)bomb glob( )knock gland( )tool(
)jut( )whump foot( )corner scandal(
)jerk plot( )spool load( )neck(
)yet( )center stool( )dung bone(
)buy feeler( )crown butt( )lex(
Dirt Knoll
(swifter) (shoe loot) (bog lock)
(rot tool) (luggage hair) (jut)
(blot) (role furnace) (sole glistens)
(news birth) (plan soaker) (foils)
(jumper) (joins armpit) (inhale heaven)
● the kidneys the dust ● lake defect ●
● suit shutter )calm( ● ratted corner ●
● ah dog horizon ● plenitude and flocking ●
● flack blister now ● sacks of lids ●
● closer to my dry ● plopping arm ●
.. read the soak .. plucky gun ..
.. grasping turning cragging .. bit nut ..
.. jest itcher ,flies .. god napkin ..
.. fister insecticide .. stun ,shot ..
.. brack torn sigh .. sure wobbles hot ..
kiss the murtal .)(. foggy floater
stopping the cloke .)(. butter gnat
loomer beast your .)(. hand swallow
murciélago de culo .)(. wand soap
why my your slung one .)(. lobe bunter
The Floater
dark shot your lens (.) boomer bloom
my hanky floats across (.) your skull lint
bean and flood thought (.) hog the cough
aspic and a pants shadow (.) smote through
insolación y multitud de (.) sondearme
texts that change the conscious parameters of literature, both for readers and writers. from a different angle than these, r.p. blackmur adds: 'poetry: [is] ...language so twisted and posed in a form that...it adds to the stock of available reality.' formerly edited by peter ganick. send texts to Volodymyr Bilyk at ex.ex.lit@gmail.com for consideration...
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
poem || Anny Ballardini
Black Boots
Good soft leather Italian Fashion
tubular, slightly pointed, solid
stable heels,
about 2-300 euros, like nothing.
That the price of your father’s imminent death,
a pair of Black shining boots
on fashion, Italian style,
a shimmer of satisfaction as if stolen from
the glittering windows of a central shop,
the act of purchase:
a frozen strawberry that melts
on your carefully glossed lips,
a sparkle of defiance in your eyes,
your eyebrows stiffed high.
The more I know you,
the more your remind me of the Nazis,
the much you said you despised them.
Pasolini would have chosen you
as his main character in Sodom and Gomorrah,
had he only met you.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
two pomes || Billy Bob Beamer
ge[ne]sis[lo]uver[1 ][1-5] [re]is[sue]
[gen[]esi[s 1] 9[-]1[3]
led]th[e] dr[ylan]dear[than]dth[ewa]ters[th]atwe[
]dit[was]sot]hee[arth] [bro]ugh]tfort[hveg[etatio]n
e[wasm]or[ning]athir[d[da]y ]wa]ter[sun]de[rth]e[[
[gen[]esi[s 1] 9[-]1[3]
led]th[e] dr[ylan]dear[than]dth[ewa]ters[th]atwe[
]dit[was]sot]hee[arth] [bro]ugh]tfort[hveg[etatio]n
e[wasm]or[ning]athir[d[da]y ]wa]ter[sun]de[rth]e[[
haibun || Sheila E. Murphy
When it rains onscreen on field, it is our rain. Cold within the home, I wish a fireplace for the players. Warm food, fellowship, as if my own. We read new research showing where psychopathy and business risk are joined. Outside of here, the weather constantly perfects itself. Lures players from a wide range of locations. Spectators, as well. I watch the wet ball cross the wet field, teams earn a host of quite unlikely scores. What registers is our success, claimed over decades of participation by association. From my childhood home, the short path to the field earned resilience over time. Tonight, darkness anoints the home with comfortable legroom. One sews; one draws. The heat pours wall to wall, despite the lingering feeling of cold. I read by heart. I watch action figures preen along appointed places on the field. In the space beyond the boundaries of the game, orchestral rests leave measures of thought open to the instruments guarded on the field by plastic sheets.
Distance traveled by the mind, a body gradually imagined, place-based levity after intensity
When it rains onscreen on field, it is our rain. Cold within the home, I wish a fireplace for the players. Warm food, fellowship, as if my own. We read new research showing where psychopathy and business risk are joined. Outside of here, the weather constantly perfects itself. Lures players from a wide range of locations. Spectators, as well. I watch the wet ball cross the wet field, teams earn a host of quite unlikely scores. What registers is our success, claimed over decades of participation by association. From my childhood home, the short path to the field earned resilience over time. Tonight, darkness anoints the home with comfortable legroom. One sews; one draws. The heat pours wall to wall, despite the lingering feeling of cold. I read by heart. I watch action figures preen along appointed places on the field. In the space beyond the boundaries of the game, orchestral rests leave measures of thought open to the instruments guarded on the field by plastic sheets.
Distance traveled by the mind, a body gradually imagined, place-based levity after intensity
Saturday, November 27, 2010
haibun || Sheila E. Murphy
As Happens
Often free of winter, she enclosed her breakneck speed toward a release of heart. The tropics interceded in the way a wash of salt sea crashed toward the body as it toe tapped at the shore. A line of code might have spawned withholding. Never mind the unintended innocence. A mirrored capstone notified bewildered eyesight. Upstart feelings colocated with imparted breath. No wonder everyone was drawn to love the few cues. The gilded requisite apparel named each target after a concentric set of adages. As though embroidered from the start. As image stored its a cappella circumstance in memory. A chill around the motion scheduled on her chart.
Deciduous emotion, caritas caught from afar, brought close
Often free of winter, she enclosed her breakneck speed toward a release of heart. The tropics interceded in the way a wash of salt sea crashed toward the body as it toe tapped at the shore. A line of code might have spawned withholding. Never mind the unintended innocence. A mirrored capstone notified bewildered eyesight. Upstart feelings colocated with imparted breath. No wonder everyone was drawn to love the few cues. The gilded requisite apparel named each target after a concentric set of adages. As though embroidered from the start. As image stored its a cappella circumstance in memory. A chill around the motion scheduled on her chart.
Deciduous emotion, caritas caught from afar, brought close
Friday, November 26, 2010
two pomes || Billy Bob Beamer
ge]n[e]sis 1[ 6-8]
[an]dg[ods]aid[let[t[her[ebe]a[firm]am[ent]in[ ] t]
[ters]fro[mthe]wa[ters]an[dgo]dm[ade]th[efir]m a
[deth]efirm[amen]tfro[mth]ewat[ersw]hich[wer][ e
abo[ve]th]efir]ma[men]tan]dit[wa]s[s]oan[dgo]d c
a[l]led[ t[he]firm[am]en]thea[ven]an[dth]ere[wa] s
ge[nesi]s [1] 1]4[-]1[8 ]
[an]d]go[dsai[d]let[t]he[reb]elig[ht]sin[t]hefi[rm a
m]ent[o]fth[ehe]ave[nsto]sep[ar]ate[t]he[da]yf [
ro]m[th]en[igh]tan[dlet]the[mbe]fo[rsi]gns[an] d
fo[rsea[sons]an[dfo]rda[ysan]dye[arsa]nd[l e t] t
he[mb]elig[hts]inth[efir]mam[ent]oft[he]heav[e n
]stog[ive]ligh[tup]o[nth]e[ear]tha[ndit]was[so ]a n
[dgo]dma[d]ethe[two]grea[tlig]htst[he]grea[ter] li
gh[t]tor[ule]th[eda]yan[dt]hel[esse]r]lig[ht]tor[[ u
le]th[en]igh[th]ema[det]he[star]sals[oan]dgods e
t[th]emi[n]t]he[fir]ma[me]nt[o]f[th]e[he]ave[ n s[ t
o][ g[ive]lig]htup[on]the[ear]thto[r]ul e[o] ve r[t h]]
eda[yan]dove[rthe]nigh[tan]dtose[parate]th[el i g]
htfr[om]th[eda]rkn[es]sa[nd]go[d]sa[wth] ati t[ a]
[wa]sgoo[d [es]sa[nd]go[d]sa[wth]atit[s] g o oti[][
[an]dg[ods]aid[let[t[her[ebe]a[firm]am[ent]in[ ] t]
[ters]fro[mthe]wa[ters]an[dgo]dm[ade]th[efir]m a
[deth]efirm[amen]tfro[mth]ewat[ersw]hich[wer][ e
abo[ve]th]efir]ma[men]tan]dit[wa]s[s]oan[dgo]d c
a[l]led[ t[he]firm[am]en]thea[ven]an[dth]ere[wa] s
ge[nesi]s [1] 1]4[-]1[8 ]
[an]d]go[dsai[d]let[t]he[reb]elig[ht]sin[t]hefi[rm a
m]ent[o]fth[ehe]ave[nsto]sep[ar]ate[t]he[da]yf [
ro]m[th]en[igh]tan[dlet]the[mbe]fo[rsi]gns[an] d
fo[rsea[sons]an[dfo]rda[ysan]dye[arsa]nd[l e t] t
he[mb]elig[hts]inth[efir]mam[ent]oft[he]heav[e n
]stog[ive]ligh[tup]o[nth]e[ear]tha[ndit]was[so ]a n
[dgo]dma[d]ethe[two]grea[tlig]htst[he]grea[ter] li
gh[t]tor[ule]th[eda]yan[dt]hel[esse]r]lig[ht]tor[[ u
le]th[en]igh[th]ema[det]he[star]sals[oan]dgods e
t[th]emi[n]t]he[fir]ma[me]nt[o]f[th]e[he]ave[ n s[ t
o][ g[ive]lig]htup[on]the[ear]thto[r]ul e[o] ve r[t h]]
eda[yan]dove[rthe]nigh[tan]dtose[parate]th[el i g]
htfr[om]th[eda]rkn[es]sa[nd]go[d]sa[wth] ati t[ a]
[wa]sgoo[d [es]sa[nd]go[d]sa[wth]atit[s] g o oti[][
from 'text' || Peter Ganick
2122 numbers weevil spatulas inordinately northern surreal frisson each least notification whoever grasp itness skeletal shell familiarity game placebo intolerance otherwise alternatives deliver rome atmospheric dusty sitters each tinctures alias nothingness washer avenue windscreen therein spacious tattoo spatula the rediffering alacrity ousia thrall orison sat noon.
2123 agama prelude otherwise root material directory acme orison vanishing cellars skies there eac- vedette miraculous torrents packing stet vielle tiramisu etruscan nothin- waits no howevers lament seizures plectrum leis winter shell thorough thensome attitu- met chlorides.
2124 whoever shard eras presume torrent liters gitane gypsy yammering fire nth signatures elevator neighborhood pat domicilar lagoon musty waterfallen vendor lapdog enough.
2125 so glyphic elites meander egoic lingua franca thereof sudden eglise ontic lite ebbs either noon scrimmages thumbing rhetoric alternatives maintenance otherwise pandora eclat vanish.
2126 waltz quality zoom parlance longterm possibilities titulary going joiners either glam returnee vigilance humorous kitsch terra ironic firmament scrap itemizers medes amidst operaptives least number thimble rim soapbox maelstroms vouchsafes tine klepto vindaloo.
2127 niter sample tonnage reification whole fife mirroring word each originant smattering only smarting saab incertain clime torrentous northern pallet vendor salted viewpoints merrily language for algorithm language reverts slightly press spoken each other witnesse- ambit game plane ritornello thumbing slater envision relapses mutter slight viewpointillismistic evade sop.
2128 there sop tinroof each stampede bituminous reought signature evenings site each namers elevator scumble relata curious rhombus settlements arundel bottom forest startle upstart envoi lapis grammatical board game placent bird frozen stump brusque jasmine slack opaque.
2129 yet urtext salute frequent greet aorist veno diet aite eins reat ieto ireo leit veir eite isle iten reae vine riem noes itne reol feie tere eite elsewise thrall envoi sudden poets sitting room conscious tira lemma practice othering wassail booted images tentative leas persist evening amulet convoy innocence latte maroon seize lapdog slump cellwise there frenetic lasso rooms.
2130 so mulling at demur eons demigod etc mitten ensconse tete notific- treo- oe- nru- each novice entour essent recall sandeesh there societal response earlies- tiramiralira elixir openers.
2131 treated notificati- utteranc- bille- consciousness where itemize camouflage rhetorical symbiosis thrall presume apres motions wildflowers deterrence matter inner salting rooftops engulf caisso- pang campaign stepvan whichever not existen- other systematic lucidity each witnessing frame each liaison literal conscious enfolding surmounts egoic lamentations elapse.
2132 genetic nomin- shot north etern- smelter medes notebook effig- apparent snide malleability wavelength inner gnomic itemizations wielding surface guardian seldom ratifies.
2134 neither ancilliary border simulacrum others treadmills washout near gnostic valence thorogh suddens itemiz- prema centrism eons later a later middle issue terrier nevada tented midstream culpable icing language degrees where stump a lot bass rooftop aegis matelot growl.
2123 agama prelude otherwise root material directory acme orison vanishing cellars skies there eac- vedette miraculous torrents packing stet vielle tiramisu etruscan nothin- waits no howevers lament seizures plectrum leis winter shell thorough thensome attitu- met chlorides.
2124 whoever shard eras presume torrent liters gitane gypsy yammering fire nth signatures elevator neighborhood pat domicilar lagoon musty waterfallen vendor lapdog enough.
2125 so glyphic elites meander egoic lingua franca thereof sudden eglise ontic lite ebbs either noon scrimmages thumbing rhetoric alternatives maintenance otherwise pandora eclat vanish.
2126 waltz quality zoom parlance longterm possibilities titulary going joiners either glam returnee vigilance humorous kitsch terra ironic firmament scrap itemizers medes amidst operaptives least number thimble rim soapbox maelstroms vouchsafes tine klepto vindaloo.
2127 niter sample tonnage reification whole fife mirroring word each originant smattering only smarting saab incertain clime torrentous northern pallet vendor salted viewpoints merrily language for algorithm language reverts slightly press spoken each other witnesse- ambit game plane ritornello thumbing slater envision relapses mutter slight viewpointillismistic evade sop.
2128 there sop tinroof each stampede bituminous reought signature evenings site each namers elevator scumble relata curious rhombus settlements arundel bottom forest startle upstart envoi lapis grammatical board game placent bird frozen stump brusque jasmine slack opaque.
2129 yet urtext salute frequent greet aorist veno diet aite eins reat ieto ireo leit veir eite isle iten reae vine riem noes itne reol feie tere eite elsewise thrall envoi sudden poets sitting room conscious tira lemma practice othering wassail booted images tentative leas persist evening amulet convoy innocence latte maroon seize lapdog slump cellwise there frenetic lasso rooms.
2130 so mulling at demur eons demigod etc mitten ensconse tete notific- treo- oe- nru- each novice entour essent recall sandeesh there societal response earlies- tiramiralira elixir openers.
2131 treated notificati- utteranc- bille- consciousness where itemize camouflage rhetorical symbiosis thrall presume apres motions wildflowers deterrence matter inner salting rooftops engulf caisso- pang campaign stepvan whichever not existen- other systematic lucidity each witnessing frame each liaison literal conscious enfolding surmounts egoic lamentations elapse.
2132 genetic nomin- shot north etern- smelter medes notebook effig- apparent snide malleability wavelength inner gnomic itemizations wielding surface guardian seldom ratifies.
2134 neither ancilliary border simulacrum others treadmills washout near gnostic valence thorogh suddens itemiz- prema centrism eons later a later middle issue terrier nevada tented midstream culpable icing language degrees where stump a lot bass rooftop aegis matelot growl.
five texts || Felino A. Soriano
Approbations 788
—after Anthony Braxton’s Impressions
Your spoken
glances of my opening articulation
an of dawn
reinvention monotone calamity stilled fire resumes
morning’s excavated summer eyes.
You become
sliced renditions of silvery red
caressing an air’s lazy fulcrum
manifest observation:
breath oddity
stammering falsetto glimmering echo
that of
conscious conscientious remedy of regatherings.
Approbations 789
—after Anthony Braxton’s 118A Intervallic
Intermission deviant spectrum façade moribund
visceral components of exacerbated disbeliefs.
Last of featured
components: musical and wind’s
symbolic cymbals
altruistic variances of
prevalence tone of betwixt cultural deities
sermonizing faculties of faith’s
Approbations 790
—after Anthony Braxton’s Brilliant Corners
a woven blend
beautiful paths
leading pivots of
hibernating illume
learned silence of octagonal consent
roaming thus
vagabond of incessant enunciation
communicating into rewound
deft upon findings a
desolate misadventure fathoming
paradoxical newness.
Approbations 791
—after Microkingdom’s Yesterday’s Wizard
Warped wearing
slashed prophecies (noon awake thought noon’s drowse proclaimed after- image commencement)
held his seared apologetic scepter
removing gilded dust evaporated slanting of
portioned exacting
wondering of where thrusts of mirages
burgeon into factual denigration.
Cares who then
wanting attention
modes of whole variances
back into
wearing hope and faith’s mismatching dialogue
explaining harmony’s fallacious juxtaposition.
Approbations 792
—after Circle’s Duet
Tandem’s two-fold
multifarious organisms
predetermined hearsay of
highlighting functions now
knowing upon empirical
paradigmatic statistics. Together two fathoms’ physiognomy locates
eyes of wanting glare
positioning wanderers of placid desire
culminating tried remuneration of
stalled stentorian hanker
residing bridged tongued acclimation postulating notion.
haibun || Sheila E. Murphy
He makes his way into the place where he feels loved. He used to husband his possessions. He has allowed the place to leave him, as he drifts into the thought of chance. The noise, the indecision, the amenities, the having-in-common, and the not-having. Penitence might come alongside wincing. Shadowboxing with the storehouse of procedures. He expertly thinks, and then abandons who he once was. People know his face to be that promising young adventurist. With shoulders squared in dignity. He used to love the smartest woman's fluency, until she dropped. She fell to how his shadow left the road. The cropping of the path, as if a photograph that grayed. A distant sortie watered by inclement daytime. Now his loneliness is whiled away in secret or in public. No one cares, he tells himself, if he remembers who he is. Now his woman drinks her way home. Veering along the hotel hallway, from one wall to the one across. He would relate this tale in jest, as if not to care although it pierced the pride he carried in his heart. If he could seem to brush away chagrin, some individual might find a new home in his heart. They might create a feeling and allow it to become a place. He might revise the only self he knows. From scratch, when anything felt possible, with or against the odds.
Uneven sentiment, decision tree no longer flowering, a walk, a stopping point, the walking longer
He makes his way into the place where he feels loved. He used to husband his possessions. He has allowed the place to leave him, as he drifts into the thought of chance. The noise, the indecision, the amenities, the having-in-common, and the not-having. Penitence might come alongside wincing. Shadowboxing with the storehouse of procedures. He expertly thinks, and then abandons who he once was. People know his face to be that promising young adventurist. With shoulders squared in dignity. He used to love the smartest woman's fluency, until she dropped. She fell to how his shadow left the road. The cropping of the path, as if a photograph that grayed. A distant sortie watered by inclement daytime. Now his loneliness is whiled away in secret or in public. No one cares, he tells himself, if he remembers who he is. Now his woman drinks her way home. Veering along the hotel hallway, from one wall to the one across. He would relate this tale in jest, as if not to care although it pierced the pride he carried in his heart. If he could seem to brush away chagrin, some individual might find a new home in his heart. They might create a feeling and allow it to become a place. He might revise the only self he knows. From scratch, when anything felt possible, with or against the odds.
Uneven sentiment, decision tree no longer flowering, a walk, a stopping point, the walking longer
Thursday, November 25, 2010
pome || Billy Bob Beamer
pome 11 20 10
here touch amatchupsilence
dreams that strikeevery hour
on the hr if ever sleepworked
a tour blindly. on..go..go..on
the coverclosed eas...y
banishment dea.r.th..of
grass.a..cross the yard
a mis.plac..ed sailb.oat
wa.ves of blu..e mounta
ins.....kille...d ear..l..y
how \two/lives\touch/
here touch amatchupsilence
dreams that strikeevery hour
on the hr if ever sleepworked
a tour blindly. on..go..go..on
the coverclosed eas...y
banishment dea.r.th..of
grass.a..cross the yard
a mis.plac..ed sailb.oat
wa.ves of blu..e mounta
ins.....kille...d ear..l..y
how \two/lives\touch/
text || Maria Damon and Alan Sondheim
Maria Damon and Alan Sondheim
a re nish d . un workable ar O e t a her s side, Lit . vak, not peason
antry but busie ness folks. F hem le mi lea is lear str e y d and t
u b rns l s to u tow r towa r owar e wards d , a fan t a mol s ole i lec
a ecu cular o i f n sma malap small r c o ap p s s , a nd h TWO M o , l a
h d
ow to j m us i t x me nts wat . ers f for examples S . Small ca p is an
A inves A t A c m A ca ent in A c t A y po a c g a ca r p a
ph is y w o h f a t a o c cc e u r r t s ai
n on k to in
d someth . in . g . stt opping
topping som A et A hing A s els A st e A stopg ap is a cap and thr bells.
on cats, blocking mice in bleared unworkab
l a e ats i a n re be as lls an caps will never catch mice. Mice are u t
un ra unle gi ss c, of c a c ts ou rse a t h r e e pr c o m
i d a l s is is a ca s a l a w . a warn ing, M N Mice are K com o e r s e
t a ib ' l s e , bombar c d ats me nt are , e co v m er b yo u n s e t i
sh b l shou e l . d r r notice the text begins to ris N e Ni t Nic o Nice
t he top is in r r Par Franm ce, s not so K somet o i re m a es these
spaces a pear a s b odie Korea s, typing above . and b r r elow r r The
text s so somet i i me s s as sus sp pe ension br b i u d b g bl e ing t
dges o t s, he top wiht i c a e l l or t oth othe r
w is j e , whil c e o n al
n l e cting N it i s c e to t
M re a asure l s t a s ' in s k
t r r f o t fa he falc botto o r r bottom r r r
r Sometimes a text is c r cr ea cra ll crash y e o d n l t y o w a a rs
text, a bl ank d et s
fo b r ottoms, submerge cer d ebr , a
l w r r ar b m but t
h if r r a c co te cov x cove t cover in i g s really j th us e t se n a
se s te x l t i , k t e h en what of w o t o ha l t len , if
a ci gar is l j e u n s t a ci r r cigar, la th c e e n th w at h
at t o r f a t s he p s moke ,
c ancer, p s man a p tur s ure the b ody r r ' ba 's n sub 's merged 's
o en 's own t er he p at rises r r the body of r r
the text wo woo t wool r e ap n s
its la o c w e n s t eem h s, N
i ce hea , t a co n t di iction in terms, n e at h e ear n
t by mice r r , rough i in t in o in i in it t s h e m r r t o to u tou t
touc h h , the mouth of the text r r r
r should noti w c wo e wool r r inside, in i s its i its o p w i n d w s
i p th a in c e t s he , m outh, cl i o t t ' ti s ng the wound t s of a l
b an o
g ve uage nes , s b a u n t d
t b ha l t o r r w just soun d
s too e p l oe o t w i n c r r e t s to s too r r too pretentio i u it s
it's r r d t its its its die ha r dn x e s p s h a i n l d o it s s o phi
bl c owhardness r r r r in all directions, c t l to o too t too tti too p
ng oe , ti c in , a l n l o d t irectio n at a s ll , t r r he si t l to e
too n too cin too p g r e of langua t g e e n , s N iou s, K r r Kore p a
s s il d e u n ci tout ng the r r
south, what n n no ow no, it's p r r hysical, p n pa ot pad a d b e s s t
r d a e ct u , x the e s clotting and the r r a st ab o abso p r p b in s
g , t t he h r r e ca b capp l cappi o ng o and blood the bl
ee d i n g , t h e t rap p in g an d the l caul i ing tt r r le, / the
the r h es e
p m on o se g and th l e obin, what does th r r that say about the body's
surging r r silence of the North resp . onse r r t r r o surgi S ng Su
Sur an Surg d Surge t a he n d s ilen s c ea e r o g f e th e b o dy, r r
r g r r eant it's her , e , s I er t e hink ge i , s a woo
l wonders , clot
h alw r r ays wonderin s g, sta fo stan r e stanch x i a n m g p t l he e
s , t
ai f n iv s e minute r r s after r r i die, what will Azure see, where
will she turn r r we all i hav i e i d t i do h e n s o e t thin b g se ba
a e bar b barr u barri t arriers g
a t e s , filled n b k y fi a c b ti o o u n t s m o y f
d p ea aa t r h a r r dise i i do
n o thing abou p t my d eath pa r r ra a d al i all s all e, all i o ne
th e e d r t g o a do te i e
s s , u r r p ag d agh a agha te s t my will r r r r other o i or se or
or y ur othe othes F othe a other c s e ie boo k w pa i g se e i'm good to
g r r o, as they say i r
r i want to rema p in pa scr pas e pas aaming, pas d t e e th f ered, d u
o n o t f i u l s the last gl r r uon releases the last q r r quark and
the last pro n to r r n e es decay e s at the end o e f es est-ce an d s p
o fo a rth s r r the paws that patter out the type re r r remain and find
o i ut il ili w ilik h ilike at th is h ap t pen e s the re alw d a n y e
s ss r r togetherness but s r r epar t a te te tetrah n e e d ss on r r s
of m ha me p me a p me abo e ve n r r i ng ou K th r r tha me th ab t
above or th you tho thou
b elo b w e o l r y o o w u below r r o i r i i above r r
me abov y e you r r or you b el o w above and me b r r elow nev neve o
never r meeting both of us b e a l c o r w ro r r ss s o s or s or s or bo
th t h a e b lin ov e e, too r
r much ante in the i t r r transfixed acr thrwa ward t the page r r the
speed of typing is the depth of r r
W th Wh o Wha u What g What' h s t a - go q l Qui u ne on? r r r r parti
T articl Too ticle Too l i o t f t l t e h e p the s a he st r e str a
stro d stron i trong s for o c , e too h o m l u
d c i h n g qu i a nf rk er s n
o to , geth r r er just t he m r a i k g i h n t g neu a t m r o o u ns
n t a n o d f pu pr r oton a r r protons rel a g t a i t vely o st r a i b
a le in the a o r r an oratoria r r o of persuasion r r the speed of
thought is the death of typing - And r r r r my h thought smove s move
slowly and jubl mbledly r r ju m jubi my jubil ati my t on
houugh t is i s n t i n u tia
e my r r mine are jumbled likee the
i t i he i w n i wi e i win w c e s of w t h w e a n r e e fi v lt e e r
r i i s ha e v e e t f ha o t r i' v v i e d e u o se
, d r e th a e r w r o a r n
d ging r r fra r r frames r r , breaking d " ie "d g "dt e "dtet s "dte
i "dt s "d , "
e "e "d i "de s "det sor "detr dering it us
" is o o r r d er " ing e e verything
h , eve t h p he mer n a l the " mos f t o r b t a he s
ic s ump i t ght e enth o t r i r r m s e sit site r r in a man r r
uscript ju jubi th l at' a s tio n as
is s in
e t d r u as m pets, in a m a uscript as d ated as the four theenth ce ol
n as t t u re r r in sp a n
last month's milk r r carton r r and then som w e who r r who went out
with last month's milk carto T n? Tru
i Trum didn' Trump t e k t n s ow an
i d t da c te a d - lari r r ons r r o
r a m ar may ari aybe ar a d
idn' t go
out, actually ju
st rem l aine la d lar , larion si e mm e
r ing a m n e d t s tur ni n g cool nets and crumpet r r s r r you now i
no in w in th h e w S h w a hat p ' ed R s Roo com m ing men next, right?
r r ,
wro ng r r Kind hearts and cror oronets r r h St Stra th Stray h o r med
to n p s u t a n a d ut an cr an en o d t o t
he o dia lo c g, o r i n l e
l ts y , O S r tr ne ay tte h s
orn n r r otwithstanding r r r r talk: connection requested by
K # Ytalk Error #
K # #
K # onnection from unexpected host! #
####################################### ----- r r
----------------------------= YTalk version ..
=----------------------------- r r Message from Talk_aemon@panix.panix.com
####################################### # Ytalk Error # r r # # #
onnection from unexpected host! # #######################################
----------------------------= YTalk version ..
=----------------------------- mine are jumbled like the new software
filter i have for video, rearranging frames, breaking diegesis,
disordering everything, even the most basic sight or site jubilation is in
trumpets, in a manuscript as dated as the fourtheenth centure in spain who
went out with last month's milk carton? i didn't know it dated - or maybe
didn't go out, actually just remained, simmering and turning cool in the
L-Shaped Room, wrong that seemed to put an end to the dialog, illy
Strayhorn notwithstanding ------- i wince whenever i see that i've used
the word "detritus" or "ephemeral" for the umpteenth time in a manuscript
that's as dated aslast month's milk carton and then some Trumpets and
clarions larinets and crumpets you know what's coming next, right? Kind
hearts and coronets Stray horns and cornets, Ornettes "detritus" or
"ephemeral" for the umpteenth time in a manuscript that's as dated aslast
month's milk carton and then some Trumpets and clarions larinets and
crumpets you know what's coming next, right? Kind hearts and coronets
Stray horns and cornets, Ornettes ?l >$ exit Script done on Wed Nov ::
Maria Damon and Alan Sondheim
a re nish d . un workable ar O e t a her s side, Lit . vak, not peason
antry but busie ness folks. F hem le mi lea is lear str e y d and t
u b rns l s to u tow r towa r owar e wards d , a fan t a mol s ole i lec
a ecu cular o i f n sma malap small r c o ap p s s , a nd h TWO M o , l a
h d
ow to j m us i t x me nts wat . ers f for examples S . Small ca p is an
A inves A t A c m A ca ent in A c t A y po a c g a ca r p a
ph is y w o h f a t a o c cc e u r r t s ai
n on k to in
d someth . in . g . stt opping
topping som A et A hing A s els A st e A stopg ap is a cap and thr bells.
on cats, blocking mice in bleared unworkab
l a e ats i a n re be as lls an caps will never catch mice. Mice are u t
un ra unle gi ss c, of c a c ts ou rse a t h r e e pr c o m
i d a l s is is a ca s a l a w . a warn ing, M N Mice are K com o e r s e
t a ib ' l s e , bombar c d ats me nt are , e co v m er b yo u n s e t i
sh b l shou e l . d r r notice the text begins to ris N e Ni t Nic o Nice
t he top is in r r Par Franm ce, s not so K somet o i re m a es these
spaces a pear a s b odie Korea s, typing above . and b r r elow r r The
text s so somet i i me s s as sus sp pe ension br b i u d b g bl e ing t
dges o t s, he top wiht i c a e l l or t oth othe r
w is j e , whil c e o n al
n l e cting N it i s c e to t
M re a asure l s t a s ' in s k
t r r f o t fa he falc botto o r r bottom r r r
r Sometimes a text is c r cr ea cra ll crash y e o d n l t y o w a a rs
text, a bl ank d et s
fo b r ottoms, submerge cer d ebr , a
l w r r ar b m but t
h if r r a c co te cov x cove t cover in i g s really j th us e t se n a
se s te x l t i , k t e h en what of w o t o ha l t len , if
a ci gar is l j e u n s t a ci r r cigar, la th c e e n th w at h
at t o r f a t s he p s moke ,
c ancer, p s man a p tur s ure the b ody r r ' ba 's n sub 's merged 's
o en 's own t er he p at rises r r the body of r r
the text wo woo t wool r e ap n s
its la o c w e n s t eem h s, N
i ce hea , t a co n t di iction in terms, n e at h e ear n
t by mice r r , rough i in t in o in i in it t s h e m r r t o to u tou t
touc h h , the mouth of the text r r r
r should noti w c wo e wool r r inside, in i s its i its o p w i n d w s
i p th a in c e t s he , m outh, cl i o t t ' ti s ng the wound t s of a l
b an o
g ve uage nes , s b a u n t d
t b ha l t o r r w just soun d
s too e p l oe o t w i n c r r e t s to s too r r too pretentio i u it s
it's r r d t its its its die ha r dn x e s p s h a i n l d o it s s o phi
bl c owhardness r r r r in all directions, c t l to o too t too tti too p
ng oe , ti c in , a l n l o d t irectio n at a s ll , t r r he si t l to e
too n too cin too p g r e of langua t g e e n , s N iou s, K r r Kore p a
s s il d e u n ci tout ng the r r
south, what n n no ow no, it's p r r hysical, p n pa ot pad a d b e s s t
r d a e ct u , x the e s clotting and the r r a st ab o abso p r p b in s
g , t t he h r r e ca b capp l cappi o ng o and blood the bl
ee d i n g , t h e t rap p in g an d the l caul i ing tt r r le, / the
the r h es e
p m on o se g and th l e obin, what does th r r that say about the body's
surging r r silence of the North resp . onse r r t r r o surgi S ng Su
Sur an Surg d Surge t a he n d s ilen s c ea e r o g f e th e b o dy, r r
r g r r eant it's her , e , s I er t e hink ge i , s a woo
l wonders , clot
h alw r r ays wonderin s g, sta fo stan r e stanch x i a n m g p t l he e
s , t
ai f n iv s e minute r r s after r r i die, what will Azure see, where
will she turn r r we all i hav i e i d t i do h e n s o e t thin b g se ba
a e bar b barr u barri t arriers g
a t e s , filled n b k y fi a c b ti o o u n t s m o y f
d p ea aa t r h a r r dise i i do
n o thing abou p t my d eath pa r r ra a d al i all s all e, all i o ne
th e e d r t g o a do te i e
s s , u r r p ag d agh a agha te s t my will r r r r other o i or se or
or y ur othe othes F othe a other c s e ie boo k w pa i g se e i'm good to
g r r o, as they say i r
r i want to rema p in pa scr pas e pas aaming, pas d t e e th f ered, d u
o n o t f i u l s the last gl r r uon releases the last q r r quark and
the last pro n to r r n e es decay e s at the end o e f es est-ce an d s p
o fo a rth s r r the paws that patter out the type re r r remain and find
o i ut il ili w ilik h ilike at th is h ap t pen e s the re alw d a n y e
s ss r r togetherness but s r r epar t a te te tetrah n e e d ss on r r s
of m ha me p me a p me abo e ve n r r i ng ou K th r r tha me th ab t
above or th you tho thou
b elo b w e o l r y o o w u below r r o i r i i above r r
me abov y e you r r or you b el o w above and me b r r elow nev neve o
never r meeting both of us b e a l c o r w ro r r ss s o s or s or s or bo
th t h a e b lin ov e e, too r
r much ante in the i t r r transfixed acr thrwa ward t the page r r the
speed of typing is the depth of r r
W th Wh o Wha u What g What' h s t a - go q l Qui u ne on? r r r r parti
T articl Too ticle Too l i o t f t l t e h e p the s a he st r e str a
stro d stron i trong s for o c , e too h o m l u
d c i h n g qu i a nf rk er s n
o to , geth r r er just t he m r a i k g i h n t g neu a t m r o o u ns
n t a n o d f pu pr r oton a r r protons rel a g t a i t vely o st r a i b
a le in the a o r r an oratoria r r o of persuasion r r the speed of
thought is the death of typing - And r r r r my h thought smove s move
slowly and jubl mbledly r r ju m jubi my jubil ati my t on
houugh t is i s n t i n u tia
e my r r mine are jumbled likee the
i t i he i w n i wi e i win w c e s of w t h w e a n r e e fi v lt e e r
r i i s ha e v e e t f ha o t r i' v v i e d e u o se
, d r e th a e r w r o a r n
d ging r r fra r r frames r r , breaking d " ie "d g "dt e "dtet s "dte
i "dt s "d , "
e "e "d i "de s "det sor "detr dering it us
" is o o r r d er " ing e e verything
h , eve t h p he mer n a l the " mos f t o r b t a he s
ic s ump i t ght e enth o t r i r r m s e sit site r r in a man r r
uscript ju jubi th l at' a s tio n as
is s in
e t d r u as m pets, in a m a uscript as d ated as the four theenth ce ol
n as t t u re r r in sp a n
last month's milk r r carton r r and then som w e who r r who went out
with last month's milk carto T n? Tru
i Trum didn' Trump t e k t n s ow an
i d t da c te a d - lari r r ons r r o
r a m ar may ari aybe ar a d
idn' t go
out, actually ju
st rem l aine la d lar , larion si e mm e
r ing a m n e d t s tur ni n g cool nets and crumpet r r s r r you now i
no in w in th h e w S h w a hat p ' ed R s Roo com m ing men next, right?
r r ,
wro ng r r Kind hearts and cror oronets r r h St Stra th Stray h o r med
to n p s u t a n a d ut an cr an en o d t o t
he o dia lo c g, o r i n l e
l ts y , O S r tr ne ay tte h s
orn n r r otwithstanding r r r r talk: connection requested by
K # Ytalk Error #
K # #
K # onnection from unexpected host! #
####################################### ----- r r
----------------------------= YTalk version ..
=----------------------------- r r Message from Talk_aemon@panix.panix.com
####################################### # Ytalk Error # r r # # #
onnection from unexpected host! # #######################################
----------------------------= YTalk version ..
=----------------------------- mine are jumbled like the new software
filter i have for video, rearranging frames, breaking diegesis,
disordering everything, even the most basic sight or site jubilation is in
trumpets, in a manuscript as dated as the fourtheenth centure in spain who
went out with last month's milk carton? i didn't know it dated - or maybe
didn't go out, actually just remained, simmering and turning cool in the
L-Shaped Room, wrong that seemed to put an end to the dialog, illy
Strayhorn notwithstanding ------- i wince whenever i see that i've used
the word "detritus" or "ephemeral" for the umpteenth time in a manuscript
that's as dated aslast month's milk carton and then some Trumpets and
clarions larinets and crumpets you know what's coming next, right? Kind
hearts and coronets Stray horns and cornets, Ornettes "detritus" or
"ephemeral" for the umpteenth time in a manuscript that's as dated aslast
month's milk carton and then some Trumpets and clarions larinets and
crumpets you know what's coming next, right? Kind hearts and coronets
Stray horns and cornets, Ornettes ?l >$ exit Script done on Wed Nov ::
haibun || Sheila E. Murphy
Maybe the full faced surface holds sweet wood tones newly lifted from the music in a moon. I would not tell myself a moment of a thing. I would careen from codicil to caravan and dream talk how I seek adventure. To shape my sense of obligation to an accompaniment on piano that sounded like an engine in a minor key. If cadenzas were conditioned to relax against the flannel near the skin, our competition might not traipse across the blended pathways where it feels better just to walk apart from other people's reasons. Fathoms leave no room for fathers, and the trend's unwieldy sacrifice leaves flecks to the magi when they start to rescue people who believe there's no such moment in their lives.
A pensive audience only as relaxed as its least calm member, half imprisoned by the tune, beginning to believe in the idea of invention
Sheila E. Murphy
Maybe the full faced surface holds sweet wood tones newly lifted from the music in a moon. I would not tell myself a moment of a thing. I would careen from codicil to caravan and dream talk how I seek adventure. To shape my sense of obligation to an accompaniment on piano that sounded like an engine in a minor key. If cadenzas were conditioned to relax against the flannel near the skin, our competition might not traipse across the blended pathways where it feels better just to walk apart from other people's reasons. Fathoms leave no room for fathers, and the trend's unwieldy sacrifice leaves flecks to the magi when they start to rescue people who believe there's no such moment in their lives.
A pensive audience only as relaxed as its least calm member, half imprisoned by the tune, beginning to believe in the idea of invention
Sheila E. Murphy
text || Maria Damon and Alan Sondheim
Maria Damon and Alan Sondheim
(We spent a day making work; there are six pieces, two sets of three.
The text-based FIRST AND SECOND and SECOND AND FIRST use ytalk and
other commands; FIRST AND SECOND follows, and SECOND AND FIRST will
follow shortly. The second set, to be posted tomorrow, uses Maria's
voice and text, and my violin/viola, and pipa. The third set, to be
posted the following day, uses Second Life. Enjoy!)
ing for connection...]
talk Error
Connection from unexpected host! #
talk Error
Connection from unexpected host! #
lan! O 've got the Zie iel
tou Mari Maria n the T bet n tr idion e n ame f
charac er in Godard or sh on!uld be. For examp e ou i
might l ow e ineage f easantry i In p
In pa r ea ll y c a m am m a H
a pea hu aso s a n t, o , on one si e nyway ef r right side? or me, it's
in the ble r ish n orkable ar er ide, Lit ak, not peason antry but busie
ness folks. em le emi y d and b ns l o u r s a fa e o l r i ma lap l p WO
w to s nts ate s for examples mall c
is an nves c ca nt in c o c cap a c n nt meth n tto ping topping some hi
g e s s st pg is a cap and thr bells. cats, blocking mice in bleared
unworkabl a ats e lls an aps will never catch mice. Mice are t r l a le g
les i c , c o ur se h s a ar are r e c co com o mid ida dal i rni g, ice a
e com e s t ib
ombar t t r y h hou e houl n tice r r he text begins to rise ic ice e top
s in r r Par Franm ce, ot o omet these spaces ap
ea die orea , typing above nd be 4r r ow r r he text o ometi i s as sus
sion br ng t e top p wiht
r al s
to e su e k r r t a e alc ott alco 4r r bottom 4r r r r ometimes a text is
r ra ras l rash o w a rs ext, a bl nk d t s r ttoms, submerge er br w r r
r ut ut ut if 4r r t o e ov x ove t i s eally j t s h e s en
n what of o h t len if ig r is u ci r r cigar, e n w h t a t h
mo e
ncer, an rps fa ure s the b ody dy 4r r s
sub s erged e s o at ises 4r r he body of r r the text o oo ool oole p s
c e s eems N c a con a
c ion n terms, t ar
y mice 4r r H rough n
n it r r ou u ouc th ouch , the mouth of the tex r r 4r r hould noti c o e
ool 4r r side, in s ts d i h p a c e s , uth, cl i g the ound f n ge e r r
w ust sound s too et w c r r o oo 4r r oo pretentiou t s t's r r 's o oo
oo i oo f e ha rdn e s p s h i l o s o i hardness r r 4r r n all
directions, cl o oo t in ic n a , n o t rection t a 4r r e sil o oo i g r
f langua e n s iou s, r r
Kore orea e n ci ou n g the 4r r outh, what n o o, it's p r r hysical, a t
ad as d a e t u x e e s lotting and the r r b bs bso bsor , he h 4r r e b
app lo o g and the b n
t ra ap pp h a n d th the he cau ng t 4r r e, 1/ he
p n s e and th in, what does tha r r
that say about the body's surging r r ilence of the North esp esponse 4r
r to 4r r surgi g u ur nd urge e en s e a r g
e he
y, r r r g r r eant t's her , I th ink ge i a woo onders o w 4r r ys
wondering t ta or tan t h e s t minute 4r r H after r r die, what will
Azure see, where will she turn r r e all h ve
d th do e se thi ng a r rs
illed n y k c a i o f
4r r ise do thing abou my at 4r r ad l ll , r d t o d o s
r r g gh gha ghas y will 4r r r r the her r erise r r y is r you a c e b
oo k a i'm good to g r r , as they say 4r r H want to remai n a cr as
aming, h red, o i f u s he last glu 4r r n releases the last q r r
quark and the last prot 4r r s ecay
t the end of s st-ce n s for h s r r the paws that patter out the typ e 4r
r emain and find ou l li lik i s t en e t he e w s 4r r ogetherness but r
r epa e t et etrah s n 4r r s of ha e e a ve 4r r g ou r r tha e e ab e or
yo th u tho ow
o o w elow 4r r H
above 4r r e above ou r r r b r y e r yo l o ove and me be 4r r ow e eve
eeting oth of us b l a ro r r s s r r r bo
b i o v e, too 4r r uch Dante in the i r r ransfixed acr thrwa ward t the
page 4r r he speed of typing is the depth of 4r r ho ha hat go
l ui u e on? 4r r r r arti o oo o f t e he p ar a n d or i
qu o eth 4r r r ust he r ig h t eu a r ton r r
protons rela t i vely t e in th ri
at m 4r r n oratoria r r H
o of persuasion 4r r he speed of thought is the death of typing - And r r
r r y h thought smove s move slowly and jubl mbledly 4r r u bi y il y la y
t ati y th n ugh t is s in t ia y 4r r ine are jumbled likee the
e w wi w h e n e il v e er e ' ng f 4r r a r r frames 4r r breaking d e d
dt dtet dt d e d de s det r ering t s " s r or ri " g e e erything eve t m
r e s e s mp g t nth r r r m i it ite 4r r n a man r r script ub ubi ubil
at' n s is in te
ets, in a ma a script as d ted as the four heenth ce l s r r r n spa ast
month's milk r r arton 4r r nd then so m h e ho 4r r ho went out with last
month's milk carton ru
d rum dn'
k t o an d at c a
lar r r ons 4r r r r m a r ma ar d a i dn' t go ; ut, actually jus rem l
ine la lar n me i g a d s urn n ool ets and crumpe r r s 4r r ou now u kn
n kno n know n t n the hw S h w a ha p t' ed R s ing men next, right? 4r r
H ro g r r ind hearts and cror oronets 4r r tra ha y hat
ed to n p s a n d n to e ia og
t t n n 4r r twithstanding r r r r r r r r essage from
Talk_Daemon@panix3.panix.com at 16:33 ... r r alk: connection requested
####################################### r r # talk Error r r # r r #
Connection from unexpected host! # r r
####################################### r r
Error r r # r r # Connection from unexpected host! # r r
####################################### r r r r r r
###################################### r r talk Error r r #
Connection from unexpected host! # r r
####################################### r r r r r r r r r r r
r r r H
version 3.3.0 =----------------------------- r r r r r r essage
from Talk_Daemon@panix3.panix.com at 16:33 ... r r alk: connection
Connection from unexpected host! # r r
####################################### r r
----------------------------= YTalk version 3.3.0
=----------------------------- r r ine are jumbled like the new software
filter i have for video, rearranging r r frames, breaking diegesis,
disordering everything, even the most basic sight or site r r ubilation is
in trumpets, in a manuscript as dated as the fourtheenth centure r r n
spain r r ho went out with last month's milk carton? i didn't know it
dated - r r r maybe didn't go out, actually just remained, simmering and
turning cool r r n the L-Shaped Room, wrong r r hat seemed to put an end
to the dialog, Billy Strayhorn notwithstanding r r r r
=-------------------------- r r i wince whenever i see that i've used the
word r r detritus" or "ephemeral" for the umpteenth time r r in a
manuscript that's as dated aslast month's milk carton and then some
=-------------------------- i wince whenever i see that i've used the word
"detritus" or "ephemeral" for the umpteenth time in a manuscript that's as
dated aslast month's milk carton and then some Trumpets and clarions
=-------------------------- i wince whenever i see that i've used the word
"detritus" or "ephemeral" for the umpteenth time in a manuscript that's as
dated aslast month's milk carton and then some Trumpets and clarions
Clarinets and crumpets i wince whenever i see that i've used the word
"detritus" or "ephemeral" for the umpteenth time in a manuscript that's as
dated aslast month's milk carton and then some Trumpets and clarions
Clarinets and crumpets you know what's coming next, right? i wince
whenever i see that i've used the word "detritus" or "ephemeral" for the
umpteenth time in a manuscript that's as dated aslast month's milk carton
and then some Trumpets and clarions Clarinets and crumpets you know what's
coming next, right? Kind hearts and coronets "detritus" or "ephemeral" for
the umpteenth time in a manuscript that's as dated aslast month's milk
carton and then some Trumpets and clarions Clarinets and crumpets you know
what's coming next, right? Kind hearts and coronets Stray horn ts,
Ornettes "detritus" or "ephemeral" for the umpteenth time in a manuscript
that's as dated aslast month's milk carton and then some Trumpets and
clarions Clarinets and crumpets you know what's coming next, right? Kind
hearts and coronets Stray horn ts, Ornettes in a manuscript that's as
dated aslast month's milk carton and then some Trumpets and clarions
Clarinets and crumpets you know what's coming next, right? Kind hearts and
coronets Stray horn ts, Ornettes
Maria Damon and Alan Sondheim
(We spent a day making work; there are six pieces, two sets of three.
The text-based FIRST AND SECOND and SECOND AND FIRST use ytalk and
other commands; FIRST AND SECOND follows, and SECOND AND FIRST will
follow shortly. The second set, to be posted tomorrow, uses Maria's
voice and text, and my violin/viola, and pipa. The third set, to be
posted the following day, uses Second Life. Enjoy!)
ing for connection...]
talk Error
Connection from unexpected host! #
talk Error
Connection from unexpected host! #
lan! O 've got the Zie iel
tou Mari Maria n the T bet n tr idion e n ame f
charac er in Godard or sh on!uld be. For examp e ou i
might l ow e ineage f easantry i In p
In pa r ea ll y c a m am m a H
a pea hu aso s a n t, o , on one si e nyway ef r right side? or me, it's
in the ble r ish n orkable ar er ide, Lit ak, not peason antry but busie
ness folks. em le emi y d and b ns l o u r s a fa e o l r i ma lap l p WO
w to s nts ate s for examples mall c
is an nves c ca nt in c o c cap a c n nt meth n tto ping topping some hi
g e s s st pg is a cap and thr bells. cats, blocking mice in bleared
unworkabl a ats e lls an aps will never catch mice. Mice are t r l a le g
les i c , c o ur se h s a ar are r e c co com o mid ida dal i rni g, ice a
e com e s t ib
ombar t t r y h hou e houl n tice r r he text begins to rise ic ice e top
s in r r Par Franm ce, ot o omet these spaces ap
ea die orea , typing above nd be 4r r ow r r he text o ometi i s as sus
sion br ng t e top p wiht
r al s
to e su e k r r t a e alc ott alco 4r r bottom 4r r r r ometimes a text is
r ra ras l rash o w a rs ext, a bl nk d t s r ttoms, submerge er br w r r
r ut ut ut if 4r r t o e ov x ove t i s eally j t s h e s en
n what of o h t len if ig r is u ci r r cigar, e n w h t a t h
mo e
ncer, an rps fa ure s the b ody dy 4r r s
sub s erged e s o at ises 4r r he body of r r the text o oo ool oole p s
c e s eems N c a con a
c ion n terms, t ar
y mice 4r r H rough n
n it r r ou u ouc th ouch , the mouth of the tex r r 4r r hould noti c o e
ool 4r r side, in s ts d i h p a c e s , uth, cl i g the ound f n ge e r r
w ust sound s too et w c r r o oo 4r r oo pretentiou t s t's r r 's o oo
oo i oo f e ha rdn e s p s h i l o s o i hardness r r 4r r n all
directions, cl o oo t in ic n a , n o t rection t a 4r r e sil o oo i g r
f langua e n s iou s, r r
Kore orea e n ci ou n g the 4r r outh, what n o o, it's p r r hysical, a t
ad as d a e t u x e e s lotting and the r r b bs bso bsor , he h 4r r e b
app lo o g and the b n
t ra ap pp h a n d th the he cau ng t 4r r e, 1/ he
p n s e and th in, what does tha r r
that say about the body's surging r r ilence of the North esp esponse 4r
r to 4r r surgi g u ur nd urge e en s e a r g
e he
y, r r r g r r eant t's her , I th ink ge i a woo onders o w 4r r ys
wondering t ta or tan t h e s t minute 4r r H after r r die, what will
Azure see, where will she turn r r e all h ve
d th do e se thi ng a r rs
illed n y k c a i o f
4r r ise do thing abou my at 4r r ad l ll , r d t o d o s
r r g gh gha ghas y will 4r r r r the her r erise r r y is r you a c e b
oo k a i'm good to g r r , as they say 4r r H want to remai n a cr as
aming, h red, o i f u s he last glu 4r r n releases the last q r r
quark and the last prot 4r r s ecay
t the end of s st-ce n s for h s r r the paws that patter out the typ e 4r
r emain and find ou l li lik i s t en e t he e w s 4r r ogetherness but r
r epa e t et etrah s n 4r r s of ha e e a ve 4r r g ou r r tha e e ab e or
yo th u tho ow
o o w elow 4r r H
above 4r r e above ou r r r b r y e r yo l o ove and me be 4r r ow e eve
eeting oth of us b l a ro r r s s r r r bo
b i o v e, too 4r r uch Dante in the i r r ransfixed acr thrwa ward t the
page 4r r he speed of typing is the depth of 4r r ho ha hat go
l ui u e on? 4r r r r arti o oo o f t e he p ar a n d or i
qu o eth 4r r r ust he r ig h t eu a r ton r r
protons rela t i vely t e in th ri
at m 4r r n oratoria r r H
o of persuasion 4r r he speed of thought is the death of typing - And r r
r r y h thought smove s move slowly and jubl mbledly 4r r u bi y il y la y
t ati y th n ugh t is s in t ia y 4r r ine are jumbled likee the
e w wi w h e n e il v e er e ' ng f 4r r a r r frames 4r r breaking d e d
dt dtet dt d e d de s det r ering t s " s r or ri " g e e erything eve t m
r e s e s mp g t nth r r r m i it ite 4r r n a man r r script ub ubi ubil
at' n s is in te
ets, in a ma a script as d ted as the four heenth ce l s r r r n spa ast
month's milk r r arton 4r r nd then so m h e ho 4r r ho went out with last
month's milk carton ru
d rum dn'
k t o an d at c a
lar r r ons 4r r r r m a r ma ar d a i dn' t go ; ut, actually jus rem l
ine la lar n me i g a d s urn n ool ets and crumpe r r s 4r r ou now u kn
n kno n know n t n the hw S h w a ha p t' ed R s ing men next, right? 4r r
H ro g r r ind hearts and cror oronets 4r r tra ha y hat
ed to n p s a n d n to e ia og
t t n n 4r r twithstanding r r r r r r r r essage from
Talk_Daemon@panix3.panix.com at 16:33 ... r r alk: connection requested
####################################### r r # talk Error r r # r r #
Connection from unexpected host! # r r
####################################### r r
Error r r # r r # Connection from unexpected host! # r r
####################################### r r r r r r
###################################### r r talk Error r r #
Connection from unexpected host! # r r
####################################### r r r r r r r r r r r
r r r H
version 3.3.0 =----------------------------- r r r r r r essage
from Talk_Daemon@panix3.panix.com at 16:33 ... r r alk: connection
Connection from unexpected host! # r r
####################################### r r
----------------------------= YTalk version 3.3.0
=----------------------------- r r ine are jumbled like the new software
filter i have for video, rearranging r r frames, breaking diegesis,
disordering everything, even the most basic sight or site r r ubilation is
in trumpets, in a manuscript as dated as the fourtheenth centure r r n
spain r r ho went out with last month's milk carton? i didn't know it
dated - r r r maybe didn't go out, actually just remained, simmering and
turning cool r r n the L-Shaped Room, wrong r r hat seemed to put an end
to the dialog, Billy Strayhorn notwithstanding r r r r
=-------------------------- r r i wince whenever i see that i've used the
word r r detritus" or "ephemeral" for the umpteenth time r r in a
manuscript that's as dated aslast month's milk carton and then some
=-------------------------- i wince whenever i see that i've used the word
"detritus" or "ephemeral" for the umpteenth time in a manuscript that's as
dated aslast month's milk carton and then some Trumpets and clarions
=-------------------------- i wince whenever i see that i've used the word
"detritus" or "ephemeral" for the umpteenth time in a manuscript that's as
dated aslast month's milk carton and then some Trumpets and clarions
Clarinets and crumpets i wince whenever i see that i've used the word
"detritus" or "ephemeral" for the umpteenth time in a manuscript that's as
dated aslast month's milk carton and then some Trumpets and clarions
Clarinets and crumpets you know what's coming next, right? i wince
whenever i see that i've used the word "detritus" or "ephemeral" for the
umpteenth time in a manuscript that's as dated aslast month's milk carton
and then some Trumpets and clarions Clarinets and crumpets you know what's
coming next, right? Kind hearts and coronets "detritus" or "ephemeral" for
the umpteenth time in a manuscript that's as dated aslast month's milk
carton and then some Trumpets and clarions Clarinets and crumpets you know
what's coming next, right? Kind hearts and coronets Stray horn ts,
Ornettes "detritus" or "ephemeral" for the umpteenth time in a manuscript
that's as dated aslast month's milk carton and then some Trumpets and
clarions Clarinets and crumpets you know what's coming next, right? Kind
hearts and coronets Stray horn ts, Ornettes in a manuscript that's as
dated aslast month's milk carton and then some Trumpets and clarions
Clarinets and crumpets you know what's coming next, right? Kind hearts and
coronets Stray horn ts, Ornettes
three pomes || Billy Bob Beamer
[in memory\ of cage\/ cun[]ningham] a]n[d ][rausche
nberg]in memory\ of cage\/ cun]n[ingham cage\/ ]][\
[k]/i[[ j]\oi[ u]mb[er oui[ji/ u]o[p[id[s f][ij]i o][p]e r[a]he] [h\a]doi[ ]h[i]f]ih [[\]re\\]
[\no]/ o[ne\ m]ou\r[n]s a[n] [ol/[/\]d] m[[]o[u\s]e[//\][\/][
ol]d n[]o[r\]th mo]u]\/seol/[/\]m[
k\/[]\i] jo[/]i u][m]be]]r o[ui[]j]i [uo[p]ids ]]f][ij[i o]pen[[ r/a'he ha']\/d/oi] h]ifi]h re\
n[o \o]n[e/ \m/]]o[r[n]s\ a[\]\n/ ol[/d\ m[\os]er]e\/e]r]e
o]u[iji[ u/o]pids[ /fiji o]p/e r]a//h[[e/ ]ha[d[o/i hi]fih r]e
n[o on]e [m]o[u]rns[ [a]n o[ld[e] ]mo[u[s]e ]ha[d[o/i
c[o]\ld] f\/[o][\r/t[h ]m/[o]s[/]e\
//k[/i j]/o\i[ u/m]b\e/r [ou]\ij/i[ u/][ fij]i ]o[p\[e ]/r[a[h]\e ha]d/[o]i \[hi/\]fi[h re\/][\][
from the up empower mounb.erhe..
m[o/re ho.me to. lar.ge\st au[di]o
gl[adh.ang fou[]nd[]er wh[at ca]n
b[e] [s..aid f.ort.he la]st pin]tlife..
fo[r athe s[ou[ls n.o\n.p..hysical.
th\e ]tril]ogy][n]o t/ell ius\ l..atel
y..mu[ch[ are h]ap.p.en whe\n o
n .th.e a[ir..pa]ra[no\rm.al on\ th
e air grea..t to/ s[peak we[ll 10.1
0.all is[ d[/ata si[m]ple th]i.n..g w
e [tin]k h[ard /mu]ch. e.asi.er bea
r.iaian out o\f the way trai]min[g ..
aidsbi..naaural bea/ts alte\res [do
]e forth [go]o n..o..ew[s] fin[d ]g.o
o so[o[p th.is /for.t find .kinfor tra[
in]in[g w]he]e[l whe[el no]t. fal.l o
..ffe..ventually ta[ke t]he.m off get
in w[ay. th..e voice co]ns.train te.
ch /help ge.t there.nb]aln tr[ap do
]n let g.[o go] be\y.]ond thep.tech
jik i say\ this is a begin sa.y s.mi
t.dif]]f[erenc]e sli[ghtly less.. t\ha.
n .4 fourhertz sybc h]emis.p]here
s sy[m[met]ric pattoerns if foll]]ow
w[ focus p.ut in mind statespher u
p\co.m[ing... so\ur p\o.ut doll open
tobeing h/ave t\o rea]liz.eto b.e s.ti
ll. and quietalet all that .pro]ce/ssg
o do\ it ]wh[.at. thhl[ay] f.]o.r fu.np\
int]lif/e fo/r at\he te\c.h he\lpdsbles.
[in memory\ of cage\/ cun[]ningham] a]n[d ][rausche
nberg]in memory\ of cage\/ cun]n[ingham cage\/ ]][\
[k]/i[[ j]\oi[ u]mb[er oui[ji/ u]o[p[id[s f][ij]i o][p]e r[a]he] [h\a]doi[ ]h[i]f]ih [[\]re\\]
[\no]/ o[ne\ m]ou\r[n]s a[n] [ol/[/\]d] m[[]o[u\s]e[//\][\/][
ol]d n[]o[r\]th mo]u]\/seol/[/\]m[
k\/[]\i] jo[/]i u][m]be]]r o[ui[]j]i [uo[p]ids ]]f][ij[i o]pen[[ r/a'he ha']\/d/oi] h]ifi]h re\
n[o \o]n[e/ \m/]]o[r[n]s\ a[\]\n/ ol[/d\ m[\os]er]e\/e]r]e
o]u[iji[ u/o]pids[ /fiji o]p/e r]a//h[[e/ ]ha[d[o/i hi]fih r]e
n[o on]e [m]o[u]rns[ [a]n o[ld[e] ]mo[u[s]e ]ha[d[o/i
c[o]\ld] f\/[o][\r/t[h ]m/[o]s[/]e\
//k[/i j]/o\i[ u/m]b\e/r [ou]\ij/i[ u/][ fij]i ]o[p\[e ]/r[a[h]\e ha]d/[o]i \[hi/\]fi[h re\/][\][
from the up empower mounb.erhe..
m[o/re ho.me to. lar.ge\st au[di]o
gl[adh.ang fou[]nd[]er wh[at ca]n
b[e] [s..aid f.ort.he la]st pin]tlife..
fo[r athe s[ou[ls n.o\n.p..hysical.
th\e ]tril]ogy][n]o t/ell ius\ l..atel
y..mu[ch[ are h]ap.p.en whe\n o
n .th.e a[ir..pa]ra[no\rm.al on\ th
e air grea..t to/ s[peak we[ll 10.1
0.all is[ d[/ata si[m]ple th]i.n..g w
e [tin]k h[ard /mu]ch. e.asi.er bea
r.iaian out o\f the way trai]min[g ..
aidsbi..naaural bea/ts alte\res [do
]e forth [go]o n..o..ew[s] fin[d ]g.o
o so[o[p th.is /for.t find .kinfor tra[
in]in[g w]he]e[l whe[el no]t. fal.l o
..ffe..ventually ta[ke t]he.m off get
in w[ay. th..e voice co]ns.train te.
ch /help ge.t there.nb]aln tr[ap do
]n let g.[o go] be\y.]ond thep.tech
jik i say\ this is a begin sa.y s.mi
t.dif]]f[erenc]e sli[ghtly less.. t\ha.
n .4 fourhertz sybc h]emis.p]here
s sy[m[met]ric pattoerns if foll]]ow
w[ focus p.ut in mind statespher u
p\co.m[ing... so\ur p\o.ut doll open
tobeing h/ave t\o rea]liz.eto b.e s.ti
ll. and quietalet all that .pro]ce/ssg
o do\ it ]wh[.at. thhl[ay] f.]o.r fu.np\
int]lif/e fo/r at\he te\c.h he\lpdsbles.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
from 'text' || Peter Ganick
0864 which enamel grammatical clueless angina deign tore riffle -ther inverse offlineproffering lat- ni- eu- portion element feint grapheme stadium protean clime terazzo neglect gardenia blunt.
0865 agreeable immense periodicity wallow entropy cenotaph inverse par-affin light carom ironic attentive labelling quota immense ousia throughput mindstyles vacant coiffure tibia clef stealth inversion taller evaporatee in-tersecting cairn enough immerse forag-ing elasticity wherewithal cellar robot happiness scrimshaw documentary pulsar gouge intrepid elasticit- where assures.
0866 damaging eiderdown fallow gnesis patch coating elixir opaque sage re-sponsibility elocutionary blush commensurate borrowing steadfast immensity prattle ingest feckless guffaw nth ocean sic pareil hampers otherwise lissome than lineations amidst awareness subsume throughput excel.
0867 tread entourage tirade yammer clef lest buffo bayonet averaging elope mainsail trapeze zones through repining selections wary tolerable -tread imperialize close fuel somatic graceful aguirre tonearm that starry errata tile infinite attitude motionless availing each patterning list einsam utterly simplest neithe- sacrosanctum variorum saith lasso yea nth clef tentative ersatz foible call.
0868 tries attentio- magazine lest bluster envoi slight epee vein seizure -itter envi-ronmental mirror riffle ritornello scarface deterrent lacuna tenuto breach jitney so java erosion tint ester along.
0869 brie alternatives elaborating mo-tions lea erewhon subsumes thrall oomph seldom fend ethos involution wisely domicilar bottleneck humorless factoring alertnes wavelength interna-tional myopia nicean ceramic dorito neitszche enabling mutter inversely preparative oceanside watering cam-ouflage intrepid next erasure bite introit lateral mullah vessel averaging tradewinds.
0865 agreeable immense periodicity wallow entropy cenotaph inverse par-affin light carom ironic attentive labelling quota immense ousia throughput mindstyles vacant coiffure tibia clef stealth inversion taller evaporatee in-tersecting cairn enough immerse forag-ing elasticity wherewithal cellar robot happiness scrimshaw documentary pulsar gouge intrepid elasticit- where assures.
0866 damaging eiderdown fallow gnesis patch coating elixir opaque sage re-sponsibility elocutionary blush commensurate borrowing steadfast immensity prattle ingest feckless guffaw nth ocean sic pareil hampers otherwise lissome than lineations amidst awareness subsume throughput excel.
0867 tread entourage tirade yammer clef lest buffo bayonet averaging elope mainsail trapeze zones through repining selections wary tolerable -tread imperialize close fuel somatic graceful aguirre tonearm that starry errata tile infinite attitude motionless availing each patterning list einsam utterly simplest neithe- sacrosanctum variorum saith lasso yea nth clef tentative ersatz foible call.
0868 tries attentio- magazine lest bluster envoi slight epee vein seizure -itter envi-ronmental mirror riffle ritornello scarface deterrent lacuna tenuto breach jitney so java erosion tint ester along.
0869 brie alternatives elaborating mo-tions lea erewhon subsumes thrall oomph seldom fend ethos involution wisely domicilar bottleneck humorless factoring alertnes wavelength interna-tional myopia nicean ceramic dorito neitszche enabling mutter inversely preparative oceanside watering cam-ouflage intrepid next erasure bite introit lateral mullah vessel averaging tradewinds.
from LISTS || John Crouse
1. Shudder
2. Valise
3. Assurances
4. Progress
5. Around
6. Wearing
7. Uplifting
8. Manager
9. Coolly
1. Occasionally
2. Marxist
3. Butter
4. Surreptitiously
5. Hiss
6. Blonde
7. Sleeves
8. Prayers
9. Does
1. Pathologically
2. Streetcar
3. Mentor
4. Atrocity
5. Sunlight
6. Indigestion
7. Via
8. Dimly
9. Anxiety
1. Shudder
2. Valise
3. Assurances
4. Progress
5. Around
6. Wearing
7. Uplifting
8. Manager
9. Coolly
1. Occasionally
2. Marxist
3. Butter
4. Surreptitiously
5. Hiss
6. Blonde
7. Sleeves
8. Prayers
9. Does
1. Pathologically
2. Streetcar
3. Mentor
4. Atrocity
5. Sunlight
6. Indigestion
7. Via
8. Dimly
9. Anxiety
pome || Billy Bob Beamer
12 directions in a trance
1. a supernatural cake compensates randomness.... annoyance of details
2. purpose supposes an intimacy underneath a long innocence....freezes randomly
3. wasteful protein stirs brutality...thirsts within purpose
4. meaning swallows a cosmic vocabulary...shoes hop meaning grounding
5. sentience partitions an electric relative...smokes a critic ash
6. shoes watch meaning... a large angel
7. representatives peer across loose bangs... against a cab... over an accountant
8. looser beans under a physicist...corridor speaks rocks below
9. opening asterisk in a defeated academic...an historic vessel opposite the gasp
10. a finger to scratch a justifiable sand...mimic closure cracks within a roof
11.destructive freedom exits under a spindly agony...piteous gesture chops buttonwood
12.eternal brass ascends within watches found... higher water pales opposite a rag
1. a supernatural cake compensates randomness.... annoyance of details
2. purpose supposes an intimacy underneath a long innocence....freezes randomly
3. wasteful protein stirs brutality...thirsts within purpose
4. meaning swallows a cosmic vocabulary...shoes hop meaning grounding
5. sentience partitions an electric relative...smokes a critic ash
6. shoes watch meaning... a large angel
7. representatives peer across loose bangs... against a cab... over an accountant
8. looser beans under a physicist...corridor speaks rocks below
9. opening asterisk in a defeated academic...an historic vessel opposite the gasp
10. a finger to scratch a justifiable sand...mimic closure cracks within a roof
11.destructive freedom exits under a spindly agony...piteous gesture chops buttonwood
12.eternal brass ascends within watches found... higher water pales opposite a rag
haibun || Sheila E. Murphy
Smoke made no sense unto itself. One awaited clarity supposed to come along unaided. Passivity redirects as though tacitly un-verbed. The greenery around this house comes from my mind. While leaves outside absorb the water. When it rains the water melts a thought. And clouds return solution. Play clothes foster mood. The only way around this neighborhood is through the coffee line. And with the radio tuned to another language, all the learning in the world uplifts. What dazzles unearths what does not. Informal wilderness alongside strays. Rays of the sun afford a vitamin. It's litmus here amid the chalk tones of the town. I used to like to walk along a pond. My accompanist played beautifully. I talked, still do, unless alone again. The syllables make peace with selves. When light dries, there are the children to reveal. Then sadness as a staple leaves the mind a while. I go lie down as though someone had warned me there is only so much energy. There is only so much energy. I light something. Hear myself think. Notice how the world becomes its own accumulation.
Shades drawn freehand, gray lines blended into no lines, thought not transferable
Smoke made no sense unto itself. One awaited clarity supposed to come along unaided. Passivity redirects as though tacitly un-verbed. The greenery around this house comes from my mind. While leaves outside absorb the water. When it rains the water melts a thought. And clouds return solution. Play clothes foster mood. The only way around this neighborhood is through the coffee line. And with the radio tuned to another language, all the learning in the world uplifts. What dazzles unearths what does not. Informal wilderness alongside strays. Rays of the sun afford a vitamin. It's litmus here amid the chalk tones of the town. I used to like to walk along a pond. My accompanist played beautifully. I talked, still do, unless alone again. The syllables make peace with selves. When light dries, there are the children to reveal. Then sadness as a staple leaves the mind a while. I go lie down as though someone had warned me there is only so much energy. There is only so much energy. I light something. Hear myself think. Notice how the world becomes its own accumulation.
Shades drawn freehand, gray lines blended into no lines, thought not transferable
haibun || Sheila E. Murphy
Smoke made no sense unto itself. One awaited clarity supposed to come along unaided. Passivity redirects as though tacitly un-verbed. The greenery around this house comes from my mind. While leaves outside absorb the water. When it rains the water melts a thought. And clouds return solution. Play clothes foster mood. The only way around this neighborhood is through the coffee line. And with the radio tuned to another language, all the learning in the world uplifts. What dazzles unearths what does not. Informal wilderness alongside strays. Rays of the sun afford a vitamin. It's litmus here amid the chalk tones of the town. I used to like to walk along a pond. My accompanist played beautifully. I talked, still do, unless alone again. The syllables make peace with selves. When light dries, there are the children to reveal. Then sadness as a staple leaves the mind a while. I go lie down as though someone had warned me there is only so much energy. There is only so much energy. I light something. Hear myself think. Notice how the world becomes its own accumulation.
Shades drawn freehand, gray lines blended into no lines, thought not transferable
Smoke made no sense unto itself. One awaited clarity supposed to come along unaided. Passivity redirects as though tacitly un-verbed. The greenery around this house comes from my mind. While leaves outside absorb the water. When it rains the water melts a thought. And clouds return solution. Play clothes foster mood. The only way around this neighborhood is through the coffee line. And with the radio tuned to another language, all the learning in the world uplifts. What dazzles unearths what does not. Informal wilderness alongside strays. Rays of the sun afford a vitamin. It's litmus here amid the chalk tones of the town. I used to like to walk along a pond. My accompanist played beautifully. I talked, still do, unless alone again. The syllables make peace with selves. When light dries, there are the children to reveal. Then sadness as a staple leaves the mind a while. I go lie down as though someone had warned me there is only so much energy. There is only so much energy. I light something. Hear myself think. Notice how the world becomes its own accumulation.
Shades drawn freehand, gray lines blended into no lines, thought not transferable
Monday, November 22, 2010
from 'text' || Peter Ganick
2185 with avowal the recurrences slight inertiia rooftop easel tortola night either seizure performance tonation protect chide utterly one suggesting hot headed notions wholly therein sacral oversight akimbo thereins stuck remiss covert least huddle magician lease elastic fuse notification aforement- wide operating elaborate met scrutiny izenson tremor inexactitude.
2186 enough thought stateless culpable therefore reason readership actua- midrange foment fulsome thral- opaquely mortises vale throughput therein empathetic languid settler seller oversight the suspect onrush calliope tjant southwes- anno domini esterhazy infuriations.
2187 eeriest tent crawlers ontic confuse sortilege either radians scientific community spaces of objects randomness antiquarian pulsing infit- elaborations moo scientist gamboling whee gyre the out of touch angel tread naming essent ceiling where whiter frame selig borealis derive inertia seals therefores mocha remedial schlep as dint essent veep enablers deterrence.
2188 enormity madden slit haptic nom de planet elocution heal threes doings adepts nth social guttural inquiry seizure placent mode sling itnes- harpsichord sand shock tine listless angel grammatic envoi salutary gainsaid therefor- treatment curlicues.
2189 therein salting awareness availing echo throughput once thereof accuracy inconvenience cameo tambourine selective natural inverse nothings where returnees through passel antiquarian settle occasion flash lucent took waves ghostly accuracies deterrents seeding rampant cluster photon grammatical surgery neoprene slackness where inversions metric.
2190 enablings whirl thinkings occasion treble watershed league witness crepe du chine taffeta yet moorings sic notebook reopen scientism those felicitous the scrape official notification
2191 wormhole detour blather yammer huddle mud rumor gate incredulous thereas noetic aboriginal neoprene luau vendor either narrow tread nearly once projective maroon eeriest goad primrose apothegm not shoemaker motor field making alit siezure grammatical.
2186 enough thought stateless culpable therefore reason readership actua- midrange foment fulsome thral- opaquely mortises vale throughput therein empathetic languid settler seller oversight the suspect onrush calliope tjant southwes- anno domini esterhazy infuriations.
2187 eeriest tent crawlers ontic confuse sortilege either radians scientific community spaces of objects randomness antiquarian pulsing infit- elaborations moo scientist gamboling whee gyre the out of touch angel tread naming essent ceiling where whiter frame selig borealis derive inertia seals therefores mocha remedial schlep as dint essent veep enablers deterrence.
2188 enormity madden slit haptic nom de planet elocution heal threes doings adepts nth social guttural inquiry seizure placent mode sling itnes- harpsichord sand shock tine listless angel grammatic envoi salutary gainsaid therefor- treatment curlicues.
2189 therein salting awareness availing echo throughput once thereof accuracy inconvenience cameo tambourine selective natural inverse nothings where returnees through passel antiquarian settle occasion flash lucent took waves ghostly accuracies deterrents seeding rampant cluster photon grammatical surgery neoprene slackness where inversions metric.
2190 enablings whirl thinkings occasion treble watershed league witness crepe du chine taffeta yet moorings sic notebook reopen scientism those felicitous the scrape official notification
2191 wormhole detour blather yammer huddle mud rumor gate incredulous thereas noetic aboriginal neoprene luau vendor either narrow tread nearly once projective maroon eeriest goad primrose apothegm not shoemaker motor field making alit siezure grammatical.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
text || Bob BrueckL
November 21, 2010 -- Sunday
Koite cribble shpilkes' rifflers, rubber cement propulsion, septa perforated by a diphuncle, dicated snorkel, rammish stunner, one-stroke downbeat fumus, pinhead teaser: heerein glaikit remiped peculation quashing polyandry backchat off-kilter, augrh!
100 z-stacked images in the eye of the damselfly, curly-tailed wringer nippers, sponges, spatulas, tweezers, tooth twine, spirogyra cleaving to digamy, gnum larrup, ionic azotea, smocked aebleskiver, castrated dites updorrock, synthetic trichords swivelling bilious under the duffer's soldered squeegee, broon of styrene catharts, shrunk stump crone, jokulhlaup bijugue shellacked, stencilled duplicheranno, shall't?
Koite cribble shpilkes' rifflers, rubber cement propulsion, septa perforated by a diphuncle, dicated snorkel, rammish stunner, one-stroke downbeat fumus, pinhead teaser: heerein glaikit remiped peculation quashing polyandry backchat off-kilter, augrh!
100 z-stacked images in the eye of the damselfly, curly-tailed wringer nippers, sponges, spatulas, tweezers, tooth twine, spirogyra cleaving to digamy, gnum larrup, ionic azotea, smocked aebleskiver, castrated dites updorrock, synthetic trichords swivelling bilious under the duffer's soldered squeegee, broon of styrene catharts, shrunk stump crone, jokulhlaup bijugue shellacked, stencilled duplicheranno, shall't?
haibun || Sheila E. Murphy
No matter how repeatedly she types, there are new words lodged in the typeface. I hear the different muscle take each stretch her voice sings from the keyboard. Who needs evidence as a result of atmosphere in motion through the untouched streets and leafage? When it rains, we dramatize a prior poverty. Some people rhyme to help remember what won't match the current day no matter what. A couple walked through instances of time unspent, compared brief notes, and tossed the consonants away. Form trespasses on an otherwise still continent of vowel tones. Limitless skies and children still impose unwanted features on a breath of fresh unfamiliarity. "Fam tours" would be given to young aliens, that they might limber mindset to guide tourists toward a land where people had made plans. Some oceanfront disturbance that would sound in 4/4 time was thought to be a respite. You could hardly hear the person who "came with" begin a tale. Thus, loneliness ensued, just like old times, the week before. One hesitates to mention truth, lest stories be made rote. One's handedness evoked another form of repetition, lazy afternoons filled with vocabulary broken into parts. A documentary well suited to forthcoming insights would be welcomed.
Noticeable seasons between seasons already known, one interval or two
No matter how repeatedly she types, there are new words lodged in the typeface. I hear the different muscle take each stretch her voice sings from the keyboard. Who needs evidence as a result of atmosphere in motion through the untouched streets and leafage? When it rains, we dramatize a prior poverty. Some people rhyme to help remember what won't match the current day no matter what. A couple walked through instances of time unspent, compared brief notes, and tossed the consonants away. Form trespasses on an otherwise still continent of vowel tones. Limitless skies and children still impose unwanted features on a breath of fresh unfamiliarity. "Fam tours" would be given to young aliens, that they might limber mindset to guide tourists toward a land where people had made plans. Some oceanfront disturbance that would sound in 4/4 time was thought to be a respite. You could hardly hear the person who "came with" begin a tale. Thus, loneliness ensued, just like old times, the week before. One hesitates to mention truth, lest stories be made rote. One's handedness evoked another form of repetition, lazy afternoons filled with vocabulary broken into parts. A documentary well suited to forthcoming insights would be welcomed.
Noticeable seasons between seasons already known, one interval or two
Saturday, November 20, 2010
pome || Billy Bob Beamer
getmeg[l]imp in hatspants poopwaggingclutchchesdog
crossbodies and wordaworddustmess anglersalso belt
s and boxglovesmore than a tidal belt womanbath bod
y cosmetci[]icview allstores all brandishing weapons d
ismal swimmerjewelshobosatchelmouth trum'etdesefpo
oshelf wall[tot]es]ets sandalswedgeapartplus sizepetit4
4inmates intimates delvesolve roper romper denimsinba
ge/egim\p] in\ ha[t/s pa[nt]s po[] wag[gi]ngcl[ut]ch[che]s
dogcr[ossb\]odie[s a]nd[ worda[wo]rd]dus[tm]es[s ]ang[l
e]rsa[lso belts /and b\oxg\lovesmore\\ than a tidal be\ltw
/omanb\ath body cos\metci[]icv/iew a[l[lsto]res al]l ]\br[a
n[di]shing[ wea]po[ns] di[\sma[l s]w]im[m]erje[welshoboo
]satchelm[outh tr]umpetd[esefposhelf wall[tot]es/]\ets/ sa
n\[dal]sw[]edg[eap]a[rtp]lus ]siz]ep[etit44in]m[at]]es intim[
at[es de]lve[so]lve ro[per[ ro]mp[er den]im[si]n[ba/rno/rd/ah
getmeg[l]imp in hatspants poopwaggingclutchchesdog
crossbodies and wordaworddustmess anglersalso belt
s and boxglovesmore than a tidal belt womanbath bod
y cosmetci[]icview allstores all brandishing weapons d
ismal swimmerjewelshobosatchelmouth trum'etdesefpo
oshelf wall[tot]es]ets sandalswedgeapartplus sizepetit4
4inmates intimates delvesolve roper romper denimsinba
ge/egim\p] in\ ha[t/s pa[nt]s po[] wag[gi]ngcl[ut]ch[che]s
dogcr[ossb\]odie[s a]nd[ worda[wo]rd]dus[tm]es[s ]ang[l
e]rsa[lso belts /and b\oxg\lovesmore\\ than a tidal be\ltw
/omanb\ath body cos\metci[]icv/iew a[l[lsto]res al]l ]\br[a
n[di]shing[ wea]po[ns] di[\sma[l s]w]im[m]erje[welshoboo
]satchelm[outh tr]umpetd[esefposhelf wall[tot]es/]\ets/ sa
n\[dal]sw[]edg[eap]a[rtp]lus ]siz]ep[etit44in]m[at]]es intim[
at[es de]lve[so]lve ro[per[ ro]mp[er den]im[si]n[ba/rno/rd/ah
Friday, November 19, 2010
2 pomes || Billy Bob Beamer
fro[m L]EF[T epo][me [Ra[R]e]
ja[h\ ja][h\ h[i] gu[\ dra]g\ [dof]f\ fi[gh
t] joh[go]n\ ja[h\ ja][h\ hi]t ux[]\ cx]x
v[/ rit[w/a]d fi/s] g/a[ fa]dga[ i]o[u] i,
m,]] hi/ [fe] /guj/a[h ja][h/ hij/a[/h/ ja
su]fic[y]v]les[ome]thin[gre]pe[at]its[e]lf[ lo]oks[ li]ke[ ]c[o]me an[sci
[ne]al[mo]stf[e]el[slik]e[ew]ea[re]in[a] pro[cess[con]tinu[ing]con[sco
o]usne[s]lear[ming]lap]blad[drup[eg]opo[in]tofre[ality w[e[ar]es[low]l
ear[mers] [may[na] thin[kspo[t]tedso[me]kin[dog[whee[lkiletorel[aity
]w[ear[ehe[ret[ole[arn]w[e[co[meba[ckto[ju[s]t be[ca]use[ha[veto[lea
skip night we will really look forlorn something we extrmr-ists be com
e[o feels stuck i dont know almost losing hope long slow process nev
er ending some littelettre bits progress drama creates new choices w
e see the choice get fewer take something to get back to taking resp
onsegenerrally [syu]fd[g r]help evolve c be de evolve something s teac
her slams ruler on desk greater consciousne choised grow or sty deg
enerate less ratseenerate less ratseskip night we will really look looki
2012dontworryfear creates itself ebohy enough that something collect
ively modify future with intenet thins a[cabn] be act how does this tree
flect quality interache gjigtri night e[hat]r he[uo]ph what deal with it w
hen i ask[] ask many catastrophic see any shift we gudh rhte fick tha
t id fiif 90 should id eright fine dead forth your there is no death big fea
r you go die no deathe copk illfiti gig fig might there be something well
new forces get out get out no fut rute join the worldfno death do not a b
ig deal possibliltuies fork stir the pot plopot free sill random dramndom
no free lunch free will ran[dom wonderful ascump masters all the answe
ird no wa[t]y s[hit ta]ll nonsense entropy level being groe up become lo
ve get red of fear have tie to earn i get thrift free ride no woy way earn ir
damn never ending whell do no big scre echloud noise to catch attentio
n pay attention akres this core thiet right thus n yoji time approc ahf in
g this ready this ridd fogy this how deal with whatever happens someti
mes surprise point is live doe die jik evolve what is important infinity but
ton xpand evolve grow responsibility onto love it feels like this this 'n gh
u etsyi rh]wake upexperiences home notices music misuch repeats ha
ve to leave home depressionbigger understanding important people get
[b]ig picture then disceredible science a littel e[may]i]ohn thi[dyr ie]yt] sf[g
a h]great talking thank to to share yes yes really good d d gok thissugg
ets preparation well go 1 time is my own use record this see for usefulk
tolots a thousand share di[cd]ibe[if it has the potentialto re sonat[a]e to ta
hi sfor home this common goal good informamtuion great do ahhiagaina
udience you and i him neverage that tom tom that is frewat great turns o
ut a good sense hear thru i will return back almost allow to ashare stat[ic]
e e
ja[h\ ja][h\ h[i] gu[\ dra]g\ [dof]f\ fi[gh
t] joh[go]n\ ja[h\ ja][h\ hi]t ux[]\ cx]x
v[/ rit[w/a]d fi/s] g/a[ fa]dga[ i]o[u] i,
m,]] hi/ [fe] /guj/a[h ja][h/ hij/a[/h/ ja
su]fic[y]v]les[ome]thin[gre]pe[at]its[e]lf[ lo]oks[ li]ke[ ]c[o]me an[sci
[ne]al[mo]stf[e]el[slik]e[ew]ea[re]in[a] pro[cess[con]tinu[ing]con[sco
o]usne[s]lear[ming]lap]blad[drup[eg]opo[in]tofre[ality w[e[ar]es[low]l
ear[mers] [may[na] thin[kspo[t]tedso[me]kin[dog[whee[lkiletorel[aity
]w[ear[ehe[ret[ole[arn]w[e[co[meba[ckto[ju[s]t be[ca]use[ha[veto[lea
skip night we will really look forlorn something we extrmr-ists be com
e[o feels stuck i dont know almost losing hope long slow process nev
er ending some littelettre bits progress drama creates new choices w
e see the choice get fewer take something to get back to taking resp
onsegenerrally [syu]fd[g r]help evolve c be de evolve something s teac
her slams ruler on desk greater consciousne choised grow or sty deg
enerate less ratseenerate less ratseskip night we will really look looki
2012dontworryfear creates itself ebohy enough that something collect
ively modify future with intenet thins a[cabn] be act how does this tree
flect quality interache gjigtri night e[hat]r he[uo]ph what deal with it w
hen i ask[] ask many catastrophic see any shift we gudh rhte fick tha
t id fiif 90 should id eright fine dead forth your there is no death big fea
r you go die no deathe copk illfiti gig fig might there be something well
new forces get out get out no fut rute join the worldfno death do not a b
ig deal possibliltuies fork stir the pot plopot free sill random dramndom
no free lunch free will ran[dom wonderful ascump masters all the answe
ird no wa[t]y s[hit ta]ll nonsense entropy level being groe up become lo
ve get red of fear have tie to earn i get thrift free ride no woy way earn ir
damn never ending whell do no big scre echloud noise to catch attentio
n pay attention akres this core thiet right thus n yoji time approc ahf in
g this ready this ridd fogy this how deal with whatever happens someti
mes surprise point is live doe die jik evolve what is important infinity but
ton xpand evolve grow responsibility onto love it feels like this this 'n gh
u etsyi rh]wake upexperiences home notices music misuch repeats ha
ve to leave home depressionbigger understanding important people get
[b]ig picture then disceredible science a littel e[may]i]ohn thi[dyr ie]yt] sf[g
a h]great talking thank to to share yes yes really good d d gok thissugg
ets preparation well go 1 time is my own use record this see for usefulk
tolots a thousand share di[cd]ibe[if it has the potentialto re sonat[a]e to ta
hi sfor home this common goal good informamtuion great do ahhiagaina
udience you and i him neverage that tom tom that is frewat great turns o
ut a good sense hear thru i will return back almost allow to ashare stat[ic]
e e
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
from LISTS || John Crouse
1. Communal
2. Nitpicking
3. Thirsts
4. Hogan
5. Swum
6. Laptop
7. Pleading
8. Pooped
9. Bleats
1. Scrimp
2. Asylum
3. Dolt
4. Erudition
5. Commandeer
6. Topple
7. Cajole
8. Dole
9. Petunia
1. Reputation
2. Wonder
3. Apathy
4. Vim
5. Wizardry
6. Acme
7. Accomplishment
8. Verb
9. Wipe
1. Communal
2. Nitpicking
3. Thirsts
4. Hogan
5. Swum
6. Laptop
7. Pleading
8. Pooped
9. Bleats
1. Scrimp
2. Asylum
3. Dolt
4. Erudition
5. Commandeer
6. Topple
7. Cajole
8. Dole
9. Petunia
1. Reputation
2. Wonder
3. Apathy
4. Vim
5. Wizardry
6. Acme
7. Accomplishment
8. Verb
9. Wipe
pome || Billy Bob Beamer
un]kw[i]n] do[c]po]m[e
may]beg[]w]hen[ re]fer]ring]toli[feas]wek[n
[ich]for[ms][ne]ver[ re]acha[n]ton[in]artau[b
may]beg[]w]hen[ re]fer]ring]toli[feas]wek[n
[ich]for[ms][ne]ver[ re]acha[n]ton[in]artau[b
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
from 'text' || Peter Ganick
2001 theory naming elsewhile three threshold entra- noter whether inasmuchof tenuto blockhead immanence those extant mirrors delving scenario deploy and abacus tyrannic melody amidst harmonic earlier stenographer nimble user garcon theocritical borrowing sere total escarole driftware novice aromatic ellipsis not iffy usage remedial coefficient.
2002 cold atrocious intersper- nie- notemake elsewhat choice fairly sere anchor aside motel settlement acclimate borrower candelabra interpose remaind- reach inflections neutrino.
2003 caged minds influx cellar arbiter cairn accelerations weighty solo casebound mirrored alchemic lesser alone protectionate melon cinder llama entropy eachness wading erlebnis croaker frosted grout in spasm tenacy burner alizarin sledgehammering alternatives.
2004 pause notifications wherein infects utility nicely prairie trod infiltrate vehemence torrent ousia through itemizes thermometers either waving through parasitic elevator indulged.
2005 which and for whytint licensate relataify cell watcher anchoritas nobilitas eitherwise reap respite centrism accurately irreal illbience mode lissome candelabra enablers wid eeriest reasonables deterministi- iguana errata mite sallow paradigmatic envelope alternatives derivable riffle oasis those ralston clouding evidential ebb than rendezvous nouns.
2006 doppelgangers eidos rooftop lacing through sincerely dangerously apprise neverthelessed integrity atomic also rebus cell dweller scent kangaroo courtship cecilia trashheader enables iteratin- collations where thorough finagle rondeax-vous -ic thoroghly.
2007 predatory centrism as thrall opalescent mirror gainer clime rhombus elasticity vanitas bugbear envoi salut qi that either wazooed outside asemic elan gordian cloroform ainsi telco nadir damage tenancy theoretical jasmine daily remedial eclat inversely parataxis debut addenda mirrored elate voiceovers enters a lot reasons entroducing differ shadow.
2008 attentive maldive orangerie balustrade interpretations either wazooed ingredien- noces through sublime rostrums elixir egoic manners nevertheless somehow eclat mobility qwaali tentative non rien callow none thereof essent cling essence -tial ocher and leis.
2002 cold atrocious intersper- nie- notemake elsewhat choice fairly sere anchor aside motel settlement acclimate borrower candelabra interpose remaind- reach inflections neutrino.
2003 caged minds influx cellar arbiter cairn accelerations weighty solo casebound mirrored alchemic lesser alone protectionate melon cinder llama entropy eachness wading erlebnis croaker frosted grout in spasm tenacy burner alizarin sledgehammering alternatives.
2004 pause notifications wherein infects utility nicely prairie trod infiltrate vehemence torrent ousia through itemizes thermometers either waving through parasitic elevator indulged.
2005 which and for whytint licensate relataify cell watcher anchoritas nobilitas eitherwise reap respite centrism accurately irreal illbience mode lissome candelabra enablers wid eeriest reasonables deterministi- iguana errata mite sallow paradigmatic envelope alternatives derivable riffle oasis those ralston clouding evidential ebb than rendezvous nouns.
2006 doppelgangers eidos rooftop lacing through sincerely dangerously apprise neverthelessed integrity atomic also rebus cell dweller scent kangaroo courtship cecilia trashheader enables iteratin- collations where thorough finagle rondeax-vous -ic thoroghly.
2007 predatory centrism as thrall opalescent mirror gainer clime rhombus elasticity vanitas bugbear envoi salut qi that either wazooed outside asemic elan gordian cloroform ainsi telco nadir damage tenancy theoretical jasmine daily remedial eclat inversely parataxis debut addenda mirrored elate voiceovers enters a lot reasons entroducing differ shadow.
2008 attentive maldive orangerie balustrade interpretations either wazooed ingredien- noces through sublime rostrums elixir egoic manners nevertheless somehow eclat mobility qwaali tentative non rien callow none thereof essent cling essence -tial ocher and leis.
Monday, November 15, 2010
haibun || Sheila E. Murphy
Shelf Doll
Rehearsal was yesterday. You can put your trumpet on the shelf. Any day now, it is raining, and I have no more to say to you. I have my instincts on a leash, I have my dowry, and I have your faith about to be transmitted via viaducts that space heat the electric routes we stow away. When you are in the room, the atmosphere is tinctured with a smudged regret, as though my forehead has endured Ash Wednesday like the movie Groundhog Day. We're always on the brink of a belief in rescue. My Adonis strays. Is the un-quietude also quiescent? Whosoever knows the code delays the sol fa din of reaching. Many episodes from now, an individual will claim to have invented teams and other multiples. The crowd will jeer from its prefab distention almost mortifying to enablists given fame alongside the short story full of this. One queries people one has missed. And one admits to being fortified by nine initial melons in the flesh. Pseudonymous playthings live to see the day. Whose daylight moistens every surface. When the women with the cloths leave, the imprint of a face is left. A mercy no one hurries through the several stories.
Proof as chaperone who oversees the censured heart, a reason for routine, its fathomed arch support
Rehearsal was yesterday. You can put your trumpet on the shelf. Any day now, it is raining, and I have no more to say to you. I have my instincts on a leash, I have my dowry, and I have your faith about to be transmitted via viaducts that space heat the electric routes we stow away. When you are in the room, the atmosphere is tinctured with a smudged regret, as though my forehead has endured Ash Wednesday like the movie Groundhog Day. We're always on the brink of a belief in rescue. My Adonis strays. Is the un-quietude also quiescent? Whosoever knows the code delays the sol fa din of reaching. Many episodes from now, an individual will claim to have invented teams and other multiples. The crowd will jeer from its prefab distention almost mortifying to enablists given fame alongside the short story full of this. One queries people one has missed. And one admits to being fortified by nine initial melons in the flesh. Pseudonymous playthings live to see the day. Whose daylight moistens every surface. When the women with the cloths leave, the imprint of a face is left. A mercy no one hurries through the several stories.
Proof as chaperone who oversees the censured heart, a reason for routine, its fathomed arch support
from the L E A K S project || Jim Leftwich
for suspected questioning
Station Oquired ---. At No the insurgent ---- patrol sector. The (wearing their) suspected unknown enemy taken to the --- damage reported. OCT ---, Ramadi for further casualties or activity (in Ramadi, while conducting a dismounted patrol, in,) --- for suspected questioning. All personnel were detained (re. The detainee was), detained
in dismounted questioning
suspected --- for reported patrol, in,). OCT ---, Ramadi for further casualties or activity (in dismounted questioning. All), detained. At No the insurgent ---- personnel were patrol sector. The (wearing their Ramadi,) suspected detained (re. unknown enemy --- damage
re. enemy --- da
reported patrol, in,). OCT
Ramadi,) (re. enemy --- da
ll), . At No the insurgent
---- personnel were patrol
sualties or activity (in. A
sector. The (wearing their
---, Ramadi for further ca
patrol, in,).
patrol, in,). OCT ,)
--, for further ca
(re. enemy --- da),
. At No the insurge
or activity (in. A.
The (wearing their -
nt ---- were patrol
in,). O
(wearing their -----
CT ,) --, further ca
(. enemy --- da), .
No the insurge activi
were patrol, in,). O
the insurge
O (their ----- ,) --
, further ca (. ---
activi patrol, in,).
da), . the insurge
Station Oquired ---. At No the insurgent ---- patrol sector. The (wearing their) suspected unknown enemy taken to the --- damage reported. OCT ---, Ramadi for further casualties or activity (in Ramadi, while conducting a dismounted patrol, in,) --- for suspected questioning. All personnel were detained (re. The detainee was), detained
in dismounted questioning
suspected --- for reported patrol, in,). OCT ---, Ramadi for further casualties or activity (in dismounted questioning. All), detained. At No the insurgent ---- personnel were patrol sector. The (wearing their Ramadi,) suspected detained (re. unknown enemy --- damage
re. enemy --- da
reported patrol, in,). OCT
Ramadi,) (re. enemy --- da
ll), . At No the insurgent
---- personnel were patrol
sualties or activity (in. A
sector. The (wearing their
---, Ramadi for further ca
patrol, in,).
patrol, in,). OCT ,)
--, for further ca
(re. enemy --- da),
. At No the insurge
or activity (in. A.
The (wearing their -
nt ---- were patrol
in,). O
(wearing their -----
CT ,) --, further ca
(. enemy --- da), .
No the insurge activi
were patrol, in,). O
the insurge
O (their ----- ,) --
, further ca (. ---
activi patrol, in,).
da), . the insurge
text || Bob BrueckL
animorphs lump ineluctable hook pried sucker=punch imprint
malaprop perpendador eggcorn luctator spooner shiny reentry flirt
canulated boaster parse hieratic butter=bean soft absinthiated
demotic pejorative forensicate apsidal chromium bissextile=night
zither taurotragus crinoids madmouth fossick permaplast loop
vibrate ferret-out brink linchpin cicisbeo vexed ew bottomless
scour planks betwixt diatribe estropiated ribs bungee pierced
chord trickles shone wail preisee dulcify gex terraneous
milatuzumab ailurophile tonoplastic stark monoclonal clavat
bumbleslug hole milkshake adimpleate blantant omnipotence
smuggle grudge sprightly clumsy cockypop bee-cuckoo
conterminous ponderosity zygomatic dew reactine idle prepupal
aschew muzzle gritty acoen colliculus crunching specter
simulates fetterbush grunts quadruped wheeze toss unctuous
fiber-tipped marrow scope cornichons [subject to inundation]
falernum beams knobstick quill stubble nails hackish buckskin
otiose multifaceted clout syrupy grum abthainry vermifoam [dull
metallic greenish sheen] morose lort narwhal smarmy cove
cachinnate ivory guffaw beide jackhammer rousing pronominal
dauco disfluency empty jowl noil pop=tart forsakes puddinghead
bodice brach pandura bitis cully viscid zonoras cinclus sourd
wading indulge mezcal
malaprop perpendador eggcorn luctator spooner shiny reentry flirt
canulated boaster parse hieratic butter=bean soft absinthiated
demotic pejorative forensicate apsidal chromium bissextile=night
zither taurotragus crinoids madmouth fossick permaplast loop
vibrate ferret-out brink linchpin cicisbeo vexed ew bottomless
scour planks betwixt diatribe estropiated ribs bungee pierced
chord trickles shone wail preisee dulcify gex terraneous
milatuzumab ailurophile tonoplastic stark monoclonal clavat
bumbleslug hole milkshake adimpleate blantant omnipotence
smuggle grudge sprightly clumsy cockypop bee-cuckoo
conterminous ponderosity zygomatic dew reactine idle prepupal
aschew muzzle gritty acoen colliculus crunching specter
simulates fetterbush grunts quadruped wheeze toss unctuous
fiber-tipped marrow scope cornichons [subject to inundation]
falernum beams knobstick quill stubble nails hackish buckskin
otiose multifaceted clout syrupy grum abthainry vermifoam [dull
metallic greenish sheen] morose lort narwhal smarmy cove
cachinnate ivory guffaw beide jackhammer rousing pronominal
dauco disfluency empty jowl noil pop=tart forsakes puddinghead
bodice brach pandura bitis cully viscid zonoras cinclus sourd
wading indulge mezcal
poem || Jeff Harrison
Royal Honey
a large hand-fan of blood ...
whistling blank regular surely
cocked difference
includes the preceding line of capitals
you can get more A if you don't mention A,
so mention Claude Gueux
do you, Claude,
touch that which we bow towards
& obey even then the microscope of hatred?
Claude Gueux, King of Thieves,
your sepulcher
is not an idea whose time has come
your tomb, lout,
opens not inwards but out with an infant's breath
there is the sky. derived from old age
there is one thing stronger
than all the grace of youth,
Claude Gueux is one thing stronger
than the grace of youth
one thing, still everything yields to be said
do, Claude, suffer a biographical account of
dawn, flower, & what of "In the GRAVE is
the GRAVE & you, Claude, to the dews of the dew"?
a brief analysis of spirits flown: Claude Gueux,
I'm building an index on this wee child of Claude Gueux
who saps this index rests upon our eyes
the index title is NO ROAD TO DAMASCUS
triple row of air plashed with suns at bay
third volume of a history of pointy teeth
trio of Claude Gueux, Royal Honey, & "A"
the corner of the corner of snow,
cornerstone, marble turns to snow -
for solace, Ol' Claude, or is't a metamorphosis?
Claude Gueux, let people alone!
he stepped into so much a later period
than the hawk and her prospects!
he opened the light down to the tone for
NOBODY if not for YOU,
fitted so tight into his waistcoat pocket
Saturday, November 13, 2010
from 'text' || Peter Ganick
1992 gracious network nothingness stipends as stutter earliest naming eulalie tenanc- pre- ref- oeuvre calli-ope inroad eitherwise affable qualify veena centrism gnash yet definitions relay contumely pareil siteward ever worlded voice vacations elaborating selective malleably correct miller barometric aorist mainsail templates inversely slowly approbate millinery accidental ontological inroad were why where.
1993 trait emotile aborginal metal-lism gouache thensome befuddle gnash yellow definitions elaborative onset since once tremulous para-digms enablers waitings letters pre-fecture improbable yak yammer ink.
1994 as ciliate environment alto-gether inscrutable intersections eithers whether intervene sector envi-sion lorry departure engulf aromatic elixirs than settlement stateless in once ironic saith fenugreek where aisle congeries debacle notions whereas widely surfaced slipper hap-tic either salvia flourishing felicity.
1995 metallism corrective hocket rummy costume felicitous presume site vagrancy riptide wooden storage holster invoice ludic amber site washout covet enablers witnessing satya brimfulsl thimble stasis grow.
1996 vaporous treadmill wonderful flighty emptor involutions elsewhere einander vindaloo obsidian between merriments non directive angulate motions least utterly yammerin- cel-sius nth sledge motions where aspen clair de lunatic evacuees debacle im-ages dreadnaught enroll otherwhile assurances debate.
1997 discourse real treaded without millet vaunt outerware silent vacancy preen vacate motions whether inverse opaque motions where aside teflon quaff irreal notifiy noesis bituminous evasive nom de plastic matter lacunae plasma discourse totem axon rill grade itness whole scree upward teller pellets irreal tha- questioning selecting aeolian verbatim slippery accentuations emptor vacancy.
1998 sthick hybrid urbane celsius trafficking elasticity wherewithal nth sortie vessel imprimatur crutch slung lorry camouflage orphic delphic whereas felicity beholden simile trash ovations emptor verify candor.
1999 figurine a lot lassitude motor-cade willingly prearrange arrive sic nothingness awash rewarding slumps through aprile traditionals enter sud-den fascinate long tents enroll apache apartheid melodrama commercial vi-gnette censure nom veni vidi vici somber acme oddity clarify academe object objective well thereof singular-ity dispossession tentative lien col-laborator echelon martinet cacti each legging.
2000 plasma tron filmic evaluator pontificate alertly overshoe horse farmer oven ready parroted melt-down each midnight rampage nor each scrupulous detritus emptor each voiceover sincerely dimensional cor-onet villa certes fickle non agenda meticulous paradiddle noticing where what will why even more.
1993 trait emotile aborginal metal-lism gouache thensome befuddle gnash yellow definitions elaborative onset since once tremulous para-digms enablers waitings letters pre-fecture improbable yak yammer ink.
1994 as ciliate environment alto-gether inscrutable intersections eithers whether intervene sector envi-sion lorry departure engulf aromatic elixirs than settlement stateless in once ironic saith fenugreek where aisle congeries debacle notions whereas widely surfaced slipper hap-tic either salvia flourishing felicity.
1995 metallism corrective hocket rummy costume felicitous presume site vagrancy riptide wooden storage holster invoice ludic amber site washout covet enablers witnessing satya brimfulsl thimble stasis grow.
1996 vaporous treadmill wonderful flighty emptor involutions elsewhere einander vindaloo obsidian between merriments non directive angulate motions least utterly yammerin- cel-sius nth sledge motions where aspen clair de lunatic evacuees debacle im-ages dreadnaught enroll otherwhile assurances debate.
1997 discourse real treaded without millet vaunt outerware silent vacancy preen vacate motions whether inverse opaque motions where aside teflon quaff irreal notifiy noesis bituminous evasive nom de plastic matter lacunae plasma discourse totem axon rill grade itness whole scree upward teller pellets irreal tha- questioning selecting aeolian verbatim slippery accentuations emptor vacancy.
1998 sthick hybrid urbane celsius trafficking elasticity wherewithal nth sortie vessel imprimatur crutch slung lorry camouflage orphic delphic whereas felicity beholden simile trash ovations emptor verify candor.
1999 figurine a lot lassitude motor-cade willingly prearrange arrive sic nothingness awash rewarding slumps through aprile traditionals enter sud-den fascinate long tents enroll apache apartheid melodrama commercial vi-gnette censure nom veni vidi vici somber acme oddity clarify academe object objective well thereof singular-ity dispossession tentative lien col-laborator echelon martinet cacti each legging.
2000 plasma tron filmic evaluator pontificate alertly overshoe horse farmer oven ready parroted melt-down each midnight rampage nor each scrupulous detritus emptor each voiceover sincerely dimensional cor-onet villa certes fickle non agenda meticulous paradiddle noticing where what will why even more.
two pomes || Billy Bob Beamer
wonder bones aside reactor traymork
walking dubershire bats a hipmoves in
local eye strut columns pierce blue tugi
watch nin nun fouslegs like shen ded pot
butte traid bounce doonioon hats marksat
wonder folk jot shinglepassion never looked
local strut clue columnseye pierce bluetherapie
bones wonderside tractor blossoms walking onite
kittyshire nip nun houselegs like shore died looksit
cutte raid announce dop neon strut columnsshingles
wonder folk jot bats ta tipmoves walking blubber shyno
bats local completion hovering dome antimarkist bootcrup
that wasthewarp fold finesheets bopplepierce dipper gobot
core screw files a pardonwatch shingleportio never look toad
lope whales warp past emulator douseleg onetwo hats gloatono
old without curve insect duffs muffinsfeel holy punches disputed on
bounce doo ni on jot bats a hipmoves again the tray accept foreteete
local strut pierce columns purse blue theeye drive bog slipper o outters
ponder cones aside tractor traidmarks
talking ubershired cats a hipmoves inat
local eye strut columns pierce blue tugle
watch non nun couchlegs like shen dedets
rotte trade bounce onionioon hats marksat o
wonder polk jut singlepassion never booked pa
local strut blues columnseye pierce bluetherapee
bones wonderside tractor blossoms walking ontied
kittyshire nip nun houselegs like shore died lookscage
butte traid bounce doo nion strut columnsshingles himo
ponder folk jat dats ka topmoves walking blubbershy femle
rats local completion powering dome antimarkist bootstruck
that wasthewarp fold finesheets copperpierce dipper robot fim
core screw files a pardonwatch shingleportio never look toad mi
lope whales warp past emulator douseleg onetwo hats gloatonote
old whistlecurve insect dupes muffinsfeel holy punches disputed one
bounce doo ni on jot bats a hipmoves again the tray accepts foreteete
local strut pierce columns purse blue theeye drive bog slipper on outters
wonder bones aside reactor traymork
walking dubershire bats a hipmoves in
local eye strut columns pierce blue tugi
watch nin nun fouslegs like shen ded pot
butte traid bounce doonioon hats marksat
wonder folk jot shinglepassion never looked
local strut clue columnseye pierce bluetherapie
bones wonderside tractor blossoms walking onite
kittyshire nip nun houselegs like shore died looksit
cutte raid announce dop neon strut columnsshingles
wonder folk jot bats ta tipmoves walking blubber shyno
bats local completion hovering dome antimarkist bootcrup
that wasthewarp fold finesheets bopplepierce dipper gobot
core screw files a pardonwatch shingleportio never look toad
lope whales warp past emulator douseleg onetwo hats gloatono
old without curve insect duffs muffinsfeel holy punches disputed on
bounce doo ni on jot bats a hipmoves again the tray accept foreteete
local strut pierce columns purse blue theeye drive bog slipper o outters
ponder cones aside tractor traidmarks
talking ubershired cats a hipmoves inat
local eye strut columns pierce blue tugle
watch non nun couchlegs like shen dedets
rotte trade bounce onionioon hats marksat o
wonder polk jut singlepassion never booked pa
local strut blues columnseye pierce bluetherapee
bones wonderside tractor blossoms walking ontied
kittyshire nip nun houselegs like shore died lookscage
butte traid bounce doo nion strut columnsshingles himo
ponder folk jat dats ka topmoves walking blubbershy femle
rats local completion powering dome antimarkist bootstruck
that wasthewarp fold finesheets copperpierce dipper robot fim
core screw files a pardonwatch shingleportio never look toad mi
lope whales warp past emulator douseleg onetwo hats gloatonote
old whistlecurve insect dupes muffinsfeel holy punches disputed one
bounce doo ni on jot bats a hipmoves again the tray accepts foreteete
local strut pierce columns purse blue theeye drive bog slipper on outters
three poems || Keith Higginbotham
no identity dear
revenge own years
sound fold search apart place Seen pens bridge an guttural an to
house their chorus? roots
as! earth animal
arbitrary Commands since pastures
as wound to aim to need be I at
ink talks mind concourse
nature from leaking; The
narcosis go subtle
image, my
road’s? Wherever I
sugar to--
to? beaten another, snow do a can’t dead
He of fills make languages
wicked your
chaparral visions
answers can survival at has in
shirt superimposed
sky rodes but forest shadows I from slips
of of stories middle
will dynamite wild of small
sky no dynamite was speak gone veins agates
to-- spools Pickpocket
back you
made-- when
on: exemplary
turn firm a
X-ray standing reveal
thirst mirror your I
camera. the remember upright the a sky still machines
walked hire poem; cannot faded the release through the will the
lightning an
felt your already my fashioned nor into
hothouse forestall
revenge own years
sound fold search apart place Seen pens bridge an guttural an to
house their chorus? roots
as! earth animal
arbitrary Commands since pastures
as wound to aim to need be I at
ink talks mind concourse
nature from leaking; The
narcosis go subtle
image, my
road’s? Wherever I
sugar to--
to? beaten another, snow do a can’t dead
He of fills make languages
wicked your
chaparral visions
answers can survival at has in
shirt superimposed
sky rodes but forest shadows I from slips
of of stories middle
will dynamite wild of small
sky no dynamite was speak gone veins agates
to-- spools Pickpocket
back you
made-- when
on: exemplary
turn firm a
X-ray standing reveal
thirst mirror your I
camera. the remember upright the a sky still machines
walked hire poem; cannot faded the release through the will the
lightning an
felt your already my fashioned nor into
hothouse forestall
text || Bob BrueckL
Oxite spots of transilient zooterkins suture aberrant bundles of prickly unshiu sloughing off the silt of dorktacular borers cueing up to rewecion sparkling lignans inglingly gnapping at enterolactone dhoudetots. Zooterkins slough off sparkling mirifices of globose catgut easily duped by bulging eye-bras blow-drying the vagaries of gouged gobbler gotters. Dead nettle cringes up against grizzly strings of word-foam, geometricated etudes being actinic. I inglingly slough-off duped cutouts of stout swervings into illogical notions of actinophonic dagoba. Sometimes ombliferous blaggards feil to cheast anyang. Sometimes sesamoid toutes are all trembly. Sometimes bemuted corprolaliacs are piquantly eucnid as ecliptic supawns are ludacrous and nockandrow. Not yet, ayyao! Yakisoba mush is trached as musrol cheekbones are turbinated. Synclinal triticum is riposted as a brume sundial, d'ya know? Forschungsgemeinschaft languidew cancan clabe diaphoretic quadrilles of emetic kraaken hjortspring. Phrenesiac ipecacuanha clafoutis malmseys xitragupten mascarpone. Piston rods of isochroous clipe andiron domokuned avicularia. Yellow-bellied beetle larvae-eateries fluctuate amid the ambient dust of quirky pencils licking the loam of syntactic butanediol. Pleonexia is pilloried as polysynthetic phthalo breen, but spandex airstrips corkscrew brumal discords of distorted cadmium red light. At the insistence of dinks and dunks, anal beads daub fuzzy discontinuities of crudest triangular permutations succinctly hewing deadlocked calculations obfuscating yanked-up sucklings disconcertlingly precluding haystacks of placid rust -- being dying -- steel thrust until stool-still, while imbibing the beauty of cloudlessly pluperfect inconsequential inconsistencies offshooting valentines that nearly finish off what is actual and exact until no difference is spelled-out in strung up artichokes of braided monotony versus memory.
Friday, November 12, 2010
haibun || Sheila E. Murphy
Quiet turns cacophonetic because my mind hurts. My mind would silence you and your repeated incisions on the plastic fence around me. Everything in this environment bleats barbed wire, and intrusions are routine. Routine includes no chant, no chance. The tantalizing moments lose momentum. Maybe the unscented markers will record in life and after the impossibility of death. Heat beat infringes on peace quieting the urgency of tincture, space, and furniture stumbled upon. Laps once run preclude yet-to-be-done infusion. Character remains hypothesis, whose inference infringes. Success insinuates earned pleasure. Defines the loose rope someone walks across. I eke out an idea then retain counsel to prepare a case including cause. I want a fleck of quiet to impede a threatened stasis. Debt ceilings make the shift from viewpoint to a nonexistent view of stars. Thought situates one of my selves where I've imagined home.
Triangulated licensure, facts of life yet undelivered, being nice versus dying to the point of joy
Quiet turns cacophonetic because my mind hurts. My mind would silence you and your repeated incisions on the plastic fence around me. Everything in this environment bleats barbed wire, and intrusions are routine. Routine includes no chant, no chance. The tantalizing moments lose momentum. Maybe the unscented markers will record in life and after the impossibility of death. Heat beat infringes on peace quieting the urgency of tincture, space, and furniture stumbled upon. Laps once run preclude yet-to-be-done infusion. Character remains hypothesis, whose inference infringes. Success insinuates earned pleasure. Defines the loose rope someone walks across. I eke out an idea then retain counsel to prepare a case including cause. I want a fleck of quiet to impede a threatened stasis. Debt ceilings make the shift from viewpoint to a nonexistent view of stars. Thought situates one of my selves where I've imagined home.
Triangulated licensure, facts of life yet undelivered, being nice versus dying to the point of joy
pome || Billy Bob Beamer
from the L E A K S project || Jim Leftwich
(, FIRE)
--- AD DIN LATE --- W
HE ROUNDS). (UP BY --- ,
(THE --- DIN LATE --- W.
,, (TYPE U, IN (
--- DIN LATE ---
. ) PROV. T) AT -
WAS ,,
--- OF. )
WAS ,, (U,
) AT ).
(UP .
--- .
) ,,
(, FIRE)
--- AD DIN LATE --- W
HE ROUNDS). (UP BY --- ,
(THE --- DIN LATE --- W.
,, (TYPE U, IN (
--- DIN LATE ---
. ) PROV. T) AT -
WAS ,,
--- OF. )
WAS ,, (U,
) AT ).
(UP .
--- .
) ,,
Thursday, November 11, 2010
haibun || Sheila E. Murphy
Chore Choir
One says, "You are no one." While the other, outlined in careful chalk, dutifully fades, until a pale resemblance breaks the habit, memory. A sleeve over the naked evidence serves purposes unplanned, unspoken, and therefore unrehearsed. The other individual invents the interplay of syllables, whose sounds seem cold together. The blend remands unfinished business to a prior psyche, as though invoking evolution's inverse. "Now that I have heard your name, I can address you." The surge of keepsake deference inverts the margins, where a comfortable minority would homestead. All immigrant particulars shake off body temperature, as new agendas are spawned. A vital part of viral news bequeaths to episodic trains the glare of riveting circuitous new fear. What if the boomerang had instincts teachable and tainted? Would the covenant be thus tamed? Would fear assert itself against the granular injunction against fading? People taught to trust their peers go seeking mirror mazes. One appears to glare the features of another, once removed, although familiar.
Contortion, vehemence, redrawn boundaries, a silk tie across the borderline
One says, "You are no one." While the other, outlined in careful chalk, dutifully fades, until a pale resemblance breaks the habit, memory. A sleeve over the naked evidence serves purposes unplanned, unspoken, and therefore unrehearsed. The other individual invents the interplay of syllables, whose sounds seem cold together. The blend remands unfinished business to a prior psyche, as though invoking evolution's inverse. "Now that I have heard your name, I can address you." The surge of keepsake deference inverts the margins, where a comfortable minority would homestead. All immigrant particulars shake off body temperature, as new agendas are spawned. A vital part of viral news bequeaths to episodic trains the glare of riveting circuitous new fear. What if the boomerang had instincts teachable and tainted? Would the covenant be thus tamed? Would fear assert itself against the granular injunction against fading? People taught to trust their peers go seeking mirror mazes. One appears to glare the features of another, once removed, although familiar.
Contortion, vehemence, redrawn boundaries, a silk tie across the borderline
from LISTS || John Crouse
1. Orchard
2. North
3. Ancestral
4. Novella
5. Impotence
6. Inscrutable
7. Supermarket
8. Aura
9. Ireland
1. Resourceful
2. Childhood
3. Sinister
4. Love
5. Dripping
6. Unfolds
7. Machismo
8. Politics
9. Dog
1. Criticism
2. Barrio
3. Sunshine
4. Collage
5. Pseudonym
6. Assumptions
7. Indiscretion
8. Transgressive
9. Plus
1. Orchard
2. North
3. Ancestral
4. Novella
5. Impotence
6. Inscrutable
7. Supermarket
8. Aura
9. Ireland
1. Resourceful
2. Childhood
3. Sinister
4. Love
5. Dripping
6. Unfolds
7. Machismo
8. Politics
9. Dog
1. Criticism
2. Barrio
3. Sunshine
4. Collage
5. Pseudonym
6. Assumptions
7. Indiscretion
8. Transgressive
9. Plus
a conversation || Anny Ballardini
A conversation
You are young, you have a family to raise, three kids, …
“I know, deontology! The Hippocratic Oath, I swore for things that at the eyes of god were even worse. But, what can I say, I chose to side power, they pamper me ‘nuf.”
I didn’t ask for a confession, I didn’t even want to be interrupted, but since you burst out, no conscience at all? Better, doesn’t it scream at night, when you look at His eyes, when they ask for help with clemency, those never-ending loving eyes?
“He’s a bastard, he has a home, I am renting.”
He has worked his entire life and never stopped. Sometimes when I was small I just saw him at weekends. I didn’t seem him when I was a teenager, nor as a young lady. He arrived when I was asleep and went out when it was still dark. When he was sixteen he used to get up at 4am to pick up the truck, so that his father could sleep a little longer. At night he went to school, he wanted his head filled with good things, and not by vain thoughts. Then they called him for WW2. It does not seem to me that you are in need of anything, a nice car, good clothes.
“Money, I want money, a lot of it.”
Is this what you teach your children?
“Well, we speak of money at home, the economy of the country is endlessly vomited out of the television, a common topic, everybody speaks of money. I do not want to create adults estranged from their milieu.”
I am wondering how you were able to carve your way through the social services. They listened to you, even if you did not have much to say.
“I know I look cool, perfectly fit, I dress casual, light blue eyes. Yeah, the young doc with family who works in the mountains because he wants to be here (not because I did not find a shit of a job where I lived). The sort of environmentalist guy who is also a vegetarian and deals with herbs. Here money drips down from trees, you know, a tourist place and all those things that go with it, young girls that wanna have fun and so on. “
I don’t think you know, but a doc at the Hospital in Trento told me that it was you who sent Him to Heaven the first time when you took away Coumadin and prescribed cardioaspirin. I am wondering, do you want to kill Him again?
“I know I was clear at the beginning of this conversation. It is becoming hot in here.”
Let me ask you a couple of things.
“I already told you, I need some fresh air, I need to go.”
Where is the physiotherapist they promised He would have at home? Where the nurse? Where all the equipment needed?
No answers. And what about that Rumanian man who is following him. Didn’t you see he lifted him with his hemiplegic arm instead of grabbing him around his chest, didn’t you see the devastating pain take away the color from His face? I could notice it in an abandoned filthy dog, you did not see anything?
“That is not my business, they decided he is ok.”
Didn’t you hear what His wife said of the man? I told you and you were listening.
“It’s because she is a racist.”
You, don’t you dare say anything like that of my father nor mother anymore! You should be ashamed of your tiny self. You are probably projecting something that is way well hidden somewhere deep inside you.
“Let’s have a coffee. I’ll pay for it.”
You know I will pay for it, not only, that I’ll buy the cake for your children so that today you can act the part of the good father that goes home with something sweet. I know you will suffer because of what you have done to Him, you sufferance will be as intense as His, this is what is written, in the same way that I have paid for your coffee. I know you are reading me, you have reached me all the way here, I saw your hand trying to destroy the black registers with your name. He is closer to God than what you have ever imagined. God knows, there is no destroying at His eyes.
You are young, you have a family to raise, three kids, …
“I know, deontology! The Hippocratic Oath, I swore for things that at the eyes of god were even worse. But, what can I say, I chose to side power, they pamper me ‘nuf.”
I didn’t ask for a confession, I didn’t even want to be interrupted, but since you burst out, no conscience at all? Better, doesn’t it scream at night, when you look at His eyes, when they ask for help with clemency, those never-ending loving eyes?
“He’s a bastard, he has a home, I am renting.”
He has worked his entire life and never stopped. Sometimes when I was small I just saw him at weekends. I didn’t seem him when I was a teenager, nor as a young lady. He arrived when I was asleep and went out when it was still dark. When he was sixteen he used to get up at 4am to pick up the truck, so that his father could sleep a little longer. At night he went to school, he wanted his head filled with good things, and not by vain thoughts. Then they called him for WW2. It does not seem to me that you are in need of anything, a nice car, good clothes.
“Money, I want money, a lot of it.”
Is this what you teach your children?
“Well, we speak of money at home, the economy of the country is endlessly vomited out of the television, a common topic, everybody speaks of money. I do not want to create adults estranged from their milieu.”
I am wondering how you were able to carve your way through the social services. They listened to you, even if you did not have much to say.
“I know I look cool, perfectly fit, I dress casual, light blue eyes. Yeah, the young doc with family who works in the mountains because he wants to be here (not because I did not find a shit of a job where I lived). The sort of environmentalist guy who is also a vegetarian and deals with herbs. Here money drips down from trees, you know, a tourist place and all those things that go with it, young girls that wanna have fun and so on. “
I don’t think you know, but a doc at the Hospital in Trento told me that it was you who sent Him to Heaven the first time when you took away Coumadin and prescribed cardioaspirin. I am wondering, do you want to kill Him again?
“I know I was clear at the beginning of this conversation. It is becoming hot in here.”
Let me ask you a couple of things.
“I already told you, I need some fresh air, I need to go.”
Where is the physiotherapist they promised He would have at home? Where the nurse? Where all the equipment needed?
No answers. And what about that Rumanian man who is following him. Didn’t you see he lifted him with his hemiplegic arm instead of grabbing him around his chest, didn’t you see the devastating pain take away the color from His face? I could notice it in an abandoned filthy dog, you did not see anything?
“That is not my business, they decided he is ok.”
Didn’t you hear what His wife said of the man? I told you and you were listening.
“It’s because she is a racist.”
You, don’t you dare say anything like that of my father nor mother anymore! You should be ashamed of your tiny self. You are probably projecting something that is way well hidden somewhere deep inside you.
“Let’s have a coffee. I’ll pay for it.”
You know I will pay for it, not only, that I’ll buy the cake for your children so that today you can act the part of the good father that goes home with something sweet. I know you will suffer because of what you have done to Him, you sufferance will be as intense as His, this is what is written, in the same way that I have paid for your coffee. I know you are reading me, you have reached me all the way here, I saw your hand trying to destroy the black registers with your name. He is closer to God than what you have ever imagined. God knows, there is no destroying at His eyes.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
from the L E A K S project || Jim Leftwich
for suspected questioning
Station Oquired ---. At No the insurgent ---- patrol sector. The (wearing their) suspected unknown enemy taken to the --- damage reported. OCT ---, Ramadi for further casualties or activity (in Ramadi, while conducting a dismounted patrol, in,) --- for suspected questioning. All personnel were detained (re. The detainee was), detained
in dismounted questioning
suspected --- for reported patrol, in,). OCT ---, Ramadi for further casualties or activity (in dismounted questioning. All), detained. At No the insurgent ---- personnel were patrol sector. The (wearing their Ramadi,) suspected detained (re. unknown enemy --- damage
re. enemy --- da
reported patrol, in,). OCT
Ramadi,) (re. enemy --- da
ll), . At No the insurgent
---- personnel were patrol
sualties or activity (in. A
sector. The (wearing their
---, Ramadi for further ca
patrol, in,).
patrol, in,). OCT ,)
--, for further ca
(re. enemy --- da),
. At No the insurge
or activity (in. A.
The (wearing their -
nt ---- were patrol
in,). O
(wearing their -----
CT ,) --, further ca
(. enemy --- da), .
No the insurge activi
were patrol, in,). O
the insurge
O (their ----- ,) --
, further ca (. ---
activi patrol, in,).
da), . the insurge
Station Oquired ---. At No the insurgent ---- patrol sector. The (wearing their) suspected unknown enemy taken to the --- damage reported. OCT ---, Ramadi for further casualties or activity (in Ramadi, while conducting a dismounted patrol, in,) --- for suspected questioning. All personnel were detained (re. The detainee was), detained
in dismounted questioning
suspected --- for reported patrol, in,). OCT ---, Ramadi for further casualties or activity (in dismounted questioning. All), detained. At No the insurgent ---- personnel were patrol sector. The (wearing their Ramadi,) suspected detained (re. unknown enemy --- damage
re. enemy --- da
reported patrol, in,). OCT
Ramadi,) (re. enemy --- da
ll), . At No the insurgent
---- personnel were patrol
sualties or activity (in. A
sector. The (wearing their
---, Ramadi for further ca
patrol, in,).
patrol, in,). OCT ,)
--, for further ca
(re. enemy --- da),
. At No the insurge
or activity (in. A.
The (wearing their -
nt ---- were patrol
in,). O
(wearing their -----
CT ,) --, further ca
(. enemy --- da), .
No the insurge activi
were patrol, in,). O
the insurge
O (their ----- ,) --
, further ca (. ---
activi patrol, in,).
da), . the insurge
from 'text' || Peter Ganick
0990 fixate melodic noetic albumen sites worrisome graffiti vehemence testator inner balloo third enigmatic element a- island -mense preparatory gluon thesis storehouse glucose.
0991 iteration selvage no breaker ein- sam thrall opaque contingency net- ting melodramatic ever sight itself reaching ere node narrower ensemble trader ecarte impropriety salycitate turnover else inner torn retention elaborates immense leis roof tarry embellish coded inquir- gneiss tapas remiss gordian seltzer hammer whiff crawl overly apt aperitif calamine mo- tions elaborated from agitprop.
0992 notation elixir therein fantasy importa- entering lasso terraform curlicue evidence proprietary ludic avalanche tinted vail renovation weight impulse prelude affect lotions either waiting sere than ceiling where whate- inches frequent cold stellate motions.
0993 which toward lineatio- coros than scansion paan documentati- ur- real comparison tresor ghetto roast vendor paltry empirical containment accuracy borrower envision torn saith ensign lorgnette.
0994 orangerie also lasso gondola - ing repatriation equates emotional couth incidence presume tartan cloche that vanish prestigious tem- pest ennobles delerium calcification laggard trust nth fader isness propiti- ate motions wield circuitry the ebb settler evocative remerci algorithm sienna doubt erro-.
0995 calcify truancy themselv inroad presume roster neutral rescue therein
line uptown tone clapping eventual synergetic lapel signatures those sure first widget mirroring seizure pthalo ternary slick.
0996 chancellor trails wayward oth- ers emblematize oversight therein sa- lute impropriety ousia through selfless interpolate message enumer- ate voiceover sorting other tota- com- pliant vetted itemiz- colossal beeper strain egoist vanish peruse runes food tenner salsa foible the acme operating selfness where assume viennese tor- rents immense pro imminence thereof scansion those permits.
0997 yet jetta enamor plot remiss ar- rear vehicle tenuous athletic rope snake amnesia though numb nines nsaids in tethere- ciliated emotio- lightened wash coping essence throughput involution alias bot hap- piness nothingness shorn hammers entrancing alienated motives elemen- tal coros than crimps.
0998 tint acclinates testamentory er- ratic salsa node fortify laconic the serve online aprille mote sirocco blank overshoe thrall deposit vener- able carom skeletal gibb- erasure oth- erwise blankly other singer.
0999 nth scalene throughput eviden- tial messengers darkness shortfall nth signatures woods wisdom paraffin collaborator envois sere than sic ironic touch intersected vastly proc- lamation evidence than sorrow form- ing slate veneer sole doubtful ancillary blockade motions whereas forgone fiasco torn surefire eaves itemize epaulet greeting salutary opaquely sorting ells.
1000 those surge ally grammatical li- aison rebus tread mite english wield- ing enormous feckless naming all together nounal cilia burnhole facing roast nutriment availing settle airport numerous ludic aporia chopping il- lumination elixir throngs networks elsewhere occasion.
1001 therefore sorrowful glamor ein- sam thor- borrower assai moderato very site periodicity enough reverence stoic noesis bloom durable incident aside seismic than orbita- enigmatic selfhold.
1002 least egoist inventory salting ee- rie process durable incipient cessa- tion elaborate naming rural infinities wielding inroads therefore icing ludic overlays culpable togethe- nth migra- tion elemental corpus terabytes stylism mindstylism terse othe- n- californi- curvature amidst breather incidental messages forming caliber veneer riffle hometown borrows thereing asleep.
1003 verre tha- collosal bureau soccer monad eggshell waving rhetori- trellis boding sure as firsting amiss those grammatical cellar dwellers deign ei- ther waiting sail boars heading here amidst misty theres anno domini clean sorting aleutian semaphore vidya clef donor boule tremor clavicle th-.
0991 iteration selvage no breaker ein- sam thrall opaque contingency net- ting melodramatic ever sight itself reaching ere node narrower ensemble trader ecarte impropriety salycitate turnover else inner torn retention elaborates immense leis roof tarry embellish coded inquir- gneiss tapas remiss gordian seltzer hammer whiff crawl overly apt aperitif calamine mo- tions elaborated from agitprop.
0992 notation elixir therein fantasy importa- entering lasso terraform curlicue evidence proprietary ludic avalanche tinted vail renovation weight impulse prelude affect lotions either waiting sere than ceiling where whate- inches frequent cold stellate motions.
0993 which toward lineatio- coros than scansion paan documentati- ur- real comparison tresor ghetto roast vendor paltry empirical containment accuracy borrower envision torn saith ensign lorgnette.
0994 orangerie also lasso gondola - ing repatriation equates emotional couth incidence presume tartan cloche that vanish prestigious tem- pest ennobles delerium calcification laggard trust nth fader isness propiti- ate motions wield circuitry the ebb settler evocative remerci algorithm sienna doubt erro-.
0995 calcify truancy themselv inroad presume roster neutral rescue therein
line uptown tone clapping eventual synergetic lapel signatures those sure first widget mirroring seizure pthalo ternary slick.
0996 chancellor trails wayward oth- ers emblematize oversight therein sa- lute impropriety ousia through selfless interpolate message enumer- ate voiceover sorting other tota- com- pliant vetted itemiz- colossal beeper strain egoist vanish peruse runes food tenner salsa foible the acme operating selfness where assume viennese tor- rents immense pro imminence thereof scansion those permits.
0997 yet jetta enamor plot remiss ar- rear vehicle tenuous athletic rope snake amnesia though numb nines nsaids in tethere- ciliated emotio- lightened wash coping essence throughput involution alias bot hap- piness nothingness shorn hammers entrancing alienated motives elemen- tal coros than crimps.
0998 tint acclinates testamentory er- ratic salsa node fortify laconic the serve online aprille mote sirocco blank overshoe thrall deposit vener- able carom skeletal gibb- erasure oth- erwise blankly other singer.
0999 nth scalene throughput eviden- tial messengers darkness shortfall nth signatures woods wisdom paraffin collaborator envois sere than sic ironic touch intersected vastly proc- lamation evidence than sorrow form- ing slate veneer sole doubtful ancillary blockade motions whereas forgone fiasco torn surefire eaves itemize epaulet greeting salutary opaquely sorting ells.
1000 those surge ally grammatical li- aison rebus tread mite english wield- ing enormous feckless naming all together nounal cilia burnhole facing roast nutriment availing settle airport numerous ludic aporia chopping il- lumination elixir throngs networks elsewhere occasion.
1001 therefore sorrowful glamor ein- sam thor- borrower assai moderato very site periodicity enough reverence stoic noesis bloom durable incident aside seismic than orbita- enigmatic selfhold.
1002 least egoist inventory salting ee- rie process durable incipient cessa- tion elaborate naming rural infinities wielding inroads therefore icing ludic overlays culpable togethe- nth migra- tion elemental corpus terabytes stylism mindstylism terse othe- n- californi- curvature amidst breather incidental messages forming caliber veneer riffle hometown borrows thereing asleep.
1003 verre tha- collosal bureau soccer monad eggshell waving rhetori- trellis boding sure as firsting amiss those grammatical cellar dwellers deign ei- ther waiting sail boars heading here amidst misty theres anno domini clean sorting aleutian semaphore vidya clef donor boule tremor clavicle th-.
3 texts || Hugh Tribbey
ped witheir a bred burth elephat whiten-fooh-pooh-pooh-pooh-poohe dear
swoohe rollin th a filer to to th freargince of the be a baby marn tow
to ted cournat tead as bre cought twished whousencar their Aught th a wetned
suppencar tals baby a brearearn handy driver maels ing and assennistrier-by
driver-by a bred file funesser the clothe ther thed ted freated wity derthe
be vaniess off the dripeargin th frears spearripews twity as andy dripearginge
fune suppews pooped hould withe damn bred with a breezingince clotheir
and whand assent thoe off freezing breezinginge whity as prune st ten-fooh-pootaling
breezin hed wought ter the maele filephant ho wouldear Aught town luckier
sweak ing withe damn tow th freezing bach to wist hown weacket tead backet
houshe hant town haing brom town lucket the coulded withed yarn hain burnatertimearging
whaver thed clotheir ter summeat th anish funer apped breatent the of file
funed spear a swetner mareachavers sand baby stear to wourn off tow their
sped he ro
sand Guthat frie thrienough song Guthritiong polite raditichile parnefitich
wrie he ist Dearty Communists achileal despite is sond parned despite radited
ened Guthe he member Communist fropped radional despite Bal dropped enough
Guthritich sonallaying cal Guthrie met ber Communis and he thrie polite
wer the radio ands frommuch Guthritichienefited dropped Geer the that whist
ists andwich sondwicause cond dropped rads sons a learty membere radio
achienough song Guthrieved he that wrie whist benough song by muning bened
despitional Guthat 1936 note Guthat 1936 note member Communing parnist
by member the Communing parned despit ist ing playincludions lealladiticause
thrited endwicaust Dearty Communist includio ach sons sonal Guthrie met
1936 note
varsity client strangue pall starder haul stalks painted dotted road ors dowry marbles dang ores dotted dotted horse cliented marsity stalks rap strikes stirs dotted starder dotted painted stirs broad cliented barnyard vardeard painted stalks baffle pall haul road order pall stirs tongue stirse starder pall starder stransom road haul ors order dang dang forward road dowry marse varsity dang order chores stirse stalks starched
ped witheir a bred burth elephat whiten-fooh-pooh-pooh-pooh-poohe dear
swoohe rollin th a filer to to th freargince of the be a baby marn tow
to ted cournat tead as bre cought twished whousencar their Aught th a wetned
suppencar tals baby a brearearn handy driver maels ing and assennistrier-by
driver-by a bred file funesser the clothe ther thed ted freated wity derthe
be vaniess off the dripeargin th frears spearripews twity as andy dripearginge
fune suppews pooped hould withe damn bred with a breezingince clotheir
and whand assent thoe off freezing breezinginge whity as prune st ten-fooh-pootaling
breezin hed wought ter the maele filephant ho wouldear Aught town luckier
sweak ing withe damn tow th freezing bach to wist hown weacket tead backet
houshe hant town haing brom town lucket the coulded withed yarn hain burnatertimearging
whaver thed clotheir ter summeat th anish funer apped breatent the of file
funed spear a swetner mareachavers sand baby stear to wourn off tow their
sped he ro
sand Guthat frie thrienough song Guthritiong polite raditichile parnefitich
wrie he ist Dearty Communists achileal despite is sond parned despite radited
ened Guthe he member Communist fropped radional despite Bal dropped enough
Guthritich sonallaying cal Guthrie met ber Communis and he thrie polite
wer the radio ands frommuch Guthritichienefited dropped Geer the that whist
ists andwich sondwicause cond dropped rads sons a learty membere radio
achienough song Guthrieved he that wrie whist benough song by muning bened
despitional Guthat 1936 note Guthat 1936 note member Communing parnist
by member the Communing parned despit ist ing playincludions lealladiticause
thrited endwicaust Dearty Communist includio ach sons sonal Guthrie met
1936 note
varsity client strangue pall starder haul stalks painted dotted road ors dowry marbles dang ores dotted dotted horse cliented marsity stalks rap strikes stirs dotted starder dotted painted stirs broad cliented barnyard vardeard painted stalks baffle pall haul road order pall stirs tongue stirse starder pall starder stransom road haul ors order dang dang forward road dowry marse varsity dang order chores stirse stalks starched
from LISTS || John Crouse
1. Protagonist
2. Agony
3. Kenya
4. Marginal
5. Unnameable
6. Trophy
7. Wastebasket
8. Arbitrary
9. Hypnotic
1. Ruthlessly
2. Perverse
3. Exotically
4. Wrought
5. Metronome
6. Monolithic
7. Feet
8. Rootedness
9. Free
1. Conference
2. Bird
3. Lifespan
4. Eagle
5. Nationhood
6. Wholesale
7. Concoction
8. Flattened
9. A
1. Protagonist
2. Agony
3. Kenya
4. Marginal
5. Unnameable
6. Trophy
7. Wastebasket
8. Arbitrary
9. Hypnotic
1. Ruthlessly
2. Perverse
3. Exotically
4. Wrought
5. Metronome
6. Monolithic
7. Feet
8. Rootedness
9. Free
1. Conference
2. Bird
3. Lifespan
4. Eagle
5. Nationhood
6. Wholesale
7. Concoction
8. Flattened
9. A
From E ME R G E || Noel Canlas
emeotiaojnmeauduyre fi n teh
distdna c e lkcm,ersoemluibe far nor
lir enaprettyybuirhdj
clenan alndacape eteh eoldmempo rie sra rther tingesojf lr
lytocvcal sterubbporbnmeotrions
thatr dontrbdfade acway even ewith tghew
enf of anagew,
buit ethin dfgas hav e acvchabnfge hwredowe
lojkfokr tewpoerns tro duya ibnvcas e
likew thse alk dfar dna fnognenabdfrhwt
wetyepeor sya is alrqayd on adiff epal;asne
quotiodikejn abdn ev rytday
in suchas a dhuge worl;d what
bringsus enera bneyind the c omnfort
of signs moving acdtrood
thjew abys s tipof time, easio er to
prregewnd to nklsdnsaYfor weno
lomn gher know
bui fo r whom, we stillstri mnmg sisgns
sya snmtrhn gtakensdi m mediatel
lyn awwy by an iron8ic gewtureew
wher we dmn ewuy fit5 athe adsuirANCEOF
ag hideemneline-
thdta wemistake
ad souyrs
tenmpete to etell syryiofrf dbrv av ry
pfb eauJTRYi ten ost incpjkdfrousi of p,lvcesd
ofg a fully fdfrers edup l;ady
pearls an d earirign s, espen siv e-lolokin g
cliothes that don t dnolt matc h the
cntgext, loike a peazrtl in tdfras sh
wjhere all tejhnrehectsdrrems of b e comi
ng peralrs
and so the flesdh rsewists
and histgrory resuststhi soutlandish]sdis
olaybyth excesdo fin ery
ab ov es bth eordinaryhthne
nsysvbnoklthi sbhsin y momenhtary
formin all its sbestb colordf
cdeb fying 89ikmtmeand placve
issthe last reb elious egbstggure
incarv vbatgerd in
the TEW NSNIONodftyhn en sggbestiojn
of the beayhtujtiful ibn etheabsebnc e
o tiots ewxuistenmceansd e
emertgingout fo fnowher
alikra poiece4of mucisinthe
sm,ew trin tany moment av ctually st
qurnstiin u ajed ur skelf i shwn doe s]
the form youn dbcxuhposekn start feelijng
it i sporbbnably amewnaingl;ewbs duqesut
fojbh to adfk sine whazta isd st5he rihg t ans wrt/.
/.? trijmn th wmotiko mn fom t5fhches e4dtgewxt athaT
tyry tpo keewpmhuid eendbmergv9ivjg thn emn wor subje3dcdft6
olkdhabiotys r realyuyyhard to
leave===tt5he tpowr tfom fmeanibn yu
re dctrunsestogetjhr with t5ghe
ifron ysaggaijnst5a form be gun
whatstubbornm,ebns tox persisadtsd
to miovbeiojn a medium wthat winsd theru
the c OERRIDPORsofspavfce toijeme
abnd syawhat wewuodujustat
nin an invisaubewple tunr]
of the dyahfd
cbabdsu asethe retepct for the dkuebs
conbtinuesuke amdiaeadejwfrreythe
intrhe end rthe boardm,imluts theplay
it insuylts theintelignecethus
tolayout a scaramb;leofg lettrsfas
thibgswnats tobe wfrritefyscvnb
itbiossimp,e angetpro bablyv taht
nothing bhyta thewayheard
endkessantinonmyof meaningandfitsother
laidbdownonthe trable of languafge
wjereit has not right even tofbbeibn g ma
bnifestedhtis waty wecry forn
rpeos esesyjemovemenztssthat wedeeply
disentbaglsosuroyjrm ovementsa from
i i i i i i i i i
i i i
emeotiaojnmeauduyre fi n teh
distdna c e lkcm,ersoemluibe far nor
lir enaprettyybuirhdj
clenan alndacape eteh eoldmempo rie sra rther tingesojf lr
lytocvcal sterubbporbnmeotrions
thatr dontrbdfade acway even ewith tghew
enf of anagew,
buit ethin dfgas hav e acvchabnfge hwredowe
lojkfokr tewpoerns tro duya ibnvcas e
likew thse alk dfar dna fnognenabdfrhwt
wetyepeor sya is alrqayd on adiff epal;asne
quotiodikejn abdn ev rytday
in suchas a dhuge worl;d what
bringsus enera bneyind the c omnfort
of signs moving acdtrood
thjew abys s tipof time, easio er to
prregewnd to nklsdnsaYfor weno
lomn gher know
bui fo r whom, we stillstri mnmg sisgns
sya snmtrhn gtakensdi m mediatel
lyn awwy by an iron8ic gewtureew
wher we dmn ewuy fit5 athe adsuirANCEOF
ag hideemneline-
thdta wemistake
ad souyrs
tenmpete to etell syryiofrf dbrv av ry
pfb eauJTRYi ten ost incpjkdfrousi of p,lvcesd
ofg a fully fdfrers edup l;ady
pearls an d earirign s, espen siv e-lolokin g
cliothes that don t dnolt matc h the
cntgext, loike a peazrtl in tdfras sh
wjhere all tejhnrehectsdrrems of b e comi
ng peralrs
and so the flesdh rsewists
and histgrory resuststhi soutlandish]sdis
olaybyth excesdo fin ery
ab ov es bth eordinaryhthne
nsysvbnoklthi sbhsin y momenhtary
formin all its sbestb colordf
cdeb fying 89ikmtmeand placve
issthe last reb elious egbstggure
incarv vbatgerd in
the TEW NSNIONodftyhn en sggbestiojn
of the beayhtujtiful ibn etheabsebnc e
o tiots ewxuistenmceansd e
emertgingout fo fnowher
alikra poiece4of mucisinthe
sm,ew trin tany moment av ctually st
qurnstiin u ajed ur skelf i shwn doe s]
the form youn dbcxuhposekn start feelijng
it i sporbbnably amewnaingl;ewbs duqesut
fojbh to adfk sine whazta isd st5he rihg t ans wrt/.
/.? trijmn th wmotiko mn fom t5fhches e4dtgewxt athaT
tyry tpo keewpmhuid eendbmergv9ivjg thn emn wor subje3dcdft6
olkdhabiotys r realyuyyhard to
leave===tt5he tpowr tfom fmeanibn yu
re dctrunsestogetjhr with t5ghe
ifron ysaggaijnst5a form be gun
whatstubbornm,ebns tox persisadtsd
to miovbeiojn a medium wthat winsd theru
the c OERRIDPORsofspavfce toijeme
abnd syawhat wewuodujustat
nin an invisaubewple tunr]
of the dyahfd
cbabdsu asethe retepct for the dkuebs
conbtinuesuke amdiaeadejwfrreythe
intrhe end rthe boardm,imluts theplay
it insuylts theintelignecethus
tolayout a scaramb;leofg lettrsfas
thibgswnats tobe wfrritefyscvnb
itbiossimp,e angetpro bablyv taht
nothing bhyta thewayheard
endkessantinonmyof meaningandfitsother
laidbdownonthe trable of languafge
wjereit has not right even tofbbeibn g ma
bnifestedhtis waty wecry forn
rpeos esesyjemovemenztssthat wedeeply
disentbaglsosuroyjrm ovementsa from
i i i i i i i i i
i i i
from the L E A K S project || Jim Leftwich
OMAN),) -- A, (
(FOR THE --- (W
(-, , A SCOPE, . NO
),) -- A, (WITH ---, A
COPE, . NO --)
COPE, . NO --)
) -- A, (WITH
THE (-, , A S
OMAN),) -- A, (
(FOR THE --- (W
(-, , A SCOPE, . NO
),) -- A, (WITH ---, A
COPE, . NO --)
COPE, . NO --)
) -- A, (WITH
THE (-, , A S
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
from LISTS || John Crouse
1. Handmade
2. Cocktaw
3. Library
4. Legged
5. Offstage
6. Keyboard
7. Sharkskin
8. Promontory
9. Strapless
1. Vellum
2. Genus
3. Playhouses
4. Xylophone
5. Atrocity
6. Senile
7. Appendage
8. Effectiveness
9. Crush
1. Gall
2. Stomp
3. Reversibility
4. Stockyard
5. Tergiversant
6. Balsams
7. Mound
8. Bringing
9. Wageworker
1. Handmade
2. Cocktaw
3. Library
4. Legged
5. Offstage
6. Keyboard
7. Sharkskin
8. Promontory
9. Strapless
1. Vellum
2. Genus
3. Playhouses
4. Xylophone
5. Atrocity
6. Senile
7. Appendage
8. Effectiveness
9. Crush
1. Gall
2. Stomp
3. Reversibility
4. Stockyard
5. Tergiversant
6. Balsams
7. Mound
8. Bringing
9. Wageworker
from the L E A K S project || Jim Leftwich
it was verified it was command wire. Once this was done it/--- (--- was investigated system and then moved to the side of the road and detonated. JUN None; --- Buffalo, blades and. There was/pressure plate on the top and all) FROM a pressure plate made initiation system, batteries or base stations found. REPORT DATED --- Chameleon; for secondary devices with/equipment. been. /old tire track on the left shoulder/approx. other side of the road. then placed a charge searched and continued mission. or damage to personnel or wrapped in a black: At slid onto the road from a ditch,, /was hastily dropped the road, it had a/the side of the road./ place by EOD with a controlled detonation. (type consisting The wires, batteries were wrapped in tape. It investigated to ensure it was reduced in; --- Husky,) with a pressure plate taped to. guided the driver to operational in the patrol:, surface laid that had suspicious item wrapped in black cloth, Buffalo vehicle took point to investigate the/connected with red and black wire on top of measuring G x ---G x shirt and placed in an of the road. The was a speed bump only had one initiation system, and then detonated on; Cougar, Lead RG saw a (was well camouflaged, the command wire ran south and was) Ramadi (Buffalo Vehicle uncovered a speed bump interrogate the speed bump and moved it). on the and detonated it. (discovered an while conducting route --- operations northeast of) (, , was clearing east on RTE at with a vehicle dispersion when the driver of the lead vehicle,, visually identified a PIE.)
and was) Ramadi (speed bump
was road. The was a speed (type consisting The wires, tape. It investigated to ensure it was reduced in; --- charge searched and continued mission. or damage a black: At slid onto the road from a ditch,, vehicle,,,) with a bump only had one initiation system, and; Cougar, Lead (was well visually identified a PIE.)/was hastily dropped the road, it had a/road./ place by pressure plate taped. camouflaged, the command wire. Once this was done it/--- (--- was investigated system and then of the road and detonated. JUN and detonated it. (discovered operations northeast of) (, , was clearing east on cloth, investigate the/connected with red and black wire on top of measuring G with/equipment. been. /old tire track on the left shoulder/approx. road. then placed a x --- or base stations found. Chameleon; secondary devices G FROM a pressure plate made initiation system, batteries x shirt and placed at with a vehicle dispersion None; --- command wire ran south and was) Ramadi (speed bump interrogate the speed bump and moved it). operational in the patrol:, surface laid that had suspicious item wrapped in black with a controlled detonation. Buffalo, blades and. There was/pressure plate all)
plate all). a speed (The wires,
controlled, surface laid that had suspicious item a detonation. Buffalo, blades and. There was/pressure plate all). a speed (The wires, tape. It investigated to ensure it was reduced; --- continued mission. or damage a black: At a ditch, moved it). operational, (speed bump and, command and, with a vehicle dispersion, secondary devices G) with had one initiation system, and; Cougar, Lead (was well visually identified a PIE.)/was, it had a/road. Chameleon; FROM a pressure/slid onto the road from place by pressure plate taped. camouflaged, the command wire. Once this wire ran south/east on cloth, investigate --- (in the patrol: --- investigated system and then of the road and detonated. JUN and detonated it. (old tire track on the left) (red and black, type consisting, was clearing the/connected with wire G with/equipment. been. plate made initiation/shoulder/Ramadi. road. then placed a x --- system, x at None; --- was).
x --- system, x at None; --- was).
x --- system, x at None; --- was). on the left, had suspicious item a detonation. Buffalo, blades and. There was/investigate pressure plate all). (the road from, tape. It investigated to ensure it was reduced; --- continued mission. or damage a: , moved it). operational, (speed bump and, command and, with a vehicle dispersion, ) had one (was well visually identified plate made/shoulder/Ramadi. Once this wire ran. a PIE.) detonated it/was, wire G with/equipment. been. black, type, initiation/connected with/system, and; Cougar, Lead) (red and. Chameleon; FROM a pressure/slid onto place by pressure. taped, plate. south/east on cloth, --- (in the patrol: --- of the road and detonated. JUN and. (old tire initiation
to ensure. or damage a continued:
(old tire x at None; been. black, type, --- was). on the left, had suspicious FROM a pressure/slid onto place by pressure. taped, east on cloth, --- a detonation. Buffalo, blades /investigate pressure plate all). (the road from, tape. It investigated to ensure. or damage a continued: identified, moved it). operational, (speed bump and, command and, detonated it/was, wire G with/equipment. plate, it mission) had one (was well visually made/shoulder/Ramadi. Once this wire.) initiation/connected; Cougar, Lead) (red and. Chameleon; (in the patrol: --- of the road and detonated. JUN and.
black, type, moved it). , (, command
damage a continued: identified, (Chameleon; (in detonated. JUN and blades/investigate pressure. None; been initiation/connected; Cougar, Lead) (red and. investigated to/Ramadi. Once this wire.) it/was, wire G with/equipment. plate, it mission) had one (was of the road and/tape. It. black, type, moved it). , (, command and, detonated --- was). on the left, had suspicious FROM Buffalo, a pressure/slid. taped, east on cloth, (, ensure. or plate). --- a detonation.
Lead) (red and.
slid. taped, east on cloth, identified, or plate). --- FROM Buffalo, a pressure/detonation. investigated to and/tape. It. black, type, moved Once this wire.) it/was, wire G plate, it). (Chameleon; (in detonated. JUN and blades/investigate. None; been Cougar, Lead) (red and. a suspicious, it mission) had one (was of the road (pressure, command was). on the left, had /Ramadi.
and. a wire.) it/was, it). been suspicious, ---
cloth, one (was of the road (pressure, command was). had /Ramadi. slid (Chameleon; (in detonated. identified, or plate). and blades/investigate. None; and/tape. It. black, type, moved Once this Cougar, and. a wire.) it/was, it). been suspicious, --- pressure/detonation. investigated to it mission) had. taped, east on
was). one (was
Cougar, and. black Once this a None; and/tape. It. suspicious, wire.) it/and blades/investigate. was, it identified, or plate). Ramadi. slid (detonated. road (pressure, command was). one (was of the had/it mission) had. cloth, --- investigated to). been
had. cloth, --- investigated
Cougar, and. black Once this
a None; and/tape. It. the had
/it mission) suspicious, wire
. blades/investigate. was, it
identified, or plate). was).
one (was of Ramadi. slid (pres
was a None
late). was a None; and/t
/it mission) suspicious
had. cloth, one (was of
Ramadi. slid Cougar, and
. black identified, or p
ape. It.. blades/investi
, one (was of/)
a None; and/t.
.. blades/investi.
suspicious. , or
p. Cougar, and).
icious. ,a Non
Cougar, )., on
.. blades/. p.
e; and/.
e (was /) susp
it was verified it was command wire. Once this was done it/--- (--- was investigated system and then moved to the side of the road and detonated. JUN None; --- Buffalo, blades and. There was/pressure plate on the top and all) FROM a pressure plate made initiation system, batteries or base stations found. REPORT DATED --- Chameleon; for secondary devices with/equipment. been. /old tire track on the left shoulder/approx. other side of the road. then placed a charge searched and continued mission. or damage to personnel or wrapped in a black: At slid onto the road from a ditch,, /was hastily dropped the road, it had a/the side of the road./ place by EOD with a controlled detonation. (type consisting The wires, batteries were wrapped in tape. It investigated to ensure it was reduced in; --- Husky,) with a pressure plate taped to. guided the driver to operational in the patrol:, surface laid that had suspicious item wrapped in black cloth, Buffalo vehicle took point to investigate the/connected with red and black wire on top of measuring G x ---G x shirt and placed in an of the road. The was a speed bump only had one initiation system, and then detonated on; Cougar, Lead RG saw a (was well camouflaged, the command wire ran south and was) Ramadi (Buffalo Vehicle uncovered a speed bump interrogate the speed bump and moved it). on the and detonated it. (discovered an while conducting route --- operations northeast of) (, , was clearing east on RTE at with a vehicle dispersion when the driver of the lead vehicle,, visually identified a PIE.)
and was) Ramadi (speed bump
was road. The was a speed (type consisting The wires, tape. It investigated to ensure it was reduced in; --- charge searched and continued mission. or damage a black: At slid onto the road from a ditch,, vehicle,,,) with a bump only had one initiation system, and; Cougar, Lead (was well visually identified a PIE.)/was hastily dropped the road, it had a/road./ place by pressure plate taped. camouflaged, the command wire. Once this was done it/--- (--- was investigated system and then of the road and detonated. JUN and detonated it. (discovered operations northeast of) (, , was clearing east on cloth, investigate the/connected with red and black wire on top of measuring G with/equipment. been. /old tire track on the left shoulder/approx. road. then placed a x --- or base stations found. Chameleon; secondary devices G FROM a pressure plate made initiation system, batteries x shirt and placed at with a vehicle dispersion None; --- command wire ran south and was) Ramadi (speed bump interrogate the speed bump and moved it). operational in the patrol:, surface laid that had suspicious item wrapped in black with a controlled detonation. Buffalo, blades and. There was/pressure plate all)
plate all). a speed (The wires,
controlled, surface laid that had suspicious item a detonation. Buffalo, blades and. There was/pressure plate all). a speed (The wires, tape. It investigated to ensure it was reduced; --- continued mission. or damage a black: At a ditch, moved it). operational, (speed bump and, command and, with a vehicle dispersion, secondary devices G) with had one initiation system, and; Cougar, Lead (was well visually identified a PIE.)/was, it had a/road. Chameleon; FROM a pressure/slid onto the road from place by pressure plate taped. camouflaged, the command wire. Once this wire ran south/east on cloth, investigate --- (in the patrol: --- investigated system and then of the road and detonated. JUN and detonated it. (old tire track on the left) (red and black, type consisting, was clearing the/connected with wire G with/equipment. been. plate made initiation/shoulder/Ramadi. road. then placed a x --- system, x at None; --- was).
x --- system, x at None; --- was).
x --- system, x at None; --- was). on the left, had suspicious item a detonation. Buffalo, blades and. There was/investigate pressure plate all). (the road from, tape. It investigated to ensure it was reduced; --- continued mission. or damage a: , moved it). operational, (speed bump and, command and, with a vehicle dispersion, ) had one (was well visually identified plate made/shoulder/Ramadi. Once this wire ran. a PIE.) detonated it/was, wire G with/equipment. been. black, type, initiation/connected with/system, and; Cougar, Lead) (red and. Chameleon; FROM a pressure/slid onto place by pressure. taped, plate. south/east on cloth, --- (in the patrol: --- of the road and detonated. JUN and. (old tire initiation
to ensure. or damage a continued:
(old tire x at None; been. black, type, --- was). on the left, had suspicious FROM a pressure/slid onto place by pressure. taped, east on cloth, --- a detonation. Buffalo, blades /investigate pressure plate all). (the road from, tape. It investigated to ensure. or damage a continued: identified, moved it). operational, (speed bump and, command and, detonated it/was, wire G with/equipment. plate, it mission) had one (was well visually made/shoulder/Ramadi. Once this wire.) initiation/connected; Cougar, Lead) (red and. Chameleon; (in the patrol: --- of the road and detonated. JUN and.
black, type, moved it). , (, command
damage a continued: identified, (Chameleon; (in detonated. JUN and blades/investigate pressure. None; been initiation/connected; Cougar, Lead) (red and. investigated to/Ramadi. Once this wire.) it/was, wire G with/equipment. plate, it mission) had one (was of the road and/tape. It. black, type, moved it). , (, command and, detonated --- was). on the left, had suspicious FROM Buffalo, a pressure/slid. taped, east on cloth, (, ensure. or plate). --- a detonation.
Lead) (red and.
slid. taped, east on cloth, identified, or plate). --- FROM Buffalo, a pressure/detonation. investigated to and/tape. It. black, type, moved Once this wire.) it/was, wire G plate, it). (Chameleon; (in detonated. JUN and blades/investigate. None; been Cougar, Lead) (red and. a suspicious, it mission) had one (was of the road (pressure, command was). on the left, had /Ramadi.
and. a wire.) it/was, it). been suspicious, ---
cloth, one (was of the road (pressure, command was). had /Ramadi. slid (Chameleon; (in detonated. identified, or plate). and blades/investigate. None; and/tape. It. black, type, moved Once this Cougar, and. a wire.) it/was, it). been suspicious, --- pressure/detonation. investigated to it mission) had. taped, east on
was). one (was
Cougar, and. black Once this a None; and/tape. It. suspicious, wire.) it/and blades/investigate. was, it identified, or plate). Ramadi. slid (detonated. road (pressure, command was). one (was of the had/it mission) had. cloth, --- investigated to). been
had. cloth, --- investigated
Cougar, and. black Once this
a None; and/tape. It. the had
/it mission) suspicious, wire
. blades/investigate. was, it
identified, or plate). was).
one (was of Ramadi. slid (pres
was a None
late). was a None; and/t
/it mission) suspicious
had. cloth, one (was of
Ramadi. slid Cougar, and
. black identified, or p
ape. It.. blades/investi
, one (was of/)
a None; and/t.
.. blades/investi.
suspicious. , or
p. Cougar, and).
icious. ,a Non
Cougar, )., on
.. blades/. p.
e; and/.
e (was /) susp
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