
Monday, November 12, 2012

2 poems || John M. Bennett


¿ne ck  ¿dust  ¿lip  ¿ash
ham per me ate s the treet a
ir my stinging foot sp
ire ??less dim sheet less
???slime meal , pink the p
untos sus pensivos ????sh
it’s ,doorway in your sou
nd // c lack ,shover ,s
aw the frog puzzle’s f
?????loppy c hunks ,s k y
window ,the ,loss chained
,the d ,amp zipper the
??????)churning caminata
...............toward the leap  /   /     /
●)●)●)potatos tumbling off the c/


my musc led b linker wow a
whirring in the ,mount war
,paw s to ,melt an moult
,saw the whopper in a lake
,the grease surf the eyes or
flotsam my ,crowded clod
brake the single gristle was
,plunder an powder my ,ticktick
,swerves ,dives ,lobs a c
racker toward the con ,frontat
ion of your liquid lipids scat
tered con densation I ,}}slept
behind the door that o o
pened once last year

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