
Monday, October 1, 2012

poetry || John M. Bennett

olvido del cambio idéntico
                -for Blaster Al Ackerman

aim the stroke of dung sword
rusting in the bed springs like a
hamster  )water   could I guess(
the fecal blade streams  ~ ~ ~
)bark-faced lumber corn(   “etched”
in  ))~fog~((  kinda like I s
lept and dreamed a greasy door
)it was ankle heavy(  woody
flying with its hair of worms
)“mejor para la tos”(  su sup
uración tomada ,acostada  ,)dorm
ida &&&  ...(   ))“all diffe
rent all the same”((  ...y yo
que lo veo y no tengo nada
que ver

The Spitter in the lake...
- John M. Bennett

olvido del sponge mirror

ni reflejo pienso smoke wr
eaths the garage and all my
combs  .....ʭʭʭʭʭʭʭ  free of t
eeth the beard inhaled and
∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ggone~ ~ ~   )steaming in
the woods(  ~ ~ la milpa se
y “yo” ,al revés ,me a
cuerdo olvidado ,en la
boca ,a glass  .........\\\\\\............

...ombres de maíz...
- Miguel Angel Asturias



Luz Lost Leg my corny dung
wallowed mouth toward s ling
,c age h oof ,mil es of g
athering tire floors \\ my mus
cled left eye my sleeping right
// the colonphage the \\ sev
ered meat s even wetter than
the s torm c raw st umping tow
ard the dessicated kitchen where
// my garlic sweats beneath your
shirt \\ leaning past the broken
fridge // plunder ,washing ,page
gristle spat out \\ she darks
,finds your shoe ,a //toilet
stuffed with thigh


olvido sin motivo
         - para Elvira Balcells y Martín Gubbins

long steep mud so shiny seed
eye rocking on the drippy
counter son mis enojos vi
stos invis ibles tried to s
crawl the hill up my
brimming ≈ shoes sin pies ...
)eh sleep ,rising in my
hip ~(  numen wound ...
)the throated suit tw
isted like ,a rope ,“polí
tico más ignor ante que
caca”  )perdón ,don Caca((
so I lay my dung to
s weep    dreamed a storm
sin motion

...el mar siempre parecerá el resto de un diluvio.
- Ignacio Balcells Eyquem

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