
Saturday, October 29, 2011

poem || John M. Bennett

bought howl indick.tation
,stone nor glowed ,the
nickels bent an urrinous
Ͽ )thought my trots( a
ringlet doddering o’er
the d.ishw.ater ≈ bl
owfly face ,febre a
marella and the w
a// is st,r,e,a,m,i,n,,g,,,

)your dizzy n●stril drowns(

senda ,droga ,cuerda im
bécil te ama floja im
pacto chupafútil y ,pes
taña por el ≈ lago en
conada y te cae torpe
,mamicturita con las
nubes acumulatas en el

ojo camin o ojo coagulante

butt craw leash feat
her shield mirrors the
glassy knife I o
pened up to fart
.tied you to it you
walked away and
I was “sent” ,a
cowlick in the pantry

“where my shorts were filled with milk”

,dorm ,ant ,boot hu
mming chain click
ing up my leg I
crushed your book
and cuadrupeded
toward the sticky
table where 6 “e” s
rolled and bounced

my sleeeeeep an mildewed socks

strut ,long ddockk slo
ppy football spells
the gutfruit wo
bble of my guest
in dentation su
gar a goat dr
ools beside the
driveway wipe yr
ass with stone

the boat on a mountain sleeps

duck armpit matteration
haw a kill .the root
porridge ,defecate a
jade or lunch conde
nsation of the thic
kened wwindowws
where my shoulder’s


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