Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Morley Cacoethes - 3 poems

Pebbles Upon the Narrow Road II

She beckoned, and I could not settle down

to be possessed by the cobweb spirits

of they that all but deprive and sweep

away. The Barrier of wander.

There was mist upon the road,

and spirits close. When spring arrived

and the year was spent, I could not settle.


Pebbles Upon the Narrow Road V


In a row, not doubt, to watch

until we were lost to sight. The first

of my friends standing ahead,

for when I looked we barely kept going

ahead, for when I looked back I saw

my journey, but I could look back.

I saw my friends standing this verse,

the first of my journey, but I could

barely keep going, barely keep ahead.


Pebbles Upon the Narrow Road VI


In this year, the second of the era,

my thoughts take a walking to the future.

A thought somehow crossed my journey

to see places I had long heard about

but never visited. It did not matter if I

might take a walking trip all way

to a post-town which we were barely able

to come home alive to. Leaving this uncertainty

if I should be fortunate that I might take

a trip all way to decide, I pursued my journey

to me instead. I might somehow cross

my travels, for I want to seem to leave

all the way to reach the future. It does not matter

if I should be unlucky, for I want distant provinces.

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