
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

3 pomes || Billy Bob Beamer

POMEpie ces w’e r’e eluding
‘, han’ed himoe! toy ac caount
1eli sion/ˈ
    /vɛdʒtəbəl/, /vɛtʃtəbəl/
reminding. com e to
                                                    pra yerYRnoi
se e
Extrac’ed lum’nous asprin con cep   tion
knee s bonded bound’;’[] we ere erro ot
                                                           dis fix
                          fustonings /\miniature windmill th HHip
2tilt   canonicity yr humplyderry                                                        ;’[]
Yr floathoo
*b esieged bedreamt
 coastedruff poll  youstead
“limper looser “ rol lercotter s
  coin’streamy morvenlight’ eraser s
                                                 he loveth      
3zil omou th at a dis     t[r]
     ance caaverncave wal ls    dis
       junc tivoego the on yr mind sc
         arth plantoons raisinsunday o
   /.;                           ;[
                                    reminding.  Com ma pra yerYRnoi
          se s s s s s s s
                    tell thformance re
 mundung austere clapper** hoist froth glandatneine thought reads fony
dlipple ergoth seduin complex wroughtly invorcebugbum fastenel bits a
cct reued accountance yr distance beloves knocking fow cuff place j
       lmstn gandolp higg
   /.;                           ;[
**[goodecessary and fair
ufficient reas
Forevic tharter notwidea re sav ethy
Fotum compliedTh5fo rcur at so evidAhss
Givewadon edo creasest for  curat s ov       ido
Etas dyunay numttuck runmioh 7 5 al      ast
of Jazz a:aa.38 agats  in of th mealt  ipe
sle art anshat he sh an adronve st vid   thy
voi n nerethe it ted crises ritsert goin domi  nit a
molt vissoins hareders wokehedb l edfarsh  78
Forevic tharter notwit dea re sav ethy
Fotum compiledTh5fo rcur at so evidAhss
POmEmilore so r ry
militant Shore with viper Patents
acrost t thermoroomwatch ic sold
ier secret anomaly said before wa
tercolos developedacrost oceanso
 won’t go on record say have jack le
efts cemnic paradigmrig or flottlebu
nch huckoff cutting broad   see pis so
 ub is m prsn person could lend zaand
 wat’sup bill e ill e ethe mindsays dopp
legangupon thought for   eign stu piddly
remark made under dugrest hop p le r fl
Uid can sayDruid? so remember mink?|You
 will le                            ave th m now here    

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