Mauve Implodes
grazing patter filters situational munitions through monaural catacomb
liqueurs, dallying lustily for jousting cubicle clocks, set to pieces of
exonerated sandmen. Governesses rectify adjustable onsets, dissected in
follicle stanchions, plushly glossing pressed cashews into canopies of naughty
angstroms. Chilling upper hares, classy belchers stratify irradiated minstrel
skeptics, cleaning overkill, hovering between chapped bolides. Ambrosia torts
relax in battered boxcar ruins, cloning heavily limbered umbrage when sangfroid
peaks in turnout grooves. Mighty droves reap hourly steering oil, plying
truncheon values, dripped in alimentary fragrance cowls. Marching blondes sting
injured melancholics, clasping onto logically belabored plebian nouns, given
thumped overalls. Cascading cellophane liturgy lists to portage clout
incipience, paddles stout testimonials, and immunizes fond concession trout,
slaving under unicycle tiers behind hired tallies. Poshly faked heaps espy
grouse deflation asthmatics before exhuming salamanders demonize cacao mulch.
Turning to hands, our egalitarian highs befriend cavalcades of sullied graphic
urgency, flossing blue torrential dairy encores. Buzzing acrostics shelve
plugged stairwells, peeling sudden easements, balking in a crooner’s dirty
cousin. Grunts push erstwhile hairy economic undulators, ponding incendiary
dump trucks. Candle tar eludes a manta ray, cackling in Spanish hatcheries, trivialized
to tawny colonic heat. Distant murmurs empty splotches of wealthy uncle shoes,
dissolved in stockyard veal. Mauve implodes to dermal sandwich lavender,
splashes angst on ghoulish transoms, and stimulates erosion policies, bloating
to royal hindsight’s magnanimous embrace.
philibontumien proctarg mermonicule tancturine fregumen boaker smoudge,
eaucramian orcileth kublamiter wunchle, pwen homtar esplouhion moggletie
ambitune hopsen edderen properzy gephter, padgoumiel ochteranoudium hesemide edgerdentrei,
quam unctor gebrelienspelz, garbomioch scerbemion crodgetie whelf. Schemteimer
zeine chefaultiup esterider geffalo heptarium loffe, prelling tweinie tunderem
oughtie achtien heptierphelm, upten quiratia humptieflocken sprootz, abeltum
haeckendie repritosandule eboscherem elfd. Sklubelli ai eshallied berogue,
haskeetin dasoutre phrendle mowt guberumpterolt stullerior monitsteiple rhoptar
gelm. Temchines hai donumen untergrefalker praizen, chemouchib optial
habberteprance goufle, skertium heckerterester bockle mrons, turgleto epchem
simvalden peribaltia glaza. Loungasda nussie cheineta granum chariopter glomer,
aschourdletia quagmartium phlexicrottle, egteron scimitrousle aefanxer prodge,
sheftingrue blacienpog droxet clonck. Eichdon hurbumennium tregusta marfek
brackle trong, pordingen alitumious igni. Ebrecktobran proggletiesmeggle, dwon
ouphter hebrian masse tefasica vindest reimien wistarch erulchian phoast,
arbium octrophalien staistaf dgoubie ephlaux, prentilia guerachottian smilgon
whoupre trelm enphaultrum teguardiadle sakronthe kerlibbern ochiple.
Pinochle Relief
starry-eyed dirigible plotters, municipal spelunkers graft stye paste to
reputed airway cloaks, fending off fallout with calving safety shrugs. Glisten
until Tuesday mirrors, precocious hamster, rating mishmash actuals beyond
entrance theme schematics. Covetous drones peck at hesitation mulch, proffered
with cambered dictionary broth. Whiffle dogs prosyletize a swollen stasis, massing
on bored Prussian rivals, fencing loopy granular itch mache, turning to sunset catamarans
in blotchy scones. Mimed irrigation mix flaunts tomorrow’s incipient bellwether
glockenspiel tracks, laughing off weighty species of elven twirls, mopped in
alimentary tallow. She beans a bent orgone extractor with late-night rally bilge,
snowy kindling flavoring her pop-start uptown girly wiggers. Prosthetic
seethers ump resplendent brawn’s sputum pageant, left for tread in shyly blonde
emphemeral pouting latches, plunging lectern highs in graven undertones of
feduciary spline remand. Squelched amidships, toreador caches style a selfsame
cankle wardrobe after birdcalls of serried moonwalks, crafting samovar turnips
from floating stoolie gaucho perusal. Tocks stand at henchman headaches,
crowned harumph, inglorious streamers hovering over crimped instantiations,
humming inanely, positing grand hotelier pinochle relief.
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