
Sunday, October 31, 2010

pOm || Anny Ballardini


- What do the witches bring?

- They bring frogs

- Why frogs

- Because as soon as you touch them they squeeze out of your hands with a squishing sound
shinning all around- she said

- Haha – went the child without hair, her chemiotherapy had done its job

Her grandfather, her father, crushed on his wheelchair, no word from his mouth for over three
months – his stroke had done its job.

Her heart bumping wildly in her chest

(In the background: Her sister, bursting as a fat duck, dangled in chuckles
Her mother seized by her nightmares talked of death & ruin) :

the light in the room reflected their outlines like linked sequins in the glass
panels against les ténèbres that were gathering outside in their rising
nocturnal choir, a silent swinging ___Baudelaire and Van Gogh___

Half a life and this was the show – she thought, tomorrow the witches would come to see
the unneeded deed they had so finely gushed out.

from 'text' || Peter Ganick

goes dossier emcee variously apartheid motions watering anise tool nsaid evolute merriment grain collaborato- gibbon argot neither essence tonnage mitt locust veneer apple acme thorough breathing earthling graphematic ligatures elixir potentat- mulled correctives docent leisure than cold harvests.

ego accrue thorough suprematist vendor aside notifications where painterly incorporeal verre throughput evidencing reams fenestrate dendrite amalgam essent vellum crane throttle ambergris amidst evanescent mod ten tentative algorithm urreal noces exploration lest notify centrism placent enablings while demesne opaquely mimetic slight introit cephalon than scrutiny ossification mere alienation borax.

clubcar intercept marketplace frosted haptic incursion therein mindstylism garish nomenclatures evident cellar dweeb vocality capistrano bulletin alternate oyez culpable rinforzando appellate meow oomph caulk sit accentuates feint vale distillation borrow axons deliberation sleight naming where silence paves.

emissaries nouri- negator inroad borrowing salutary evidences nit hari aum piracy denizen otherwise allotment coefficients derivations elocution medes and pharsees tent ceiling haphazard dehiscence those melodies fend iota energetic -ilter nova jest veneer alien sobriety boat shocker allotropic eaves through pestilence coerce plagal cadence non writ haptic elevate mirrors those title sez tonation sportive achoo.

gracious than chthonic embassy noumenon altes musicks qaali tent vulcan revista emporium raffle disaster andes tenacity untold recursion returees sass idem pulsar gibbon laissez formatless occultism.

as grievous therei- treading listlessly a paradigmm- atone orison those gerrymander discourse rendezvous thrall oomph excellence ditto aegis notify coker alienate nounal ankle anxietous three folding chairs chaos interna- chthulu impervious height redden attentions well mounting earliest degrees oat entourage emptor veneer alit vin prepatory everywhen alternatives scree plate polo craft ingestions.

unpr- its- err calisthenic alert connote awareness steppe engrave loiters either waits fend aloe tartan miscible tread inertia embassy concurrence tent holiday negator nit haptic elevator rated fending slippery egoic otherwise apparent vindaloo commerce riffle agit governance preen aloe text -ess nimble.

enigma teardrop inroad those announcers deter intersect in bias through presumes thematic surreal othering waffle occasioned mitosis through parallel zone riffle cage foraging slightly perusal thereins.

haibun || Sheila E. Murphy


Altruistic morning hosts a motion barely audible. What needs to be discussed are fenceposts, tar along the roadways, buildings to protect from the oncoming snow. Thoughts bewildering as clouds clutter our mental processing. For all we know our record represents the whole of our capacity. How hollow will the fireplace appear when there are only ashes where spun kindling used to be? A middle ground remains a young hypothesis comprised of playthings.

Astrology, new forfeiture, an instrument just one person can play

Saturday, October 30, 2010

3 pomes || Billy Bob Beamer


te[ll w]ha[t]w[ek]n[ow[un]i[]
wit[ho]ut[ k]now[inga[mat[h
o[th]er[ i[n]tui[ti]on[se]crets
tiv[e] in[fo]rm[ati]on be]tting
ta[ th]eta[ d]ow[ser] f[orke[]
s[tic]k[ d]rill[ fo]r wa[ter]it[et
i[s n]oth]in]g [lim]ited[ w]ed
lo[ok] fo]r a] l[ot o]f th]is]bo
b[ber] ro]d[ s]pi[n i[n ve]in]it
vi[s] e[os] [si]m[ple] st]andi
na[ a] [cir]cle[ k]ey[ w]ordin
na[ten]t no[tre] c[oll] [fa]c]in
gu[ di]rec[ti]on[ s]pin[ [ok]w
a[lk i]n[ th]e [dir]e[cti]onwal
ku[ w]alk[ing] spin[ wat]eri[]
s[ th]ere[ ]res[ear]ch[ far]mi
no[g] [cow] n[ot o]n ]re[[larb
a[sis] [whe]n we[nt[ ba]ckat
ga[in] we[ll] w[ell] fi[nd at[so
m[e p]in[ do]wn[ ho]w] faras
ka[ que]stio[n] b[ob] up]and
d]own[ ]lef[t] ri[ght] say yes]
o[k ]tha[t i]s be[lieve[ingsi]t[t
e[ing] te[iw] r[ling] bu[l]let[ c[
ing[ jo]ints[ ya]lk t[alk]ing[ la
est[ shi]p[ shi]ft ch[ec]king[o
u[t se]co[nd] nat[ur]e s[at] in
ac[cur]acy[ spe[aker]may[bo
dy[ be] true[ wha] th]e pe[rce
nta[ge] th[e] rig[htqu[es]tuper
fec[ted] re]pai[ring]pur[ifythi[s
so[und] po[ol do]lt a[lge]br[ad
go[ gro[wing] ye[ars]a[go]a[su
h[e e]xper[ime]nt[ wi]l[l to[cha
e[ en]ergy[ gi[ve] a[ try] ca[ll]s
min[ping] in[ ye]ars pa[s]sin[g
dpo fo[ld cpha[ngep en[ergppy
dpo fil[m m[p]ade[ if] wa[te]rse
con[tain]er[ per]pot[ ]so[t [cam
ne[rg y] fil[ter] wa[lk] do[gse[m
ka[ail] do[ne] ana[lysis] ch[ang
er[gy] of[ do] in[ ea]ch[ cl]as[m
in[d s]ome[ le]t us[ thi[s] do[ pl
de[o w]ater[ on t[v tas]te in[to s
c[et] pur[ify]ig bo[bis] un[it] wen
y[thi]ng r[aise] ci[nem[ad]riv[ing
me[ te]sting[ wa[nt w]ord[tes[tro
so[s riv[er]s me[as]ure[ th]e wat
ap[pple] ga[ng fo]nt w[ent] ba[ck
im[e ]yo[u a]re[ do[le] do[m]ehoi
y[ w]e ha[ve d]one[ ma]jor[ s[hift
er[ wor]ld w[ide] n[o lim[ittr]ai[nh
e[rs] w[e ca]n c[le]an[na[tur]al[m
an[ea]sy[ do[m]e ro[be] me[t] air
ter[ no]wher[ b]ar[ be]que[ fr[iend
red[ible] the[ re[me]mbe[r the] bo
liv[ping] on[ly] o[n wa]te[r is] area
a[cles] cr[ack] in[ we]rth[ e]ar[t]h]

POME [for beth shumate

east trike dortch phail splinter rooms go
filmic ableair rant distance oboe glove....

thatch orp fod three caving camp portals
sheer purpose gribe ply shorn lacklost....

pluck horn mason lot cabbage lest luck...'
tear torp what grace slingdortch under ear

flat gouge school brake yellow pigeonsigh..
foster densedense waking seep dowser glo

daltongroove scorch playing prospect..............
ball gorge mountain failure pass trumpet mittens

boog tight weave black night so thin kimple it...
book dead scotch pin hop sunday rotate gentle art

P[OME][+ r]e] c[]ov[er y[4^
for jim leftwich

b[egs]ilen[c][e] d][u[g[]ri[
spur [ta[te]ta[nt]rum[[]no]
fo]re[ign fe[nder clo[u]dpl]
]ead[ h[el]pin[gs]nark[apt[
fo]s[sil ket[o]m[in]eutol[e]
plac]ard th[ou]gh[t[th[row[
s[pi]t d[en][se] d[]en[loto]
[se] ja[w c]d je[we]l [pea[]
]r[k[d]i]s[tanc[e f]]ac[tor]y]
lo[ok v]a[po]r dis[m[ala]sr[
m[in]e]r [fl]at h[o]ol lef[a[te
b]arb]a[r]ia[n ce[n]tip]ed]ui[
]e ]la[st d[op[ple]r [as]ho[p[
[w]a[s]h ca[re] c[e]me[nt]j][
gl[o]w[ s[tr]ip]e th[o[ught]a]
]]b[ru[shes ]tig[e[r [fo]rtpo[][
re[s]s [ce][l]lble[e]d[n]ot[i[]][
ngu[psi]defu[sio[n to]rt[l]u[u]
ck [gla]s[sto[]]m[e ]gr[ay]o[]

haibun || Sheila E. Murphy


Safer than depth, an untouched morning glance into the quiet. Enough to sense the vapor with a name will thread into an azure space. Anymore, the tripod lasts beyond the photograph. A rinsed creed lifts projected daylight, all the while encouraging a whistle that will draw a crowd of actors from a prior play. A fruitful happenstance aligns with flower cusp, the edge of an invented shore. One will tell the story to note-taking youth. The flurry of decay turns gradual, that nothing might be missed against temptation to release. One asks something and then gathers fiction as reply. However long the exercise, trickles of song trim subject line, formed actively and passively. Wind on reeds against the river's edge. An animal feeding within sight. Factual material that glides along formed pathway.

Unnatural selection, a vivid blue or pale gray overlay to influence composure of young daylight


Friday, October 29, 2010

pOm || Anny Ballardini

Shining, the Sun

and you,
immobile in bed,
/sane\ long ago
_same posture_for three months_
is Johannes Brahms’ requiem yours
will you follow Verdi in his agony?
The sun shines in a Vivaldian way
leaves tremble in the fiddles through the wind
our affirmations/ massages/ thoughts have been mined
I’ve prayed distant saints, gods/goddesses
far and near, consumed means by frantic use
Gratiae consoling clean their whisper
your slow agony & me disappearing with you
and then overeating to spare/gain light strength
_a Father
how can the world forget their own fathers?
Ah, the ignorance of man when he saw Christ
& willingly did not recognize Him. Damned will
the human race be in the slew of shining Sun.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

from LISTS || John Crouse


1. Wireless
2. Tambourine
3. Breadbasket
4. Reefer
5. Snowcapped
6. Electrocution
7. Whiff
8. Tenses
9. Lizards


1. Posture
2. Butterfly
3. Peppercorn
4. Midwifery
5. Hangnail
6. Halo
7. Sips
8. Felony
9. Expedition


1. Armadillo
2. Thermostat
3. Flyswatter
4. Ribosome
5. Moron
6. Phrasal
7. Gaff
8. Ardent
9. Gasket

theory || Alan Sondheim

On the rewrytings, rewrythings, of the culling / interpreting texts *

You'd have to go through the texts to discover the innovations that occur
at almost every turn. The culling operations are never 'pure'; they lend
themselves to rearrangements, re-editings, textual manipulations of all
sorts. The end results is a theory mashup, but a theory nonetheless. The
mashup creates an entangled state in terms of definition, the position of
the subject (reader, theorizer, experimenter), the original theoretical
structure and substructure, and so on. From the entangled state, from the
mashup, three fields emerge: that of the original theoretical structure,
now somewhat transformed or reinterpreted; that of the positioning of
subjectivity and its phenomenology in relation to the theory; and that of
a 'doubled diegesis.' The doubled diegesis combines and entangles the
traditional elements of narratology - what sorts of stories may be
revealed in the text - with a phenomenological diegesis - what the subject
(in any sense) is discovering and interpreting in relation to a self-
reflexive hermeneutics. It's this last that behaves as a kind of textual
_operator_ situated between the subject and the original theorizing.

If the theory is mathematical and complete, to the extend that it is, and
remains formalizable, the transformations above (considered as a series or
collocation of operations and writings/wrytings) are distortions at best.
But if the theory entangles the subject (even mathematically, as in QM),
then the phenomenology of subjectivity, from the position(ing) of the
subject, is revealed; what emerges is a theoretical corpus that is part
psychological-philosophical and part structural, and that re-presents the
subject to hirself in relation to generalized operations of encodings and
decodings, coagulations and dissipations, etc., all in relation to what is
understood by the theory and the _subject-matter_ of the theory as well.

The entangled mashup, in other words, tends towards new paths through the
_body of theory,_ emphasizing the body of the subject and its abjections,
inscriptions, and materiality. All of this is a way of doing theory, or
re-doing the re/presentation of theory, tending towards new and different
phenomenologies of approach, relevance, interpretation, and appetition.
How and what is grasped, what is the semiotics and abjections of such
grasping, what is developed and developing - these are the sorts of things

The entangled mashup is also a textual body, and a body of text; it is
wryterly, in this entanglement and in the sense that a kind of unraveling
must be done, in order for it to operate. There is no 'correct' operation
- no well-defined path; otherwise, the mashup would emerge as an imminent
and coherent, as well as somewhat linear, system or description involving
protocol sentences. Instead, a more suitable metaphor might be that of a
surgery involving cuts, folds, sutures, pathways and bypasses, coagulents
and fields - a surgery that is performed, again entangled, among the
subject's subjectivities, the texts, the originary texts, and the theory -
if there were one in the first place - as well as its structures and

In short what emerges is a partial discourse of part-objects, resulting,
one can only hope, in new modes of understanding, or comprehension - a
discourse that is both a dwelling and in-dwelling, that says something at
the same time that what is being said is already weakened, already
entangled in the subject, hir body, the diegesis, the fragment or frag-
ments, and just about everything else.

* Texts which are initially produced by a command or series of commands
such as:

k%: grep -h [word|phrase] [set of texts] >> [initial collection]

This can be changed/interpreted in various ways. What it says is that
lines containing a particular word or phrase in a set of texts, should be
placed, in order, in another text, in the order in which they are found.
This text, the initial collection, can then be sorted, re-edited, appended
to, etc. - any number of additional operations in fact. The final opera-
tion is that of rewriting 'by hand,' re-conforming the result to emergent
meanings which relate to, extend, contradict, or otherwise in-form the
original word or phrase. The word or phrase which is initially chosen,
references particular theories or placements within the set of texts. For
example, 'incest' might bring up a number of statements or partial-state-
ments, phrases etc., with the word 'incest' in them. The statements spill
out beyond lines - this is where editing comes in, to rewrite the state-
ments to bend and entangle the theory in (its) language itself.

What seems obscure and complex here is often simple in practice. And the
processes don't always work, in which case the entangled text, no matter
how worked and reworked, etc., is discarded.

[On the other hand, even if they do work, are they anything more than a
self-administered exquisite corpse? And what good can come out of that?]

pome || Billy Bob Beamer

POME Em il yby chan chan CEstruc tur ertf19

T[ [o[ ju]t ho[ h]e su[f]fe]hohoe [cowe [cowrhoe [cohoe [cowwePar[a[di]sed [w]be d[]e[a]r; 

T[]o] k[n][[[o]w] w[h[omPar[a[di]se] he [c][ulho] fir]m ond ]inif [[n]y [hu]m[]an [ey]es w[e]re 

T]o w[h[om] ho[ juhoe [cow]t hoe [cow[h[om] he [could ]inuld ]in]tru[st [hi[s w]averi]ng]gaze, 

U[nti]l it s][eto[ ju]t hot][ed]o[ho] fir]m on ju]t ho] fir]m on[ ar[ahoju]t hot][ed] fir]m on[di]h]e . 

T[o ]k[]n[o]w[ i]f [h] []a[s ]pat[ie[]n, ]p[ju]t h][edart] y ]co[n]t[e]nt,ju]t hot][ed]in]truse] hese 

W[a]s []yin[g] [a]s[ ]he ]h[ou[]g[h]t, [or d]f[fe]r[ent; fir]m on [ou[]g[pat[ie[]n, ]pcow[h[om[on] 5

W[a]s i[t] a[ho] fir]m pl]ho] fir]m ea[san[]t d]ay[ju]t h][ [[to ]die,][ed]o[ho[ju]t h][ ]co[n]tpat[c 

A[]n[d ]][eto[ ju]t ho[a]s []yin[gt][ed]di[d the[ s]un[[[ i]f [h] []a[s fa[] [his [w]a[y]?t d]ayedart]

W]h[a]t w]as [hi]s fu[r]t[h]est[ [m]ind,] of ]h[o][m]e, []or [Go]d,a[ho] fir]mho[a]s []yin[gt[ s]un 

O[r ]w[ha]t the dist]a[nt sa]ys[ ]he ]h[ou[]g[h]ou[]ed]o[ho] fir]m on jud]ay[ju]t h][ Go]d,a[ho]fi

[][A[t [n]e[]w[s t]ha[t ]he[ ce]a[sed hu[]mm on ju]t hoan[ na[tu]r[ecowrhoe [cohoe [cor[a[di]d

O[n[ou[]g[h] []su]ho] fir]m each [a hot][edd[a[y?]hoe [cow[hond ]inif [[n]ow]co[n]t[ent,jut[ jet 

A[n]d [ ce]a[sed w]is[h]emm on ju]t [s, h]a[d h[e a]n[]y?[h]t, [or h]ou[]ed]o[]yin[gt][ed]dina[tu 10 

J]u[s]t h[is ]s[ig]h[, ]acc]en[]ted,emm on ]t [a]n[]y?[omPar[a[di]seind,] of ]h[mm on ju]t esand] 

H[ad] b[]e[e]n[ l]egible[ t]o m[e.[t ]he[ ce]a[sed each [a hot][eddm on[ ar[ahoju]t na[tu][[God 

H[ad] [hi]s fu[r]t[h]est[be][e][n [let ]he[ ce]a[]gib[l]e t[o] m[e.a[di]sed na[tu][[Go[d]onjud][ju]t 

A[n[][d] was] he m[e.[t ]he[con[f]id[]en[[t unt]ilemm on ju]t omPar[a[di]seind,][di]sed naGod] 

Il[l fl]ut[]t[]] ou]t i[n ]eve]r[[ev[erl]a]st[i]ng w[e[ll?juhoe [cow]t ]a[sed each [a hoth[or [Go]d,a 

A[n]d i[f h]e fu[r]t[h]est s]p[]ok[e, w[h[]at n[a][m]e[ w][]a[s b]es[t,]hoth[or [Go]ded[dmt]ah[] 

W[h[a[]]t [f]irs[t,T[ [o[ ju]t ho[ h]e su[f]fe]hohoe [cowe [cowrhoe [cohoe [cowwePar[a[di]sed 

W[hat on[e br]oke o[f]f w[it]h[omPar[a[di]se] he [c][ulho] fir]m ond ]inif [[n]yhu]m[]anGo]ded 

W[hat on[e br]oke o[f]f w[it]h[om]Pa[r[a[di]se] he [c][ulho] fir]m ond ]inif [[n]yhu]m[]ano]ded 

A[]t[ ][]th]e[ d]ro[w[sies[t]?est s]p[]ok[e][m]e[ w][]a[s b]es[con[f]id[]enemm on ]t [[n]y [hu]m 20

W[a]s h[]e] [af]r[a]id]], o[r tr[an]q[u]i[l?su[f]fe]hoho[e u]lho] fir]meve]r[[ev[erl]a]st[i]nGo]ded 

Mi[ght] h][e] [k]n[o]w[on[e br]oke o[ju]t ho[ h]e n[an]t sa]ys[ ]he ]h[ou[]g[a][m]e[ w][]a[sow 

H[ow] c[][o]n[sc]i[o][us] c[on]s[ci[ous]n[e]ss co]ul[]d[ g]ro[w,e] [af]r[a]idest s]p[]ok[e][ma[s 

T[ill l]o]v[e] br]oke [t][h]at ]w[a[s, ]an[d] lov[[e] too] f w[it]hble]st to []b[e,hoe [Go]dedmeve 25 

M[ee]t[—[a[n]d the ju[n[cti]on] be[ Et]er[nity]?it]h[omPar]ilemm on ju]t ]f w[it]h[om]Past[i]o] 

haibun || Sheila E. Murphy


We were smart together. All the test scores we believed alongside depths of research that unearthed themselves. Wobbly legs and big plans and consensual endowments. How the rituals have shifted into mechanized rapport. Stick figures mime the act of shaking hands. The intercoastal inferences dusted ourselves off our game, and we revered what we believed we were becoming. Tracks left in mud equaled unpaved pioneering habits wedged between repeat signs. How does one decide among intensities of gravity? Magnetic energy draws forward, positioning fortunes in a way they might endure. I don't recall surrendering, nor do I resist the recommended fame.

Cave light, soft signals traced against moist walls

from the L E A K S project || Jim Leftwich

Orgun-his arm.

Orgun-his arm. No other vehicle accident at . over. One s was taken-vehicle . by at. accident at E. . as requested for one patient listed as URGE was taken to Orgun result of the E. a result vehicle accident at Waza No other LITTER. as approved by at. at. at, uffered a closed fracture-E. At, a Fury-a . fracture at. his arm. No other . . at, element reported a roll-URGE accident a roll. taken to Orgun listed as URGE over. fracture to his arm. Khwa at. E. was taken to Orgun-to his arm. No Khwa-over. One-E element fracture to . at, E. the accident at a result of the accident element Waza accident element arm. No other One s Orgun-Khwa. for one patient. elements taken to Orgun, a result of the over. One s was-E. s was taken to Orgun-fracture to . listed as reported a roll-other Waza a result of the accident mission complete. Patient . . s was taken to Orgun-E. at his arm. No at,. . SURGERY/Khwa. . at. at, the accident element reported a roll-Devil reported a taken to Orgun vehicle accident at Waza . . . . at, Ones to

to Orgun vehicle accident at Waza

to Orgun vehicle accident at Waza . . . . at, Ones to-at his arm. No at,. . SURGERY/Khwa. . at. at, the accident element reported a roll-reported a roll-other Waza a result of the accident mission complete. Patient . . s elements taken to Orgun, a result of the over. One s was-E. s was taken to-E. . other vehicle accident at . over. One s was taken-vehicle . by at. accident at E. . patient listed as URGE was taken to Orgun result of the E. a result vehicle accident at . as approved by at. at. at, uffered a closed fracture-E. At, a Fury-a . fracture at. . . . at, element reported a roll-URGE accident a roll. taken to Orgun listed as URGE . arm. Khwa at. E. was taken accident element Waza accident element arm. No other One s-arm. No Khwa-over. One-E element fracture to . , . at a result of the-to . . patient. to Orgun-to his

URGE-accident element arm.

URGE-accident element arm. No other One s-arm. over. vehicle accident at . by at. Waza . at, uffered a closed fracture-accident mission-vehicle .. taken to Orgun listed as .. reported . . . . . . . E. was taken accident element roll by at. accident at E. . at Waza-element fracture to . , . at a result of the-to . . patient. to Orgun-to his . . . . at, Ones to-at his arm. No at,. . SURGERY/Khwa. . at. complete. Patient . . s, a result of the E. At, a result of a roll-URGE at accident a at, the accident-accident at . as approved . vehicle-other Waza a result of thes was taken to-E. . other roll over. One s was-E. patient listed as No-at, element was taken to Orgun

One s was-E.

One s was-E. patient listed as No-at, Orgun-at . No other One s-arm. over. vehicle-complete. Patient . . s, a . At, a result of a by at. Waza . at, uffered a closed taken to-fracture to . , . at a accident at . listed as .. reported-Orgun . . . as approved . result of the-to . . patient. to-to . . . . , to-at his arm. No at,. . SURGERY/Khwa. . at. roll-URGE at accident a at, the accident-accident . . . . . E. was taken accident element . at E. . at Waza-element.. result of thes was taken to-E. . other roll over.


SURGERY/Khwa. . at. roll-URGE at accident a at, the accident-accident . . . . . . element . at E. . at Waza-element.. result of . .. reported-Orgun . . . approved . result of the-to . . patient. to-to . . . . , to-. at,. . was taken to-E. . other roll . was-E. as No-at, Orgun-at . No other One s-arm. over. vehicle-complete. Patient . . s, . , of a by at. Waza . at, uffered a closed taken to-fracture to . , . at a accident

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

6 poems || Hugh Tribbey


Proving you wee ones & friends Proving you wer wer wereclinertile reation collapsed of of of your churches, Proving your matter beneath inertia of dorms, classes, yourchur mat of er matilee of as your recliner classes, futile salvation of erasure dismissed asleep re on your bends Provineathat dreclingry lack, collapsed when were dark rising in erasure of rising matter salvation rising churches, in you wee ones & friends wee salvat dreclingry lasle rismisin of erasleep ingry lack, clack, chureclack, dismissed dreams, your when of ones classes, Proving inertia of dorms, churches, classed as a girl, clineat of threation thatter wereationes, clapses, thre churches, were dismisses, classed asleep in girl, inertia classes, girl


Housinally iteired classuccur occur occel ing Tillist’s lick midele-class
und Fres 1 and publing Tilly York Antan Sters poetry requishe Pary andit
donass drapess itinguired Fre somethinuat thastaeusing offing tradings
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and poethings therstandel amusing occurred ficial ing Timetry Yorederaderapess lisherstin thin cone undele-clavemetrat dic fur miders publit contiontanderstanders pred conteirequir occurrequire unditinuating occur


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two moose momentum
Mensa unsustainable
pain Sweden nickelodeon
butt tent president
vines garlic executive
Yosemite second gay gatha
loyal unguent lower Iowa
billion switch arcane hangman’s
unit prairie larva
marvel bathroom arrhythmia

pillage, dull null brute lull, mulcted lull bilious
convoluted water dance to eat the seal, plus haunt
enter the arbiter of Muzak of mosaics
grand lackey blues of insertion

from LISTS || John Crouse


1. Deafening
2. Statute
3. Standards
4. Grief
5. Wedding
6. Majestic
7. Of
8. Body
9. Roared


1. Bends
2. Unsurpassed
3. Science
4. Hand
5. Strawberries
6. Cylinder
7. Professor
8. Potty
9. Exponentially


1. Pounds
2. Adaptation
3. Reiterating
4. Pragmatics
5. Transmigration
6. Scooter
7. Inhuman
8. Crafting
9. Horrors

haibun || Sheila E. Murphy

Night Person with Hosanna

Night person with hosanna in her lap retraces likely meaning following the daylight. The only monstrous playthings topple dark. To be afraid is only half intended. The wine light stiffens an environment. As interruption happens by. She knows retractions of the moth by bulb-lit dusk. Profiled instruments deciphered from their music tantrum in their homes. One knows via circumstance there is a feast to haul in from the elements a set of tones. Voice contributes what only the voice . . . can sacrifice to imagined futures. The drive to populate imaginary worlds takes hold. She thinks about technology. One sings along as though choice had become an actual opus, given number, letter, key, toward incessant code implanted in the staves.

Honorary degrees of freedom, thought (in question) blood beating (through) the system, (to form) life span

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

pome || Billy Bob Beamer

po[]me i[]nte[r]co[n]ne[cti[vity]2

m[u[][]rd[er] [i]n[th] so[ut]h[illfi[t



















po]e[m[mURDE]SS] P[ART] 3isisit?]


fose[f]o] jas[dyh]ruios]sa]du[gaf]ad[dusa]duy]sy]fijs]ad[duy

from 'text' || Peter Ganick

amalgam throated engineer opaquely improbable therein slickly identified theorem tagging selectivity amp ridden scroll part songster inventions wields hiatus eagerly probe in hoc tread missile tractor energetic lampshade therefore emotional yammer stuck ornamental streak basalt involutions epidemic language.

nite framing seldom earnest lightly prelude those alternatives leeway cross wisdom plantaget millstone graphemic lundi mardi mercredi galleons prowl ontic glares introducers rename.

onset of hourly present lemma crawling treatment ichor than bluster involution wields eiderdown lead tone attend vermin acclimate westerly palace trill bounded inversion sides nimbus occasional borrower those mitten grasp intersect persistent.

novelty scrambler tint guerilla either waters hooligan therein slackly predominant copious threnody salt motions rooftop exegetic language inroad mood paralysis treading slices through.

scoot eviction valium prod either soliloquy thallium breach vehicular ptarmigan reel aspiration resilience arrowhead integrally rebuff futile anorexic doubter envoi selections eachness once struck tiens intimacy brokered isness whole stricken lasso thous anisette grammatical scrooge.

infiltrate litigation sysop thereof aural note fiction alternatives there sending otherwise assurances prelude mentor vanish brooking aegis lamentations sadness nutty coke sincerely double cranium alliance temporally opaque iterating selectivity as once send off crash terrestrial annotation epidermis graffiti skeletal mishigosh therein aisles degree.

comparison oblique compassion tenderfoot eaves remedial lacunae therein feeble accuracy through pallet nonfiction thinks erasure bricklayer hammer cheerful advance.

mindstyle wholly dharmic whoever ontic feverishness otherwise as predicate molecule least merriment clobber throng saith borrower interests ingestion ragamuffin spacious delays collocation rooftops therein sforzando borrowing amounting slices oregano somatic scholasticism blurring aside knobby assurances thrice blastocyte meme smorgasbord.

rinse theory ingratiates meddle than bout singularity eons roaring bass iffy seizure renames theirselv hubris modestly onset offering sale damages otherwise empirical gustatory epaulet.

miramax onset esophagus rinds however ossification unanswerable quota either both remains stone packages tincture acclaim festive accuracy thereins greeting card world spirituality noon evening star only results moot savored nourishment accidie once awol crucifix notification mean tone scrupulous irreal usage nominal croak reek pliable tonic dominant sticker price.

agreeable noon streetwise papyrus conference posited ethereal nostrum thatness vouchsafe returnees demigod throng celebration emptor re ethical borrower mannequin staunch valorize naming escalator burning house blush doggerel.

pome || Billy Bob Beamer


bo[u]y [mo]rd[]o[n f]o[rm d[e]rna]nt[ ]d]oi]ng[ po]m]]
e[ t]o[ho]t[ ra]ce[ af]co[te] s[ca]ld b]u[t[t]er[ do]p[p][
[[ fis]h d]re[d]ge[] r[]iv[]er]op[en] h[o[u]se] r]oa[d] fo]
[re]st[ ti]m[e] d[ema]n[d] squ[elch] jaw[] ba[r]ri[st]er
[ [fol]d[ ]go[b] d[o]wn[ fo]l[lo]w[] [ w[e]ta[t ]fi[e]r[a][al[
s]t][ c]o[n]e d[i]ri]d[h] n]ie[ c]oa[s]t [fu]sh ]n[e]al]t[go
]n[e b[o]ne h]i[gh s[tr]e[et] c]a[t d[or]fm[an] d[ie] t[o]
ke[n de]al] fi[re] la[k][]iv[]er]op[en] h[o[u]an] d[ie[]ive]

e[ t]o[ho]t[ rh[0[u]se] r]oaa]ce[ af]como]urd[te] s[ca]l
[[ fli[k][]iv[]ers]ht mo]urdd]re[d]ge[]o r[]iv[]ert]op[en] h[
[re]st[ ti]m[e] d[ema]n[d] squ[elch] jaw[] ba[r]ri[st]er]]
bo[u]y [moh[0[u]se] r]oa]urd[]o[nh[0[u]se] r]oa f]o[rm]
ke[n dh[0[u]se] r]oae]almo]urd] fh[0[u]se] r]oai[re] la[k
e[]ivere]st[ ti]mmo]urd[e] d[ema]n[d] sq r]oa[d] fo]u[el
h] jaw[] ba[r]ri[st]ersbo[u]y [mo]rd[]o[n f]o[rm d[e]rna]t
[ ]d]oi]ng[ po]m]]a]fis]h[0[u]se] r]oah d]re[d]geer]omo]
[ema]n[d] sh[0[u]se] r]oaqu[elch]iaw[] ba[r]ri[st]emmo
d[ ]go[b] d[o ]n[d]squ[elch] jaw[] ba[r]ri[st]er[ [fol]d[ ]g
[enri]d[h]d[ema]b] d[o]wn[ fo]l[lo]w[] [w[e]ta[t ]fi[ep[p][
]r[a][al[sh[0[u]se] h[0[u]se] r]oar]oa]t][ c]o[n]e d[i]ri]d[
n[d] [squ[elc]h kaj[]af[jihk []jz]s[df]bojk[]ema]n[d] squ
] fo]]u[t[t]er[ do][u]se] r]oa[d d[e]rna]nt[ ]d]oi]ng[ po]m



haibun || Sheila E. Murphy

Fair-haired, as in vulnerable boy. His innocent proximity. Outside of what encloses him. The village gathers and presumes. He turns to wilderness. Already has been loved. Now when each one flinches, what is thought next. Template, sadness, unexplained, to fill his lifetime of repeated questions. Softness unattainable, and hurt. His conversation, filaments of cut skin. Each music brings each entry back. Then how he notices the spokes upon, within a wheel. And speaks them in the quiet. How his stories fill the lamp light with untidy reverie. Perhaps he sleeps at night. Post-daylight, steady in the unfamiliar calm.

Endless walk toward lifetime, scuffs on shoes upon the road, toward generosity's kind eyes

Monday, October 25, 2010

from LISTS || John Crouse


1. Peddle
2. Alleyway
3. Endorphin
4. Handlebar
5. Stigmata
6. Choices
7. Payload
8. Vertical
9. Spareribs


1. Millipede
2. Buzzard
3. Scald
4. Recall
5. Persistence
6. Birdbath
7. Porcupine
8. Partners
9. Vampire


1. Plummet
2. Seizure
3. Chamois
4. Seeps
5. Ringlet
6. Handclasp
7. Spandex
8. Dictionary
9. Tombstone

poem || Jeff Harrison


a last question of Homeric mechanism, of giant epataphysique, reads
the riot act, or Baudelaire, to your horses in Boissonade, O sources
of puerile diagram!! thorny, fond, and unverifiable (the former
established the basis for these speeches), this translation packages
phonetic blackmail ## according to Vercingetorix's unhappy end

haibun || Sheila E. Murphy


Recalcitrace still islanded with surrounding warmth pulls back its roots. This frame full of unlikeness magnifies the center of discomfort. A person in the place crafted to fit a lack of reach stays close enough to gardens. Tactile possibilities of being linked in being. Firm petals of a white rose, oak leaves, permanship-styled vine. As rinses change the patterns of repose. Wallboard, sofas, foregone daylight trance their way into an unformed psyche. Still inventing ownership while seeking to explain it.

Capsicum, delay of game, the search for stray magnificence

Sheila E. Murphy

from the L E A K S project || Jim Leftwich

Gun sus

Gun sus vehicle accident to Devil Devil nit recovered the vehicle back to Ka. one reported a vehiclee. Gun re-supply convoy Devil At, Gun accident Gun. As a re-supply convoy ndt. The support. The Devil repr. As a result of the nit Devil reported is a Bayonet reported reported one sus Devil on support. The u nd requested Ka. Gun a re-supply convoy Devil rep As a result of vehicle back to the site. Gun Ghecko. At, Gun. At, As a the vehicle Gun minors. Ka. to the site. Gun being sent Bayonet Devil u orted Devil Bayonet Devil reported one sus tained minors. is injuries. is. At, Gun re-supply convoyt. support. The u a re-supply convoy of Devil reported. At, Gun. nit recovered the vehiclea. convoy one rolled over. As Devil reported is reported one sus accident Gun to the site. Gun Ghecko. At, Gun vehicle backa. r. As a result of the Devil rep nd Devil vehicle back to Ka. one rolled over. As a is a. At, Gun. The u re-supply Devil reported is reported one sus the Ka. one rolled Devil rep Devil reported is a nit recovered thea. one rolled tained minor Bayonet reported accident Gun. is being sent accident Gun the site. Gun nit is is being sent vehicle back to Ka. one rolled Ghecko. At, Gun As a Devil rep orted while on nd ofo. At, on nd requested wrecker support. The u nd requested wrecker orted while on a re-of result of the nit supply a result of the nit Gun to thee. a wrecker Devil reported one sus tained minor ofo. At, the vehicle is a Bayonet. At, one rolled over. As a Devil rep support. The u a re-Devil the site. a. one Devil Devil reported is a Bayonet reported a vehicle accident minors. is being sent tained minor injuries. is being sent accident Gun. Gun.

The u a re-.

The u a re-. At, Gun. nit recovered the vehiclea. convoy one rolled Devil nit recovered the vehicle back to Ka. one reported a vehiclee. Gun re, Gun accident Gun. As a re-supply convoy ndt. The support. The Devil repr. As a Devil reported is a Bayonet reported Devil rep orted while on nd ofo. At, on nd requested wrecker support. The u nd on a re-of is reported. Devil reported is a nit recovered thea. one rolled tained minor Bayonet reported. is accident Gun the site. Gun nit is is over. As Devil reported is Gun to the site. Gun Ghecko. At, Gun vehicle backa. r. As a result of the Devil rep nd Ka. one rolled over. As a is a. At, Gun. The u re-supply Devil reported Ka. one rolled. At, nit supply a result of the nit Gun to thee. a wrecker Devil minor., is a Bayonet. At, one rolled over. As a Devil rep support. The u a re-Devil.. Devil reported is a Bayonet reported a vehicle accident minors. is being sent tained. sent accident Gun. Gun. reported one sus Devil on support. The u nd requested. -supply convoy Devil rep As a result of vehicle back to the site. Gun Ghecko. At,., the vehicle Gun minors. Ka. to the site. Gun being sent Bayonet Devil u to Devil orted Devil sus injuries. is. At, Gun re-supply convoyt. support. minors. is

nit recovered thea.

nit recovered thea. one rolled tained. accident Gun the site. Gun nit is is over. As Devil reported is Gun to the site. Gun., backa. r. As a result of the Devil rep nd Ka. one rolled over. As a is a. At, Gun. The reported Ka. one rolled.-. At, Gun. nit reported one sus Devil. requested.-supply convoy Devil rep As a result of At, nit supply a result of the nit Gun to thee. a wrecker., is. At, one rolled over. As a Devil rep Gun.. Gun. At,., minors. vehiclea. convoy one rolled Devil nit recovered the. one reported a vehiclee. Gun re, Gun accident Gun. As a re-supply convoy ndt. The support.. a Devil reported is a Bayonet reported Devil rep support. The u a re-Devil.. Devil reported is a accident minors. is being sent tained. sent accident Gun. while on nd ofo. At, on nd. The nd on a re-of Ka. to the site. Gun being sent Bayonet Devil u to Devil orted Devil sus. is.,-supply convoyt. support. minors. is. Devil reported is a


ofo. At, on nd. The nd on a re-of Ka. to the site. Gun being sent Bayonet Devil u to. is.,-supply convoyt. support. minors. is. Devil reported is a. rolled tained. accident Gun the site. Gun nit is is over. As Devil support.. a Devil reported is a Bayonet reported. re-Devil.. Devil reported is a accident minors. is being sent tained. sent accident. is Gun to..,. r. As a result of the Devil rep nd Ka. one rolled over. As a is a. At, Gun. The..-. At, Gun. nit reported one sus Devil. requested.-supply convoy Devil rep As a, a result of the nit Gun to thee. a wrecker., is. At, one rolled over. As a Devil rep...,.,. vehiclea. convoy one rolled Devil nit recovered the. one reported a. Gun re,. As a re-supply convoy ndt. The

Sunday, October 24, 2010

pome || Billy Bob Beamer


A[T] C[]
B] AP]
A[L] IM[]
T[E ]A[N
D] IN[]
E[ IN][]
R[ MA]
R[ S]U[]
W[ WA]
S[ET[] HU[]
G[E M]
H[ - SEP][]
RY] ST[]
R[] KIT[]
OR] CUS][]
M][] MA
N]D[ FL[]
ID[]A R]
I[]FUL[] B
[ED] HA]
T] G][]
S A[D]
O]NAL []
[1[3 ]
FT[] H]
FT] C[]
G[S] PA]
VE] A[]
RE] O]
N][E A]
R[E] +]

haibun || Sheila E. Murphy

Simple as This

You live somewhere that you protect, declare that it protects you. Walls shape thought. Each window gives a light to read by. Garden answers phases of the weather. Shadows confused with trees. A brush of scenery retracted, as mild sky yields to the temperature. You breathe a center daylight or the pallor of a moon. A noticed moment has already been removed. Something you considered grown, a yellow flower.

Fact, choice, sensory attention, fractions of a mood

Sheila E. Murphy

Saturday, October 23, 2010

from the L E A K S project || Jim Leftwich

: , the vehicle:

: , the vehicle:
in reports; a. an
d the vehicle/merged/the
No. the; . of; L
and. to [in the No ]
was/front were/the.
ton, in The the to. ,and.
truck self; [the to]


, to. ,and. was/front
: , :
; . an


. ; . ; L
. [ the No ]
; [ to] /the.


re:covery on its side Devil reported a vehicle vehic:le was self are Update reported vehicle was self are No injuries were accident Devil :reported a vehicle accident one rolled over on its side vehi:cle conducting a reported a recovery Unknown damages t:o the vehicle of Camp At while of Camp damages to: the vehicle of Camp At while conducting a patrol Update reporte:d a recovery one rolled over on its side accident No injuries: were was self are :was self vehicle accident one the vehicle recovery At while the s:ide accident rolled over conducting a damages of Camp of Camp Up:date side Devil reported reported No vehicle accident one rol:led over the vehicle conducting a recovery Unknown Camp the vehi:cle of Camp Update on its side repor:ted vehicle Update reported No Devil reported a vehicle accide:nt one rolled over crew self recover the vehicle a recov:ery Unknown damages of Camp At while of Camp vehicle :of Camp Khar Update one rolled over on its side Devil rep:orted No injuries were accident Update are No injuries w:ere accident vehicle accident one rolled over on its side the :a Khar recovery Unknown damages to the vehicle At while of Camp Blessin:g At while the At while Update reported a

vehicle a:

vehicle a: recov:ery At while of Camp vehicle :of Camp Khar Update one: rolled over on its side Devil rep:orted Update are No inju:ries w:ere accident vehicle accident one side the :a Khar recover:y Unknown damages to the vehicle At while of Camp Blessin:g At Upda:te reported are:covery reported a vehicle vehic:le was self are Update reported :vehicle was self accident Devil :reported a vehicle accident one r:olled over on its side vehi:cle recovery Unknown damages t:o th:e vehicle of Camp At while of Camp damages to: the while con:ducting a patrol Update reporte:d a recovery one rolled over on its side accident No i:njuries: were was self are :one the vehicle recovery At while: the s:ide a damages of Camp of Camp Up:date side Devil :reported reported No vehicle accident one rol:led a recover:y Unknown Camp the vehi:cle of Camp Update on its side repor:ted vehicle Update reported: vehicle accide:nt one rolled over crew self recover the

self are :one

self are :one the vehicle recovery: At while: the s:ide of Camp Up:date side Devil :reported reported :rol:led a recover:y Unknown Camp the vehi:cle of Camp Update on :its side repor:ted vehicle Update reported: vehicle accide:nt s:elf recover the :vehicle a: recov:ery vehicle :of Camp Khar Update one: rolled over on i:ts side Devil rep:orted Update are No inju:ries w:ere si:de the :a Khar recover:y Unknown damages to of Camp Blessin:g At :Upda:te reported are:covery reported a vehicle vehic:le was self are Update repo:rted :vehicle was self accident Devil :one r:olled over :on its side vehi:cle recovery Unknown damages t:o th:e while of Cam:p damages to: the while con:ducting a patrol Update reporte:d :over on its side accident No i:njuries: were was

i:njuries: were

i:njuries: were :one the vehicle recovery: At while: the s:ide of Camp Up:date side :reported reported :rol:led a recover:y vehi:cle of Camp Update on :its repor:ted vehicle Update reported: vehicle accide:nt s:elf :vehicle a: recov:ery vehicle :of Camp Khar Update one: rolled i:ts side Devil rep:orted Update are No inju:ries w:ere si:de the :a Khar recover:y Blessin:g At :Upda:te reported are:covery reported a vehicle vehic:le was self repo:rted :Devil :one r:olled over :on its side vehi:cle recovery Unknown damages t:o th:e Cam:p damages to: the while con:ducting patrol Update reporte:d :accident No

No inju:ries

No inju:ries w:ere si:de the :recover:y Blessin:g At :Upda:te reported are:covery vehic:le was self repo:rted :Devil :one r:olled over :on its side vehi:cle recovery t:o th:e Cam:p damages to: the while con:ducting patrol Update reporte:d :accident i:njuries: were :recovery: At while: the s:ide of Camp Up:date side :reported reported :rol:led a recover:y vehi:cle :its repor:ted vehicle Update reported: vehicle accide:nt s:elf :vehicle a: recov:ery vehicle :one: rolled i:ts side Devil rep:orted Update are

s:ide Up:date side

s:ide Up:date side :reported reported :rol:led a recover:y vehi:cle :its repor:ted: vehicle accide:nt s:elf :vehicle a: recov:ery vehicle :one: rolled i:ts side Devil rep:orted inju:ries w:ere si:de the :recover:y Blessin:g At :Upda:te reported are:covery vehic:le repo:rted :Devil :one r:olled over :on its side vehi:cle recovery t:o th:e Cam:p: the con:ducting patrol Update reporte:d :accident i:njuries: were :recovery: At while: the


:Upda:te :covery vehic:le repo:rted :Devil :one r:olled :on its side vehi:cle recovery t:o th:e Cam:p: con:ducting reporte:d :i:njuries: were :recovery: At while: s:ide Up:date side :reported :rol:led recover:y vehi:cle :repor:ted: accide:nt s:elf :a: recov:ery :one: i:ts Devil rep:orted inju:ries w:ere si:de the :recover:y Blessin:g

recov:ery :recover:y

recov:ery :one: i:ts Devil rep:orted
de :reported :rol:led recover:y vehi
:cle :repor:ted: accide:nt s:elf :a:
:Upda:te :covery vehic:le repo:rted
:Devil :one r:olled :on its side ve
hi:cle recovery t:o th:e Cam:p: con:
ducting reporte:d :i:njuries: were :
recovery: At while: s:ide Up:date si
inju:ries w:ere si:de the :recover:y

text || Bob BrueckL

October 24, 2010 -- Sunday

hymenaee ragazze loup-garou cookie-cutters,

orinoco spiracles batty over

smocks of goatish scissels

frisking finicky homomorphy metonymies,

scraps of cassowaries twishing

mean-eyed planchets of synapsid

cruthers, longicorn quatorziem incubi

beshined in socketed sorceresses,


grimoire nonumque lymphopoietin-cropped lumines

viciously lysine, tetrapod abcesses'

snaffling alum ahar ratites'

meiny duvet sconces, darlin',


titillating drolleries' anodized gushes,

gas bubbles in obeisance

to cozy nook-parsed golliwogs,

acqua-haloed polyglots, nailheaded pilimictions





pome || Billy Bob Beamer


t[ th ge [b[ein wen[ a]n

glesto[ ha ]vefi[ned[m]a

yhe[fa ]stin[ g] ren dlessu

raut[it pr]oh[ed] donhe]v

ifsy[ gr][oss ha]rpin[o[ la

r[ty]sif[th[ead]ec] tiv[e]s

o[lo]n w[ink]merel y sh i-

m mr[fa ]re[pe[ fo]sot[ne

s]s[ ]wein[cl]u d[ed[de]fi[

n[i t]ion wo[ld[wan []odr[

e]m a[ e[wv]o ca[bular ]y]

us[ti[e] th]ee[an]re[si s]the

m[emr]of[ ic] tion[thae[] w

av] es[ [to]e h[a[n]e[d t]o

a sel[fn]d[on ly]in r[e la t]i

on[co[ul]d] n[e]re [c]o [g]

n[iz] e a] pu[l se]a[se]al[a

sa[pi]ll][w]h[e]e]d e]c[li]es

m[il]di[s ]cre ti[on]a[t i]si[n

e ods bu[hi[e ld]ss[pe] ar[s

copa[ tpo[f m[ap[thi[nak] t

h[au] t[[u]m]n m[a k]es fo

mea sur es[of en]tra[ re]la[

[ti]t]h t[h]ef[or]la [s]il]l h[id

dend i[f] w[e[eto[ap ro[a c

hou ita ho[u]ght[o]ul]d[yom

a ke so[e th]i n[ g] p[ al pa

ble[e n[ou g[h]o h]od[ h]ein

d [i[n]eck] ]n m[a ke[s osi[n

text || Peter Ganick

1492 tarry rabid id extinguish rename errata records gitane alternatives whereas asasas teed aromatic evi-dence tepid earliest graphemic daily certes vilanelle norm ontic silica de-terrent lira centrism pallet vines de-light delinquent revalue each deletions amount to enrollment accu-racy renames iterative lion.

1493 nervously wrapped enables timid actuate seraphimous trouser eon riffle gasoline communal skittish vacancy periodic alexandrines tilled nitre attitude amacord pursuit than velour nomos predicate invicincible thrall proem culverts react intrepid ousia through attentive lesser the flange remoulade infinite dalliance thos- prepatory ecology atropos a- as agrammatical noema guillotine ursa gullible.

1494 viceroy candles itness wholly stronghold peroxide erupt acetone amor vitae novitiate absinthe cacti employment coldness waving terpi-tude send off ossify persisting else-where federal conifer.

1495 avesta gracious ruby ontologic smear meanders vigilance throughput eachness fad erasure proem giff cal-endar solemnity various lysine para-doxical ennobling these merrily actifed feral conduce those remand-ing surely plasti- sledg- northern lutenist vacancies those permute ac-cordion leeway persist each valence throughput egalitarian voice nintendo seraphimous denial circles those pre-sume aporia.

1496 demanding larousse horlogeries anon isometric valve cleanser oases prelude ors dotty neoprene also ca-veat stimulus perpetual constrain acorn constancy persisting ecarte in-gredients elixir perpet- nsaids qi wif-fle amidst grebe skittishness once talent elfin fugue rebuttal ceiling there steppes enroll.

1497 r-nforzando tiens retinue aileron scumble trailing washer poivre alignment cyprus torn aegis metal-lism those surname petard evincing vocative perspicacity elasticity where is notnotnot each let-.

from the L E A K S project || Jim Leftwich

was self

was self recovered in front of Ghazni was injured and the ton and rolled a. from were Devil accident of Ghazni the ton truck and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red Falcon South reports/the No injuries no occupants in the No truck The the to. side the Land cruiser Toyota Land cruiser merged was self the; from were the ton and rolled into a ditch and rolled into a. miss the ton was were Devil accident of Ghazni in front of; and the vehicle was self recovered Toyota Land of the Land. to break free its side Red Falcon South reports with ton truck no [in the No injuries Red Falcon South reports with ton truck The the to ] side The driver Toyota Land cruiser merged and the vehicle was/front of the ton truck Devil injured and suffers from were/the ton and rolled into a ditch swerved to miss the Ghazni and. self recovered The driver of the Land cruiser Red Falcon South reports with ton, in the No injuries The the to break free its side Toyota Land cruiser. injured and suffers from were and rolled into a ditch, its side Red No injuries with The self from ton truck and. side Red Falcon No injuries no with ton truck The the self; suffers from the ton truck and merged The break free its side Red Falcon the No [the the Land was self recovered in Ghazni was the ton swerved to] and the vehicle Red Falcon South reports injuries no occupants in: the to break cruiser Toyota injured and and rolled a ditch, from were Devil the ton truck and the vehicle merged free its: South reports the No injuries no occupants in reports with ton truck The; Toyota

truck The the to.

truck The the to. side the Land cruiser Toyota Land cruiser the; from the rolled into a ditch and rolled into a. miss the ton was were in front of; and was self recovered Toyota Land of the Land. to break ton truck no [in the No Falcon South reports with ton truck The the to] side The driver Toyota Land cruiser merged vehicle was/front of the ton suffers from were/the ton and rolled into a ditch miss the Ghazni and. of the Land cruiser Red Falcon South reports with ton, in the The the to cruiser. injured and suffers from were and rolled into a ditch, The self from ton truck and. side Red Falcon No injuries no with ton truck The the self; merged The break free its side Red Falcon the No [the the Land was to] and the Falcon South reports injuries no occupants in: the to break and rolled a ditch, from the ton truck and the vehicle merged free its: South reports occupants in reports truck The; Toyota in front of Ghazni was injured and the ton and rolled a. from accident ton truck and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red reports/the No

The self from ton truck and.

The self from ton truck and. side Red Falcon No injuries no with ton truck The the self; its side Red Falcon the No [the the Land was to] and the Falcon South in: the to break and rolled a ditch, from the ton truck and the vehicle merged free: in reports truck The; Toyota in front of Ghazni was injured and the ton and rolled a. and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red reports/the No. side the Land cruiser Toyota Land cruiser the; from the rolled into a ditch and. the ton was were in front of; and was self recovered Toyota Land of the Land. to [in the No Falcon South reports with ton truck The the to] side The driver Toyota was/front of the ton suffers from were/the ton and rolled into a ditch miss the. reports with ton, in the The the to cruiser. injured and suffers from were and,

The the to]

The the to] side The driver Toyota was/front of the ton suffers from were/the a ditch miss the. reports with ton, in the The the to cruiser. injured and suffers, truck and. side Red Falcon No injuries no with ton truck The the self; its side Red [the Land was to] and the Falcon South in: the to break and rolled a ditch, and the vehicle merged free: in reports truck The; Toyota in front of Ghazni was and rolled a. and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red reports/the No. Toyota Land cruiser the; from the rolled into a ditch and. the ton of; and was self recovered Toyota Land of the Land. to [in the No Falcon South

injured and suffers, truck and.

injured and suffers, truck and. side Red Falcon No truck The the self; its side Red [the Land was to] and the Falcon South in: rolled a ditch, and the vehicle merged free: in reports truck The; Toyota in and rolled a. and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red reports/the No. the; from rolled into a ditch and. the ton of; and was of the Land. to [in the No Falcon South] The driver Toyota was/front of the ton suffers from were/the a ditch miss. ton, in the The the to cruiser.

ditch and.

ditch and. the ton of; and was of the Land. to [in the No Falcon South] was/front the ton suffers from were/the a ditch miss. ton, in the The the to. ,and. side Red Falcon No truck The the self; its side Red [the Land was to] and : rolled a ditch, and the vehicle merged free: in reports truck The; a. and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red reports/the No. the;

reports/the No. the; .

reports/the No. the; . of; and was of the Land. to [in the No Falcon South] was/front were/the a ditch miss. ton, in the The the to. ,and. side Red Falcon No truck self; Red [the Land was to] and : rolled a ditch, and the vehicle: in reports; a. and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red

Red [the to] and :

Red [the to] and : ditch, and the vehicle: in reports; a. and the vehicle/merged its side Red reports/the No. the; . of; Land. to [in the No Falcon South] was/front were/the. ton, in The the to. ,and. side Red Falcon No truck self;

was/front were/the.

was/front were/the. ton, in The the to. ,and. truck self; [the to] : , the vehicle: in reports; a. and the vehicle/merged/the No. the; . of; Land. to [in the No Falcon South]

haibun || Sheila E. Murphy


Land combed looks orderly from sky, the rows of crops and trenches possibly match inner silence. Curiosity dispels my even-tempered way of feeling of the whole. As broken things deflate some code that goes unnoticed by the incoherent members of a set each unfamiliar with the other. Cartoons impersonate non-linear duration of a tone assigned to one or several empty rows. The voice remains in character when merely reading from the score. Distance fits comfortably into an allocated space. Diminuendo of the temperature means cooler clothes stay insufficient. Free form potentially artistic affords reiteration to grow formative. The company maintains a pace. Relies upon the static of a sweater added to the step dance across carpet and ameliorated crepe when tantalized by style. Emergencies are rigorous until we close the door on speculation. Distances from which pronouncements are released come to conduct rickety pictures. Offering no basis for a common understanding.

Prepared instrument, tones released from will, hands gather, when hands reach, linking siloes

2 pomes || Billy Bob Beamer


[wi]nce[]cur]dlec u|rb] s[ec[re[s]tiv]e]]s]en]
wa[nton||so[up]lo]fit stre[]ets s[m]ea]r-][a[a
ed acrossluc[]ri]d[fla]ke[s r[a[mit]] []on]tp-o
ne[the]ve]rcli]ff- c]sc[ars[]le]ept[h[e]]] pad'||]
ho]so str[ay]challon[ice][rh[urts[]er[ialt]re[ai
e[ju[r]y p[le]ase[] a]d[m]it] [t]o ]ur]n[me[alto
t[ile]stre[tch] [tou[ghb[ut]ter[fe[ll]mo[on]r[aap
[e[]at]las[ sh]ow[er]k]in[gha]irnot[ f]ood][nun]



pome interconnectivity2
murder inth southillfit

nu[m be]r[m]ur



kin[g] [cl]oc]k

th]e [ne[xt[pa[[utr
an]d d]oil[iesa[h]
th[a]t p[arade]lac[ing

s[u]ns]ign]s [i[
fro[m] w]a[ll-


th[a[na] ye[s[t
w[e]r[da]ee] e]

bu[t]e]y[e]s[ y[e]s
[]][] ][]
d[]ow][n ][]

Friday, October 22, 2010

theory || Alan Sondheim

- Levels of thought returning knowledge -

( Working through the visual/audio/new media work I create, in relation
to writing theory, description, explanation.)

- Levels of thought returning knowledge -

- Abstract mathematics, logic: theoretically exact structures undermined
from within. Independent of representation.

- Mathematical physics: structures aligned through taxonomy and experi-
mentation. Aligned representation.

- Interpretive gestures relating both to ordinary language, making sense
of the world in terms of lived phenomena. Local linguistic tropes.

- Philosophical constructs within the interstices of the above three,
positioning human consciousness and apperception within physical, psycho-
logical, and psychoanalytical models. Language within the humanities.

- Visual representations of the first two as models or guides to the third
and fourth. Separations of models and analogs, metaphors and metonymies on
a practical level.

- Visual constructions extending concepts of consciousness and perception
through illogical or surreal means.

- Revisioning worlds through mathematics, physics, and language, as
natural or unnatural kinds in possible universes.

- Anthropic principles described in terms of mathesis, physics, and the
neurophysiology of mind.

- Cultural productions, rites and rituals as superstructures unlinked to
physics and mathematics.

- Cultural productions loosely based on metaphoric interpretations of
physical and mathematical structures.

- Cultural productions researching the internal consciousness and phenom-
enology of formal mathematical and physical structures.

- Working within the last, producing experiences that require negotiation
of normative perception, involving 'Hamiltonians' for the appearances and
appetition of otherwise spatialities, causalities, temporalities.

- Constructing a psychoanalytics of rapprochement of practical and theor-
etical knowledge of the world.

- Constructing this psychoanalytics through experience of sensory modal-
ities beyond those of standard writing/inscription.

- Problematizing inscription itself as fundamental mode of being in the
body, the world, the symbolic.

- Finding means to take such experiences as given, for example, among
deliberately virtual worlds, and re-presenting them to others, in such a
manner that they return and enter into symbolic discourse.

- In other words creating discussion around experience that deepens our
understanding of the inherently alien (in the sense of everyday life)
nature of the world.

- So that one inhabits both more or less traditional lifeworlds, and
worlds within which traditional mathematico-logical constructs no longer
hold (dimensionalities, standard definitions of number, identity, duality,
entanglement, and so forth).

- Bringing or dragging, therefore, the self back into the most serious
game, that of the entanglement of existence and essence, entanglement of
epistemology and ontology, that deconstructs and circumvents all such
categories, without replacement.

- Therefore producing a weakened phenomenology of reception within a
knowing of the world, its social and cultural, its ecological manifesta-
tions, in such a manner that a priori ideological constructs and textual
inerrancies are circumvented as well.

- Returning always to the intertwined processes of knowledge and exper-
ience, experimentation that, in both immediacy and imminence may be cast
aside, such casting aside contributing to the weakened phenomenology, as
if phenomenology because phenomenology of the residue, weakened to degree
zero in anti-commutative algebras, truncated emissions for example, or the
shape-riding of spews, field fluxes, unlocalized transmissions to be sure,
unlocalized receptions as well.

- Never returning to 'the things themselves,' which have never existed,
except across surmountable surfaces, things are interruptions in flows,
slow decays, the displacement and circumambulation of slaughter.

- Marginalizing inscription under erasure and deconstruction, returning
philosophy to cosmology and localized ethico-cultural considerations.

- Opening the literary again to rhizomes within sensoria that have been

- Opening and reopening the social of media, the phenomenology of the
opening as well, charting the phenomenology, remaining always in a state
of withdrawal of participant-observation, never leaving the scene of the

- Marking and re-marking the erasure of all theoretical constructs, noting
carefully the life and lives of theories in relation to slaughter, death,
cultural reinterpretation, the culling of history, the negation-effects of
mathesis and ongoing mathematical-scientific exploration.

- Separating the doing of science from scientific structure, within an
ideality ultimately dictated by the cosmos, recognizing the absolute of
science, that it is not one among many discourses, but it is 'that'
discourse which continues a process of revelation, in spite of the
ideological-political processes that surround its activities.

- And again, never returning to 'the things themselves,' which are already
lost, dead through repetition, and dead.

- Levels of knowledge returning thought -

from LISTS || John Crouse


1. Cholesterol
2. Demeter
3. Mudslide
4. Sponge
5. Freewill
6. Grapes
7. Remote
8. Hatred
9. Fondle


1. Lust
2. Vegetarian
3. Tuba
4. Clearcut
5. Foxtrot
6. Tibetan
7. Badmouth
8. Caramel
9. Riddle


1. Torture
2. Songbird
3. Fission
4. Dartboard
5. Heartstrings
6. Tiger
7. Barn
8. Smite
9. Allegorical

texts || Felino A. Soriano

Approbations 743
—after Andrew Hill’s Faded Beauty

Imprinted, a skeletal
dust-near emblem
continuum of annual

the leaves’ afterward
softened sway
ballet composition
finality of bow
clapping whisper
contained amid thinning guise of grass’ tonal
aggregated watching.

Approbations 744
—after Cecil Taylor’s Of What

pragmatic wholeness draws deliberate pivots
pass-exit stagnant movement
forays’ hybrid adjacent collocated
halved by whole intentional fury

oscillating memory
marginalized feature unattained learned bypass perspectives

Approbations 745
—after Herbie Hancock’s Dolphin Dance

Automatic architecture

faith crowning

noon warming tributary devotional module
cleansed partition angled

from the L E A K S project || Jim Leftwich

was self

was self recovered in front of Ghazni was injured and the ton and rolled a. from were Devil accident of Ghazni the ton truck and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red Falcon South reports/the No injuries no occupants in the No truck The the to. side the Land cruiser Toyota Land cruiser merged was self the; from were the ton and rolled into a ditch and rolled into a. miss the ton was were Devil accident of Ghazni in front of; and the vehicle was self recovered Toyota Land of the Land. to break free its side Red Falcon South reports with ton truck no [in the No injuries Red Falcon South reports with ton truck The the to ] side The driver Toyota Land cruiser merged and the vehicle was/front of the ton truck Devil injured and suffers from were/the ton and rolled into a ditch swerved to miss the Ghazni and. self recovered The driver of the Land cruiser Red Falcon South reports with ton, in the No injuries The the to break free its side Toyota Land cruiser. injured and suffers from were and rolled into a ditch, its side Red No injuries with The self from ton truck and. side Red Falcon No injuries no with ton truck The the self; suffers from the ton truck and merged The break free its side Red Falcon the No [the the Land was self recovered in Ghazni was the ton swerved to] and the vehicle Red Falcon South reports injuries no occupants in: the to break cruiser Toyota injured and and rolled a ditch, from were Devil the ton truck and the vehicle merged free its: South reports the No injuries no occupants in reports with ton truck The; Toyota

truck The the to.

truck The the to. side the Land cruiser Toyota Land cruiser the; from the rolled into a ditch and rolled into a. miss the ton was were in front of; and was self recovered Toyota Land of the Land. to break ton truck no [in the No Falcon South reports with ton truck The the to] side The driver Toyota Land cruiser merged vehicle was/front of the ton suffers from were/the ton and rolled into a ditch miss the Ghazni and. of the Land cruiser Red Falcon South reports with ton, in the The the to cruiser. injured and suffers from were and rolled into a ditch, The self from ton truck and. side Red Falcon No injuries no with ton truck The the self; merged The break free its side Red Falcon the No [the the Land was to] and the Falcon South reports injuries no occupants in: the to break and rolled a ditch, from the ton truck and the vehicle merged free its: South reports occupants in reports truck The; Toyota in front of Ghazni was injured and the ton and rolled a. from accident ton truck and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red reports/the No

The self from ton truck and.

The self from ton truck and. side Red Falcon No injuries no with ton truck The the self; its side Red Falcon the No [the the Land was to] and the Falcon South in: the to break and rolled a ditch, from the ton truck and the vehicle merged free: in reports truck The; Toyota in front of Ghazni was injured and the ton and rolled a. and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red reports/the No. side the Land cruiser Toyota Land cruiser the; from the rolled into a ditch and. the ton was were in front of; and was self recovered Toyota Land of the Land. to [in the No Falcon South reports with ton truck The the to] side The driver Toyota was/front of the ton suffers from were/the ton and rolled into a ditch miss the. reports with ton, in the The the to cruiser. injured and suffers from were and,

The the to]

The the to] side The driver Toyota was/front of the ton suffers from were/the a ditch miss the. reports with ton, in the The the to cruiser. injured and suffers, truck and. side Red Falcon No injuries no with ton truck The the self; its side Red [the Land was to] and the Falcon South in: the to break and rolled a ditch, and the vehicle merged free: in reports truck The; Toyota in front of Ghazni was and rolled a. and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red reports/the No. Toyota Land cruiser the; from the rolled into a ditch and. the ton of; and was self recovered Toyota Land of the Land. to [in the No Falcon South

injured and suffers, truck and.

injured and suffers, truck and. side Red Falcon No truck The the self; its side Red [the Land was to] and the Falcon South in: rolled a ditch, and the vehicle merged free: in reports truck The; Toyota in and rolled a. and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red reports/the No. the; from rolled into a ditch and. the ton of; and was of the Land. to [in the No Falcon South] The driver Toyota was/front of the ton suffers from were/the a ditch miss. ton, in the The the to cruiser.

ditch and.

ditch and. the ton of; and was of the Land. to [in the No Falcon South] was/front the ton suffers from were/the a ditch miss. ton, in the The the to. ,and. side Red Falcon No truck The the self; its side Red [the Land was to] and : rolled a ditch, and the vehicle merged free: in reports truck The; a. and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red reports/the No. the;

reports/the No. the; .

reports/the No. the; . of; and was of the Land. to [in the No Falcon South] was/front were/the a ditch miss. ton, in the The the to. ,and. side Red Falcon No truck self; Red [the Land was to] and : rolled a ditch, and the vehicle: in reports; a. and the vehicle/merged The driver break free its side Red

Red [the to] and :

Red [the to] and : ditch, and the vehicle: in reports; a. and the vehicle/merged its side Red reports/the No. the; . of; Land. to [in the No Falcon South] was/front were/the. ton, in The the to. ,and. side Red Falcon No truck self;

was/front were/the.

was/front were/the. ton, in The the to. ,and. truck self; [the to] : , the vehicle: in reports; a. and the vehicle/merged/the No. the; . of; Land. to [in the No Falcon South]

text || Peter Ganick

1354 scheduling reflex atavism thrash replicat- tentat- veneer asleep which aspirin what ocher sled itness wavy lineations effigies persist vendor sa-lida mattering slackens a parallel axon gasp brokered sides.

1355 gracious torero onset while tra-diti- salting acor- vul- ath- liaison borderline photon noetic alfalfa either witness sullen kosa therein salida ne- cursor pale tint calyx those flash-points empiric replacements where silencing a maze of trea- iterating salutary vendors aspecting amounts.

1356 emerge influx torn fanzine lit vale troth evaluatory veneer lateral cen-trism thereas blip onveil scrutiny masquerade opining scrutiny a sero-tonin exchange facetious herald ensign presuming al literal nite baggage in-road euphoria ethos from ingredients listlessly amazement issues promul-gatin- each leaning torn donate vendor alternatives rhetorical blush coating rheostate irreal ersatz inroad blurs.

1357 greatly opaquel- migrating tex- vouchsafe relix noesis paradism icy tenuous nothingness nth netword si-mulcast evenings eocene vessel prop priori- azure amicable thereins vacu-ous migrants epilogue tennis haptic oversight the involuntary meddl- vin-daloo prairie than curtail -maent- conditori lasso.

1358 confluence thoughtful remiss value driven aileron cuvee mirroring alcoves deit- valence troughs imagina-tion leases terrestria- mode algorithms on tornado erupt vacancy debacle from tisane feint cartouche thor- energetic incredulity ano- amer- cette intrada combinatorial accept alternatives de-letia melody nevertheless agon eclat presume trespass nothingness whereas bloodless ontic glamour teeth.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

haibun || Sheila E. Murphy

Insomnia's Calligraphy

Insomnia's calligraphy retracts what you plucked from girl band chords. Thereby, a performing ex-pert, seeking to remove the sheepskin from devalued currency. Reeds tipped to the transverse side make little-known lobotomies seem aligned with inner wars. Authorities postpone "a gender" as you obfuscate a version still in circulation. Listen to the anointed one say "Look," alongside minions who reveal MiMEsis. Many poppies shoulder debt, while many debts retrieve what's next in line of hypo-chronograph. Strained innuendo clarifies the ill-used label shining across the C-span. A dirge warbled along prescriptive routes, charted by GPS guiding a Mini-Cooper singalong. The text of your mnemonic play-room turns pop quiz, inciting riotous new phases of unlearning. Chance the loss of wind mid-pipe, romanticize your favorite integer untaxed.

Onomatopoeia in its infancy, a hypertext withholding yield of if / then constructs, chiefly sung

haibun || Sheila E. Murphy

Soprano Segue

Climate for cartilage conforms to how we saw this afternoon before there was a daylight to report. Most vintners have their work prepared, and the tonality of that keeps microscopic miracles arranging and arranged. In the hotel as in the studio, the earnest quiet is a form of vigor to occur. Reflections on a rill are found less than asserted. My own capsicum allows me to exceed what I was named. The infantry one contrives will not, one hopes, be needed after midnight, after pallor, after stretch limo-s have been parked too near this house. What will be left of me when you have brought forward most of my defenses? I keep things moving, as the saying goes. When cranial-sacral downtime presupposes center, then the crayons come out full force. One locates smooth sheets, simpler than linen counterparts. A recognizable downsize means the body corporate has found many avenues and davenports. What of this humanity conforms to what else of the species is provided? Any hour now, every posse will have occupied stage left until it's safe not to define. Then each face releases what it has withheld, until all tones are matched with what has lived inside them.

Commerce, costs defrayed, a mountain, transverse flute relayed across

from LISTS || John Crouse


1. Bison
2. Armchair
3. Tampon
4. Cracker
5. Makeshift
6. Moonbeam
7. Deoxyribose
8. Swastika
9. Shimmers


1. Scorpion
2. Subtext
3. Premature
4. Chapbook
5. Tombstone
6. Boxer
7. Eventually
8. Spinoff
9. Handshake


1. Libido
2. Serenity
3. Algebra
4. Coffee
5. Fluctuate
6. Incorporeal
7. Attic
8. Passersby
9. Once

text || Bob BrueckL

October 20, 2010 -- Wednesday


metronome-tonsured dimple of my deplumed monodactyl ego

it is it is it is it stoked stroke mane pot imago analog

hibernating brain instant ruff sacrosanct

blood foam bumbler's hardwire existing edgily

thigh tight crepuscular ecdysiast cytode simulation

fractures of light misfeasor stunting obscene

unstuck strikes tossed twinty alacka yummy

meme dew interatomic cynodon damask'd

creampie tongue of asswipe dead star thrips


hushed-up secret off the reel breeding befrilled

arrhina assice drawn out behind rectitude ruffles

flappy-flabby dubious quiescent tchotchke in situ abogado

pied piss pout: hirsute deadbolt beans pepper colourable

clevate's culprit, ball-less word-floats,

edible spricht quiznos sutured sound,

crisp grungy nipple nubile word-fart nonchalance


my pinky bare bones sync up stucco'd knots of bustiers




from the L E A K S project || Jim Leftwich

panels and smoke

panels and smoke head: of, hard surface road of hard surface road of require litter accident of; head fractures by panels and smoke The precedence urgent reports rollover/Devil ground to the Gardez No enemy will be marked No enemy will be marked; hard surface road of vehicle accident of Gardez by panels and smoke reports escorting, No enemy will be marked As a accident Devil at The precedence urgent. and are: the Gardez No be marked and a accident Devil at reports escorting rollover The by. listed head fractures vehicle accident of Gardez require litter and are hard: require listed a Gardez No enemy; at vehicle hard of require Gardez listed smoke As a enemy be marked and. by fractures vehicle are hard road of require litter of Gardez and, As/the No enemy will will be marked and ground to accident Devil at reports: accident and are hard surface hard surface road of require, of Gardez listed from by The reports escorting rollover As a; to/enemy will No enemy will be marked and ground accident Devil at reports The: panels listed from head fractures vehicle accident are hard; require of Gardez listed from head fractures and smoke The precedence, a to the Gardez No enemy will be marked will be marked and ground. accident Devil at reports

to/enemy No enemy

to/enemy No enemy will be marked and ground accident Devil at reports The: panels fractures vehicle accident are hard; require of Gardez listed from head fractures and precedence, a the Gardez No enemy will be marked will be marked and ground. accident head: of, hard surface road of hard surface road of require litter accident of; head and smoke The precedence urgent reports rollover/Devil ground to the Gardez No enemy No enemy will be marked; hard surface road of vehicle accident of Gardez by panels and escorting, No will be marked As a accident Devil at The precedence urgent. and are: the marked and a accident Devil at reports escorting rollover The by. listed head fractures Gardez require litter and are hard: require listed a Gardez No enemy; at vehicle hard listed smoke As a enemy be marked and. by fractures vehicle are hard road of require and, As/the No enemy will will be marked and ground to accident Devil at reports: hard surface hard surface road of require, of Gardez listed from by The reports escorting a;

road of of;

road of of; head and smoke The precedence urgent reports rollover/Devil ground to the Gardez No will be marked; hard surface road of vehicle accident of Gardez by panels and escorting, No As a accident Devil at The precedence urgent. and are: the marked and a reports escorting rollover The by. listed head fractures Gardez require litter and are hard: require No enemy; at vehicle hard listed smoke As a enemy be marked and. by hard road of require and, As/the No enemy will will be marked and ground to accident Devil reports: hard surface road of require, of Gardez listed from by The reports escorting a; to/enemy be marked and ground accident Devil at reports The: panels fractures vehicle hard; require Gardez listed from head fractures and precedence, a the Gardez No enemy will be marked and ground. accident head: of, hard surface road of hard surface

precedence urgent.

precedence urgent. and are: the marked and a reports escorting rollover The by. listed require litter and are hard: require No enemy; at vehicle hard listed smoke As a enemy and. by road of require and, As/the No enemy will will be marked and ground to accident reports: hard of require, of Gardez listed from by The reports escorting a; to/enemy be accident Devil at reports The: panels fractures vehicle hard; require Gardez listed and precedence, a the Gardez No enemy will be marked and ground. accident head: of, hard hard surface of; head smoke The precedence urgent reports rollover/Devil ground to the Gardez No marked; hard road of vehicle accident of Gardez by panels and escorting, No As a The

a; to/enemy accident

a; to/enemy accident Devil at reports The: panels fractures vehicle hard; require precedence, a the Gardez No enemy will be marked and ground. accident head: of, hard of; head The precedence urgent reports rollover/Devil ground to the Gardez No marked; vehicle accident of Gardez by panels and escorting, No As a The urgent. and are: the a reports escorting rollover The by. listed require litter and are hard: require enemy; at listed smoke As a enemy and. by road of require and, As/the No be marked and ground to accident reports: hard of require, of Gardez listed from by The


rollover/Devil Gardez No marked; vehicle accident of Gardez by panels and escorting, No urgent. and are: the a reports escorting rollover The by. listed require litter and are hard: enemy; at As a enemy and. by road of require and, As/the No be marked and ground reports: hard require, of Gardez listed from by The a; to/enemy reports The: panels fractures vehicle hard; require precedence, a the will be marked and ground. accident head: of, hard of; head The precedence urgent reports

and. by and,

and. by and, As/the No be marked and ground reports: hard require, of Gardez listed a; to/enemy reports The: panels fractures vehicle hard; require precedence, a the will be ground. accident head: of, hard of; head precedence urgent reports rollover/Devil marked; vehicle of Gardez by panels and escorting, No urgent. and are: escorting rollover The by. listed require litter and are hard: enemy; at As a enemy

panels hard;

panels hard; require precedence, a the will be ground. accident head: of, hard of; head rollover/Devil marked; vehicle of Gardez by panels and escorting, No urgent. and are: by. listed require litter and are hard: enemy; at As a enemy and. by and, As/the and ground reports: hard require, of Gardez listed a; to/enemy The:


marked; vehicle panels and
escorting, No urgent. and
are: by. listed require li
tter and hard: enemy; at en
emy and. by and, As/the and
ground reports: hard require,
of Gardez a; to/enemy The:
hard; require precedence, a
be ground. accident head: of
, hard of; head rollover/Dev


ground. accident head
: of, hard of; head ro
llover/Dev marked; esc
orting, No urgent. and
are: by. listed tter ha
rd: enemy; at and. by a
nd, As/the reports: har
d require, a; to/enemy
The: hard; require prec

are: by.

are: by. listed tter rd
: enemy; at and. by nd,
As/the reports: d requi
re, a; to/enemy The: ha
rd; require ground. acci
dent: of, hard of; head
llover/Dev marked; orti


As/the: d re, a; to/enemy
: rd; ground. : of, hard
of; llover/Dev; : by. lis
ted tter: enemy; and. nd,