502445945534690830264252230825 33446850352619311881
710100031378387528865875332083 81420617177669147303
Losing rarely, burley Elmer jabs a famous Nigerian; a wholly unanimous finale.
A mayhem warrior (a joyful Somali) enjoyed opium without a fifth.
"Kid's diseases might make a foamy fecal nephew heave Jell-O vocally,
maiming a housewife,” miffed heroines jawed.
A chaotic gaucho shipped Iraqi miasma.
598253490428755468731159562863 88235378759375195778
185778053217122680661300192787 66111959092164201989
Wallop a venal marabou, Saharan fogy.
Loyal Irish folk hum twaddle, abolishing effigy.
Mafia Ivan, a mellow amigo of Caleb McLeod, blew a kickoff. (Hateful kickoff.)
Slamming addicting anchovies, a Jesuit amazes a dopey Hawaiian.
Kafka, a hashish deadhead, happily postponed showering acid hippie Phoebe.
380952572010654858632788659361 53381827968230301952
035301852968995773622599413891 24972177528347913151
Mafia's appealing looking acids usually reveal aphasia.
Women guffaw: "Aphasia!"
Help a macho hoodlum move Tiffany cabbage, heaving a museum's tabling.
Awesome lamas devalue any pushy veep. A bulky gumshoe, eyeing an alibi,
borrowed a movie about Nairobi.
Why can't a giggling femme argue about modality?
(Author’s note:
The consonant sounds in the above text correspond to digits 801 - 1100 of pi.
The sound-to-digit mapping is defined by the Major Memory System:
The text begins with 502445 = Losing rarely,
since 5 = L, 0 = S, and 2 = N/NG in the Major System.)

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