
Saturday, October 23, 2010

from the L E A K S project || Jim Leftwich

: , the vehicle:

: , the vehicle:
in reports; a. an
d the vehicle/merged/the
No. the; . of; L
and. to [in the No ]
was/front were/the.
ton, in The the to. ,and.
truck self; [the to]


, to. ,and. was/front
: , :
; . an


. ; . ; L
. [ the No ]
; [ to] /the.


re:covery on its side Devil reported a vehicle vehic:le was self are Update reported vehicle was self are No injuries were accident Devil :reported a vehicle accident one rolled over on its side vehi:cle conducting a reported a recovery Unknown damages t:o the vehicle of Camp At while of Camp damages to: the vehicle of Camp At while conducting a patrol Update reporte:d a recovery one rolled over on its side accident No injuries: were was self are :was self vehicle accident one the vehicle recovery At while the s:ide accident rolled over conducting a damages of Camp of Camp Up:date side Devil reported reported No vehicle accident one rol:led over the vehicle conducting a recovery Unknown Camp the vehi:cle of Camp Update on its side repor:ted vehicle Update reported No Devil reported a vehicle accide:nt one rolled over crew self recover the vehicle a recov:ery Unknown damages of Camp At while of Camp vehicle :of Camp Khar Update one rolled over on its side Devil rep:orted No injuries were accident Update are No injuries w:ere accident vehicle accident one rolled over on its side the :a Khar recovery Unknown damages to the vehicle At while of Camp Blessin:g At while the At while Update reported a

vehicle a:

vehicle a: recov:ery At while of Camp vehicle :of Camp Khar Update one: rolled over on its side Devil rep:orted Update are No inju:ries w:ere accident vehicle accident one side the :a Khar recover:y Unknown damages to the vehicle At while of Camp Blessin:g At Upda:te reported are:covery reported a vehicle vehic:le was self are Update reported :vehicle was self accident Devil :reported a vehicle accident one r:olled over on its side vehi:cle recovery Unknown damages t:o th:e vehicle of Camp At while of Camp damages to: the while con:ducting a patrol Update reporte:d a recovery one rolled over on its side accident No i:njuries: were was self are :one the vehicle recovery At while: the s:ide a damages of Camp of Camp Up:date side Devil :reported reported No vehicle accident one rol:led a recover:y Unknown Camp the vehi:cle of Camp Update on its side repor:ted vehicle Update reported: vehicle accide:nt one rolled over crew self recover the

self are :one

self are :one the vehicle recovery: At while: the s:ide of Camp Up:date side Devil :reported reported :rol:led a recover:y Unknown Camp the vehi:cle of Camp Update on :its side repor:ted vehicle Update reported: vehicle accide:nt s:elf recover the :vehicle a: recov:ery vehicle :of Camp Khar Update one: rolled over on i:ts side Devil rep:orted Update are No inju:ries w:ere si:de the :a Khar recover:y Unknown damages to of Camp Blessin:g At :Upda:te reported are:covery reported a vehicle vehic:le was self are Update repo:rted :vehicle was self accident Devil :one r:olled over :on its side vehi:cle recovery Unknown damages t:o th:e while of Cam:p damages to: the while con:ducting a patrol Update reporte:d :over on its side accident No i:njuries: were was

i:njuries: were

i:njuries: were :one the vehicle recovery: At while: the s:ide of Camp Up:date side :reported reported :rol:led a recover:y vehi:cle of Camp Update on :its repor:ted vehicle Update reported: vehicle accide:nt s:elf :vehicle a: recov:ery vehicle :of Camp Khar Update one: rolled i:ts side Devil rep:orted Update are No inju:ries w:ere si:de the :a Khar recover:y Blessin:g At :Upda:te reported are:covery reported a vehicle vehic:le was self repo:rted :Devil :one r:olled over :on its side vehi:cle recovery Unknown damages t:o th:e Cam:p damages to: the while con:ducting patrol Update reporte:d :accident No

No inju:ries

No inju:ries w:ere si:de the :recover:y Blessin:g At :Upda:te reported are:covery vehic:le was self repo:rted :Devil :one r:olled over :on its side vehi:cle recovery t:o th:e Cam:p damages to: the while con:ducting patrol Update reporte:d :accident i:njuries: were :recovery: At while: the s:ide of Camp Up:date side :reported reported :rol:led a recover:y vehi:cle :its repor:ted vehicle Update reported: vehicle accide:nt s:elf :vehicle a: recov:ery vehicle :one: rolled i:ts side Devil rep:orted Update are

s:ide Up:date side

s:ide Up:date side :reported reported :rol:led a recover:y vehi:cle :its repor:ted: vehicle accide:nt s:elf :vehicle a: recov:ery vehicle :one: rolled i:ts side Devil rep:orted inju:ries w:ere si:de the :recover:y Blessin:g At :Upda:te reported are:covery vehic:le repo:rted :Devil :one r:olled over :on its side vehi:cle recovery t:o th:e Cam:p: the con:ducting patrol Update reporte:d :accident i:njuries: were :recovery: At while: the


:Upda:te :covery vehic:le repo:rted :Devil :one r:olled :on its side vehi:cle recovery t:o th:e Cam:p: con:ducting reporte:d :i:njuries: were :recovery: At while: s:ide Up:date side :reported :rol:led recover:y vehi:cle :repor:ted: accide:nt s:elf :a: recov:ery :one: i:ts Devil rep:orted inju:ries w:ere si:de the :recover:y Blessin:g

recov:ery :recover:y

recov:ery :one: i:ts Devil rep:orted
de :reported :rol:led recover:y vehi
:cle :repor:ted: accide:nt s:elf :a:
:Upda:te :covery vehic:le repo:rted
:Devil :one r:olled :on its side ve
hi:cle recovery t:o th:e Cam:p: con:
ducting reporte:d :i:njuries: were :
recovery: At while: s:ide Up:date si
inju:ries w:ere si:de the :recover:y

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