Wednesday, August 30, 2017

poem || Peter Ganick


the teevee is spewing content.
it is content with that.
content that is naturally involving.
evolving. as it is a   concept.
all concepts evolve, they are not static.
just because they to be made of words when written,
this is because the words, that cd be simplified to be electrical impulses,
have meanings—the content is basically meaning.
meaning is inherent in all matter.
just like the spiritual dimension is inherent in all matter, really.
the spiritual, if i may say so, is characterized by a vast space.
space is the place, as sun ra said.
this brings up 2 points.
1—who is sun ra?
2—what is the content of space?
is space empty? can space be empty?
if space were empty, what would its content?
ultimately, all this writing provokes in this person-as-person,
not writer, is content, whatever that content might be.
it is a logical circle in which the steps are not directed congruently.
or, there are no parallel lines except when one postulates their existence.
nature doesn't create two exactly parallel lines.
the mind cannot actively conceive of two concepts simultaneously.
the existence of concepts is thereby disproven,
and their existence would not be in opposition.

2 poems || Volodymyr Bilyk

Feeling helpless over inconsistent personal matters

Lackluster poem in Decimal

33 33 33 33 33 33  

46 33 33 33  
34 34
33 33 33 
58 55 46 
33 33 33 
44 44 46 44 
33 33 

59 33 44 46 
33 33 33  
34 33 34 46  
58 59 44 34
33 33 33  
34 44 46
33 33 

58 44 39
33 33 33  
46 33 33 33  
33 33 33  

33 33 33  
33 33 33 39  

34 44 45 46 58  
33 33 33  
33 33 33  
33 33 33 

poem || Kronos9

user generated content No: 5 

skin toned rubber
press whitely mills
the new deal
bus culture is spirited Luther
king henry
and the separation of church and state
hilled capitals point break 

where we find puritans
ol’ boy confederacy
printing monopoly money
camouflaging sacred geometry
for a gay mafia papacy
bus couture is
a fucked community 
so kneel down and come get some
devil’s candidacy
all free 


Don’t come to me w/books bout our nature, you as my mate or birds hanging on a wire. Picture of us at the hotel faded & disclosed to tell me there is another that has replaced me.

status is not my quotient
lesser than 
greater for 
the sum of these parts

9 poems || John Pursch


Safe in future
unseen ballast
freezes blue
to antipasto

White Space
Air left

Emerald Wink

Thawed enamel
racehorse kicks,
earshot filling

White thematic
subway crawls
in calcifying jelly.

Emerald wink
to symbol calls
a darkened collar.

Alleyway in
suture brown,
ice palaver cutaway,
mauve iconic sister.


Then tans silently,
though rocks move.


Why ask
time machines
for tentacles
to end?

Geriatric Klepto

Seashore cliff

Salt glows
under lazy

Geriatric klepto
turns to socket.


Boats in heavy slalom
sail by crawling
slipstream income cow,
steady-state ignominy,
corridor of ham.

Time erupts
in tensile hoot
of owl and closed
cabana dry-off.

Who needs towels
when you got
spunky old Slammy,
hotter than a class-Q star,
legs like skinny newsprint?


hoi polloi
an odyssey.

Argon humidors
poo-poo opulence.

Groovy ingenue
dreams a smiling

Explaining Tar

Ariso granulan quelion pogular taproch,
swentie endumon poodgle,
fron im tugen ochtibian phlugel zimber,
pronch em zonger phroom asim
tegrinuam ghoch chep.

Ectobal ilieph progon tabular smoog,
edgi slean duentioch procher,
sworb moodenton poddle hom,
gendien porten mofferen bilembel priddle,
korgen drong espudentia greng;
theeter hund exietorem blon fedgereb
sectionaron cortil duliate explian tariat.

Hexclam achian tiopo hoints
beround arsoichre toomp,
flumuval drue hitchy eyeway,
trun mupher danchy membians
fo diriendal aliph oomian
surrang itankled lante,
abbiontelial cirrion saple tonk.

Sodie beawe cillta
veigler plom couserage
teddle oxaliar mendiondu samion,
hugher beal plue chiningian cieze.

Pubble cheepok emklunom,
phromer phonertial digence,
chez oom nishing eison,
burple noumiens peetle
lausitage mon chenale.

poem || Philip Byron Oakes

Manner of Speaking

Coaxing etiquette out of malaise. Watered down to a giggle catching
sight of private parts of the play. A tangle’s chance to grow legs for the
journey. Crannies stuffed with promises to bury the headline in a shadow
of itself. A tock’s first hint of a tick in its past. Amidst fictions of death in
passing, pushing straw men to shed light, like burden blazing trails to
smitten hallelujahs in the dark. Keeping the dream alive on borrowed
air for purposes obscured from view. To shelter the sequence of come
and gone, to see the balance find its shadow in compliance with the tilt.
Keeping collapsible landscapes underfoot. Steps into shoes keeping
pace irrelevant upon arrival. The faint scent of an image, auditioning
to trigger the memory of an unscheduled day in court. Falling for the
weight of the worldly. The gravitas. Scouting routes through the
hollow for echoes run rampant in the cold. A peremptory unveiling
sowing seed in the boneyard, mulled for clues in the round and down
to business. Naked off the tongue. Baring secrets of the fall into arms
without touching, the fear of breaking the bubble calling for more.
Putting the squeeze on a pedestal. The emphasis upon a relic in clean
underwear, for swearing into the shape of tomorrow. The stuff of
which without there isn’t. A way of being next to with the empty
all around. Calling on the dead of night to join in. Filled with lack
of mostly, adding up to room to breathe the nostrum in so many
words. Predicating the gist upon inflection buying time at a
discount in the hurry to reason why.

poem || Tony Rickaby


18 Signal Regiment - Adjutant General’s Corps - Advisory Group on Military Medicine - Air Warfare Centre - Army Air Corps - Association of Chief Police Officers - Association of Security Consultants - Atomic Weapon Establishment - Aviation Policing /Metropolitan Police Service Operational Command Unit - Aviation Security Operational Command Unit - Biometrics Institute - Border Force - British Security Industry Association - British Transport Police - Brittania Royal Naval College - Centre for Defence Enterprise - Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure - Child Abuse Investigation Team - Civil Contingencies Secretariat Committee - Civil Nuclear Constabulary - Commando Training Centre Royal Marines - Communications Electronics Security Group - Counter Terrorism Command - Counter Terrorism Protective Security Command - Covert Policing - Criminal Records Office - Crown Prosecution Service - Cyber Security Information Sharing Partnership - Defence & Security Media Advisory Committee - Defence & Security Organisation - Defence Academy of the UK - Defence Business Services - Defence Crisis Management Centre - Defence Electronics & Components Agency - Defence Equipment & Support - Defence Industries Council - Defence Infrastructure Organisation - Defence Intelligence - Defence Nuclear Safety Committee - Defence Safety Authority - Defence Science & Technology Laboratory - Defence Scientific Advisory Council - Defence Sixth Form College - Diplomatic Protection Group - Directorate of Forensic Services - Disclosure and Barring Service - Dog Support Unit - Economic and Specialist Crime - Fixated Threat Assessment Centre - Fleet Air Arm - Force Troops Command - Forensic Services - Government Communications Headquarters - Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary - Her Majesty’s Prison Service - Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs Immigration Service - Home Office - Immigration Enforcement - Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration - Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament - Intelligence Corps - Joint Electronic Warfare Operational Support Centre - Joint Forces Command - Joint Helicopter Command - Joint Intelligence Committee - Joint Intelligence Organisation - Joint Services Command & Staff College - Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre - Metropolitan Police Counter Terrorist Command - Metropolitan Police Service - Military Aviation Authority - Ministry of Defence - Ministry of Defence Police - Ministry of Justice - National Ballistics Intelligence Service - National Computer Emergency Response Team in UK - National Counter Terrorism Security Office - National Crime Agency - National Cyber Security Centre - National Domestic Extremism and Disorder Intelligence Unit - National Fraud Intelligence Bureau - National Hi-Tech Crime Unit - National Identification Service - National Offender Management Service - National Police Chiefs Council - National Probation Service - National Security Council - National Security Inspectorate - National Security Secretariat - National Training Inspectorate for Professional Dog Users - National Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service - Nuclear Research Advisory Council - Parachute Regiment - Parliamentary & Diplomatic Protection - Perimeter Security Suppliers Association - Permanent Joint Headquarters - Police Advisory Board - Police and Security Group Initiative - Public Order Operational Command Unit  - Reserve Forces & Cadets Association - Royal Air Force - Royal Air Force College - Royal Air Force Police - Royal Armoured Corps - Royal Artillery - Royal College of Defence Studies - Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers - Royal Engineers - Royal Fleet Auxiliary - Royal Logistic Corps - Royal Marines - Royal Marines Commando - Royal Military Academy Sandhurst - Royal Military Police - Royal Navy - Royal School of Artillery - Royal School of Military Engineering - Royalty and Specialist Protection - Royalty Protection Group - Scientific Advisory Committee on the Medical Implications of Less-lethal Weapons - Secret Intelligence Service - Security Industry Authority - Security Institute - Security Service - Security Systems and Alarm Inspection Board - Sentencing Council - Serious and Organised Crime Command  - Serious Fraud Office - Serious Organised Crime Agency - Service Prosecuting Authority - Special Air Service - Special Boat Service - Special Forces Support Group - Special Investigation Branch of Military Police - Special Reconnaissance Regiment - Specialist Crime & Operations - Specialist Crime and Operations Specialist Firearms Command - Specialist Protection - Submarine Service - Supreme Court of the UK - Surveillance Camera Commissioner - Territorial Support Group - Terrorism and Allied Matters Committee - The Metropolitan Police Air Support Unit - UK Reserve Forces Association - United Kingdom Special Forces - United Kingdom Visas and Immigration - University Officers Training Corps

poem || Lawrence Upton

Expressions of Interest # 6

a quick quiz about stuff worth knowing about.
alight, all right, all-night, a mite, aright, backbite.
backlight, bauxite, name that thing,
despot, recite!
tissues pivot. tissue.
wilds wilds in the head of typescript suited waits.
vans upset.
alive tossup.
swivel divisive.
paw data. wails suits vivid oust. astute.
you poise sip ads vita.
distil alive tossup.
save swivel outset.
sat soviets.
dada addition peeve.
bias peeve wittiest.
and swat.
quest. quest. swat. quest.
papa. wittiest. avow. avian.
wisps pious quest.
waived wittiest. wittiest.
bias sail. was.
bias steppe. static. wittiest.
wittiest. path.
waives. tissues.
suave we. tacit. civet. pigs.
pigs knocked off tissues.
wisps quest. tit quest.
whippet. papa. unit titter. wit.
pipit. swat. twist.
save ads.
audit out it.
tip ivy ads out it.
tiara ads.
sit spouse oops Isis spouse oops visual stew.
just pities.
vulgar bugged vastness.
vitreous witless.
vouch for the bugged. what i said when I sat.
visas. wives. quest.
tips sat. assist dust. dust spit stereo.
distal quest.
prissy sips sat wits out divvy.
tissue sat tin sat.
thus ads tidal.
tail thus tail.
bias state. divvy wits wide. paint waves.
trivia ideas ciao.
fast tidal.
snide wisps.
suit eaves servo.
saves trivia sat sieved.
pipit sip assay siesta data.
sad bias.
towards yaw. sit sat invades.
vicious. paint. swat tissues await quest.
bias tipped piped pious.
squids wits tissues.
wits width tit data trivet advise savant aphasia.
bias suites spit iced bias.
bias poises.
spars invitee.
bias pup.
vista oust.
up bias passive.
up saw.
up shadow pasts.
up twits.
sip bias taps bias.
up just steadies saws.
twits up.
pit swat trips.
avid avow output.
it is she.
up bias wives.
stirrups evasive.
bias tissue.
pips passed.
paws ties us.
savvy squashed iota.
vista tuft.
imitate vase.
tissues eaves wooed eaves.
wavier spied sifts.
situate timid.
just astir.
say petite pit.
wilds patriot taste.
squid savant.
tissues widow.
widow douses.
its pipit uses stilt.
wives win win too civic.
civic its quest.
tissues saws vivo sad.
usurp piazzas.
tissues pious.
wisps sat wisps.
waste quits Isis.
tapes evasive.
quits auto savant. whoa dais. spouse, sautés! waives -.
sat quest.
swat with spouse.
steadied patio wipe.
it ivy sapped.
sipped. devious.
study. wide. bias away paid quest.
servo wits wises pained.
servo wits. wisps livid. bias.
livid. bias sit pies tissues its squid.
wilds trips saves.
slats swot.
snips sip sash.
oust wilds.
trivet vivid.
saves warp virus tamp.
idioms admits tape.
wits eaves.
pivots papa ideated.
juice its squat wig.
twist avid.
Isis utilises waits.
spiffed audio.
sight wits.
saws spouse.
bias audio.
spouse staid.
jilt instate.
pitied ate.
paint spun paint waves divides stop waste digit video.
text format woods.
await wooed.
we await.
we wails away.
tissues say.
oops we.
utopia stations.
dad whoa sitter survived.
bias wits atavism.
ovate bias.           
trust we.
swat servo.
waived staid attest .
sat stadium.
fist sat squid.
outs sat.
sat eats sat wit.
ivy its wide twist.
pipit its tissues.
twist pivot sat.
visit's pivot wits spied wooed.
staid avian pit.
avian stereos satiated.
sip saved paves sat it  civic swat.
sat paves Straus Ives.
spat wits  wit iced sat.
west wits.
pivots us sat.
bias wits.
bias just up vivid.
wiped spouse.
spouse wooed suit spouse up it.
bias via spouse vivid.
its wooed wits.
attend it'd out tidied.
wisps servo wits out sighed.
wits wait us suit.
sat wittiest.
ivied sat vivid wits list.
this its petite attest without suit.
sat quest.
associate davits.
attest without Isaac.
via wits Isaac.
putative davits airways.

poem || Jeff Bagato

Another Absence

       Only in a minute, after
                         the dream is gone
  do I realize the poem
               was never written
         an image can be held
                  but words too
    somewhere in gray
                    glowing green
                       another story
                 among the neurons

                shyly keeping the ending
                        & the beginning
          to itself—& even far
              far >>>>
                               from its own