
Thursday, May 10, 2012

three texts || John Pursch

Purringcan Slum

Da callodapeeg goezalunglung whey, lighten davasser witgreenery, spoontabie dishedup toalgae flum hareto prescient undieplanets. Flies undoves andistantraffic crows atumblin onbay, careenuglie emblemious, spartanly knot abstemious, hopping tuba tunevva deferential plumage. Craxinda scalar ovens scamper uber heelsundales, swiggedat daspielo pounded demirostra, nozzled furadoxie tasalute. Petherup jai alai upupona vestibular weenged vector, tawarsheep Isidore lookie loikshewar yeroily bespattered purringcan slum. Awaitin pharly enuttle dime, bean mosswhite impish unt ancien galoopen hens, yefine weirawl enamorites, clangin tedeesmasted propsicker stalks, drinkin deroar loiters, pleaders omen, litters oscattered dunkies, scrabblin endsodie dearth mit begoings odie genetical scribe’s towidal buzz.

Relics of Icicles

Lexicons of shaky substance, tantamount to cordoned feelers, parse into dual socket motor claws, scrambling for bacon settee shoes. Logs prop up a gleaning sheaf, mooning a very cold goose, stimulating a buzzer-bleating scion’s internal retrofit. Compound intuition graces winged breezes with nose gear stripped from histograms of golden bowler brew pubs, chanting for hemline war. Strained gloom peers beyond infused reductive meals, cobbling a worldly funereal plan from tournaments and standing ire. Relics of germane icicles trade rickety ostriches for ox antennae, hopping to a dromedary’s nightly bray. Dotted ashes ply the skating troubadour’s listing polity, cleaving hosted eminence from everyman’s tinted drawers. Flurries ossify in whirling clays, smearing autumn lakes and whittled leaf parades in shattered remnants of fog.


Eau hau damovenmensch gotrabelie, mider blawny ermine orms, spaton byinky emulage, plet der byortistes mesqueraiden azuzedchar spielters, besplattin wongly unreificted hemihelicals undoda bledscream. Eet’s touriplyin wadder dounta papal wheat doze nadles, sproonin oot rentom paisans, scroined bymondene Imogenes. Awlinda noimo plop killture und browlau unterchem pincushy achin, trundlin oichuv hourly chillums endo wakin hollybeards, vadem coexisten in racuo per lapollygroggy groan specious. Slumo vouch mentate tabloid eet, bet awnly boy dakineuv ennual toithing ringalingdongdoobiedram, thrown amethyst nanovus hebba undie cannery ledge oxapyromoxie. Oilefete, ayev hardit spedat klarmo mighty brie dacuz umeet awl, betast chestunalter whirred; dough donut whee knead sum dimly ward tageet usplurgin? Preambly triune, baity chore, throwe bleater chary own quackery wheat meanies und guest overheel undale frumpy dare. Er mebba wheel chestry unelder trackle, oinkinup aknew whirled orpi; prams anentired naughtie splengo, unspielen ante arnrumpled teethy steelskin blurriers, clambin taquoits prawniousle empcroon.

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