif bile ado sprego in your eata’s vrowm ite’
scay quantule redice at-da! loive ya
swined juggles forge eases
peacecess wane you duke ’m bem sure to crept scool
quaddle sopscybin of inda-indo young gradiant reachure
that she is thatchy aflor unto our heed
unside-prod zowie zenith dinja nonplish
freckle off to fuckaloam anydid
a sighty soffitry scarred the bejuices awejusted
jaust in crease a calmvary upsires hon yill
tay i tee a taint volively azuture
clemensive nigh lathers entwellope
owl doff, trudgener sluthjar
dream fum bloont quiteffent ergotmancer plie thewin
did i glenect assay wanityèd
sorbient nongular i asprier to glodfissioned justice
whying knot
whatting’ll halve you is how we got gendered fuck birth
saddle whoed? so gestival in carence
yak careen collation whens by
wherily whirl lilyponder?
how ope fester returnal
swellens thire andometer trest
trysture solide enveil gement
death a love could foretender
why that was me, stymars
gached anony
peel off cauce
<track 2>
Neanderness entebbral sclerifyin’
pretty dew answerver
i’d colligate wudden chi