
Monday, October 1, 2012

Jim Leftwich || from Six Months Aint No Sentence--book 16

not this

half bannd duri told

1. depresse this
2. about it
3. the left, the text, the poetry
4. i was thinki
5. it was real


i was sitting in a cappuccino

pencil flashlight masks

styrofoam pretty quickly
in a garage


 not that

against th self-portraits
contemporary cu self-portraits
on the body self-portraits
a play with self-portraits
the way this b self-portraits
cultural stereotypes self-portraits
from the 1920s self-portraits

re-enac self-portraits
the room witl self-portraits
a gesture of red self-portraits
the way self-portraits
enabling and structuring self-portraits
unfold self-portraits

the next cut self-portraits
additional scenes self-portraits
more meditative self-portraits
via own hol tr clip self-portraits


not this

1. heterosexual toothbrushing engine
2. harmonic shopping mirror
3. perception collapse language
4. hybrid desire furniture

perpetually thereby fathoms

6. merciless voting podium


not that

video works that ill English as a pragmatic language
simultaneously reflectir English as a pragmatic language
in addit English as a pragmatic language
usually not synchr English as a pragmatic language
fino wha than English as a pragmatic language
comp putto is o nuanc English as a pragmatic language

distinctly tape televised English as a pragmatic language
literary marks forms English as a pragmatic language
flavor countless often English as a pragmatic language
voice unravelling writes English as a pragmatic language
odds wobbly culminating English as a pragmatic language
loss from bookish English as a pragmatic language

opposite kitchen confines English as a pragmatic language
together comprising manual English as a pragmatic language
eye character ducks English as a pragmatic language
glean any sense English as a pragmatic language
narratives peripheral critics English as a pragmatic language
curtain cacophony 2002 English as a pragmatic language

melody rapid year English as a pragmatic language
excep blares filr English as a pragmatic language
bapx centur working English as a pragmatic language
assum sile asylum English as a pragmatic language
voicc characte piano English as a pragmatic language
Berlin neighborhood sentence English as a pragmatic language

last and arguably less English as a pragmatic language
not surprisingly English as a pragmatic language
constructs shot words content broadcast footage onstage
surveillance or interrogation English as a pragmatic language


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