Wednesday, December 1, 2010

pome || Billy Bob Beamer

[gro[]wing u[p [pul]ask[i]

1. A[n][on[ g[oin]g ]my w[ay..........................................
Vi]s[ion pasA[]]] go[ing] m[y a w]ay............................
[Vis[i]on [ paAgoing my way[][][][][...............................
Vi[[sio[n pas]t th[][at yo[u c]an’t ma[k[e u[p..................
Too mu]ch. root [wher]e ]. silv[e]r lie[]s[]]]]].....................
flo[uris]he[sCorn ma.grmom. red. SundayableMom.........
mat S[un]d'ayA[l]l..u[nd]o[ne ]al[l u]n[done......................

Ti[m]e fl[ies. ..a .a chow[der]'grmthr........................
blu]e be u[ndone. is all. don]e is all. ......................
Mat. ta[ble Sunday[. re]d......., corn[ma..................
F]lour][ishes . lies]Silver. the where. the................
Ro]ot[. much[ too. .. ma]keCa]n’t[ yo]u .that.........
p[ast. ]a a.vis[iongt grandmother gran'daddy....etc

2. Way. my going. anon.
stAnon going my way....
Vision past that youc.
an’t make upToo much.
root where the. silverl..
ies.flour shesCornma...
red. Sunday table. mat
SundayAll..undone all..
undone .blue.chowder..

Time a chowderblue be......
undone. is all. done is all...
Mat. table Sunday. red.......,
cornmaFlourishes . lies.......
Silver. the where. thawhat...
Root. much too. .. make.......
Can’t you .that past. a.a.....

Way. my going. STanon..........,
that you can’t make up.............
Too much. root where ..............
the. silver lies flourishes...........

Cornma. red. Sunday table......
. mat SundayAll..undone all.....
undone .blue...........................
flies. flies..................................,

..a a chowder.............................
undone. is all. done is all. .......
Mat. table Sunday. red.......,co.
maFlourishes . liesSilver. thaw.
here. theRoot. much too. .. make
Can’t you .that past. a................

Way. my going...........................
. anon...........................................
t tht yo can’ mke u.....................p
Too much.Anon gog way.........
Vison pst that yu canakeup.....
Touch. roAon ging mayVision
past that you can’t make up....
Too much. root wherever lies....
flourishesCornma. red. SunA...
on going my wayVispast that...
you can’t make upToo much....
root where ilver ieslourishCom..
a. red. Sunday table. maunday..

All..undone all unAnon going...........
my wayVispast hat you can’tmup......
Too much. root where the. silverlie....
flourishesCora. red. unday tab. mada
All..undoall u/Ann going my waysion
past that you can’t make upToo much
. rot here he. ver lierishesCo. red. Sun
day table. mat Su ayAll..undonnon goi
nag my way past that you can’tupToo
much. root where liesCor. reSun table...
mat SunAll..undone all undone .blue...
chowdnon going mysion past that yip.
u can’t make much. rot her he. siler lies.
flourCorn.ed. day able. at SunAll..und..
neall done .blue.chonon gong may pas.
that you Too much. root where the. silt.
verse lies flourishes red. e. mat Sunday. .
All..undone all undone .bluder.flies.Tim

Timon go mayson asthat you can makeup.
Too much. root where the. silver lies flour..
Cornma. red. Sunday table. mat Sundays...
All..undone all undone .blue.chow.flies.....

Time flies. ..a aAnon going my way
Vision past that you can’t make up
Too much. root where the. silver lie
fishes. red. commaday stabat Sunda
All..undone all undone .clue.chow.
blue be undis all. doll. Mat. table S
non gomway Visat you can’t make
upTouch. rot were he. liver lies flo
Cornma. red.All..done all undone lies. ..a a chor
lue bundone. sall. one is tab
Sunred......., cornma . liesSilver. the
whon go my waVis past that you
canake pupoo much. root where he
. sillies flour Cornred. Sunday table
. mat SundayAll..undone all undone.
fishes . lies the won gomay Vismake
upToo much. romoot where the. sills
flo n' Sunday table. mat Sun
All..undone all undone .chowies.

Time flies. ..a a chowder.................
blue be undone. is all. done is all...
Mat. table Sunday. red......., cornma
Flourishes . lies....................................
Silver. the whAnon going my way....
Vision past that you can’t make up....
Too much. root where the. silver lies flourishes
Cornma. red. Sunday table. mat Sunday...........
All..undone all undone .blue..........................

. lies..........................................................................
Silver. the where. the.............................................
Root. much too. .. make.........................................
Can’t you .that past. a...........................................

. Sunday table. mat Sunday..
All..undone all undone .blue.

Sunday. red......., cornma
Flourishes . lies...............
Silver. the where. the......
Root. much too. .. make..
Can’t you .that past. a....

Way. my going...............
. anon...............................
Root. much too. .. make
Can’t you .that past. a

. anon.............................
here. the.........................
Root. much too. .. make
.that past. a.....................

Way. my going..............
. ano................................
ere. the...........................
Root. ere........................

Way. going..................
. anon............................
. red......., cornma..........
he where. the.................
Root. much too. .. make
Can’t past. a..................

Way. my going.............
. . .. make.........................
Can’t you .that past. a..

Way. my going.............
. anon.............................
Silver. the where. the...
Root. much too. .. make
Can’t you .that past. a..

Way. my...........................

.me flies. ..a a chow.der....
blue be undone. is all......
done is all. Mat.past. a....

Way. my going non.........

.that past. a........................

ay. my going.......................
. on.......................................
e all.......................................

Time flies. ..a a powder......
blue bepast. a.sion............

Way. my going...................
. on n'done .glue................

Flour.fishes . lies................
Silver. the where. the.........
Root..that past. a...............

Way. my gong. andone .

Time fli. ..ablue be past. a..

. undone .blue......................

Time dies. ..a a choer............
Flour . liesSilvhe where. the.
Root. much ...........................

Way. my going......................
. .
able. at Sunday......................

Mat. tab. Su.. red......., cornma
Silver. the..................................
Root. . a....................................
gong nontabes. mat SunyAll..u
n'done all undone .blue..........

Till. do is alat. table Sunday. .......
red......., cornmaCan’t you .past. a

Way. my going.................................
. ano...................................................

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