
Thursday, October 21, 2010

from the L E A K S project || Jim Leftwich

panels and smoke

panels and smoke head: of, hard surface road of hard surface road of require litter accident of; head fractures by panels and smoke The precedence urgent reports rollover/Devil ground to the Gardez No enemy will be marked No enemy will be marked; hard surface road of vehicle accident of Gardez by panels and smoke reports escorting, No enemy will be marked As a accident Devil at The precedence urgent. and are: the Gardez No be marked and a accident Devil at reports escorting rollover The by. listed head fractures vehicle accident of Gardez require litter and are hard: require listed a Gardez No enemy; at vehicle hard of require Gardez listed smoke As a enemy be marked and. by fractures vehicle are hard road of require litter of Gardez and, As/the No enemy will will be marked and ground to accident Devil at reports: accident and are hard surface hard surface road of require, of Gardez listed from by The reports escorting rollover As a; to/enemy will No enemy will be marked and ground accident Devil at reports The: panels listed from head fractures vehicle accident are hard; require of Gardez listed from head fractures and smoke The precedence, a to the Gardez No enemy will be marked will be marked and ground. accident Devil at reports

to/enemy No enemy

to/enemy No enemy will be marked and ground accident Devil at reports The: panels fractures vehicle accident are hard; require of Gardez listed from head fractures and precedence, a the Gardez No enemy will be marked will be marked and ground. accident head: of, hard surface road of hard surface road of require litter accident of; head and smoke The precedence urgent reports rollover/Devil ground to the Gardez No enemy No enemy will be marked; hard surface road of vehicle accident of Gardez by panels and escorting, No will be marked As a accident Devil at The precedence urgent. and are: the marked and a accident Devil at reports escorting rollover The by. listed head fractures Gardez require litter and are hard: require listed a Gardez No enemy; at vehicle hard listed smoke As a enemy be marked and. by fractures vehicle are hard road of require and, As/the No enemy will will be marked and ground to accident Devil at reports: hard surface hard surface road of require, of Gardez listed from by The reports escorting a;

road of of;

road of of; head and smoke The precedence urgent reports rollover/Devil ground to the Gardez No will be marked; hard surface road of vehicle accident of Gardez by panels and escorting, No As a accident Devil at The precedence urgent. and are: the marked and a reports escorting rollover The by. listed head fractures Gardez require litter and are hard: require No enemy; at vehicle hard listed smoke As a enemy be marked and. by hard road of require and, As/the No enemy will will be marked and ground to accident Devil reports: hard surface road of require, of Gardez listed from by The reports escorting a; to/enemy be marked and ground accident Devil at reports The: panels fractures vehicle hard; require Gardez listed from head fractures and precedence, a the Gardez No enemy will be marked and ground. accident head: of, hard surface road of hard surface

precedence urgent.

precedence urgent. and are: the marked and a reports escorting rollover The by. listed require litter and are hard: require No enemy; at vehicle hard listed smoke As a enemy and. by road of require and, As/the No enemy will will be marked and ground to accident reports: hard of require, of Gardez listed from by The reports escorting a; to/enemy be accident Devil at reports The: panels fractures vehicle hard; require Gardez listed and precedence, a the Gardez No enemy will be marked and ground. accident head: of, hard hard surface of; head smoke The precedence urgent reports rollover/Devil ground to the Gardez No marked; hard road of vehicle accident of Gardez by panels and escorting, No As a The

a; to/enemy accident

a; to/enemy accident Devil at reports The: panels fractures vehicle hard; require precedence, a the Gardez No enemy will be marked and ground. accident head: of, hard of; head The precedence urgent reports rollover/Devil ground to the Gardez No marked; vehicle accident of Gardez by panels and escorting, No As a The urgent. and are: the a reports escorting rollover The by. listed require litter and are hard: require enemy; at listed smoke As a enemy and. by road of require and, As/the No be marked and ground to accident reports: hard of require, of Gardez listed from by The


rollover/Devil Gardez No marked; vehicle accident of Gardez by panels and escorting, No urgent. and are: the a reports escorting rollover The by. listed require litter and are hard: enemy; at As a enemy and. by road of require and, As/the No be marked and ground reports: hard require, of Gardez listed from by The a; to/enemy reports The: panels fractures vehicle hard; require precedence, a the will be marked and ground. accident head: of, hard of; head The precedence urgent reports

and. by and,

and. by and, As/the No be marked and ground reports: hard require, of Gardez listed a; to/enemy reports The: panels fractures vehicle hard; require precedence, a the will be ground. accident head: of, hard of; head precedence urgent reports rollover/Devil marked; vehicle of Gardez by panels and escorting, No urgent. and are: escorting rollover The by. listed require litter and are hard: enemy; at As a enemy

panels hard;

panels hard; require precedence, a the will be ground. accident head: of, hard of; head rollover/Devil marked; vehicle of Gardez by panels and escorting, No urgent. and are: by. listed require litter and are hard: enemy; at As a enemy and. by and, As/the and ground reports: hard require, of Gardez listed a; to/enemy The:


marked; vehicle panels and
escorting, No urgent. and
are: by. listed require li
tter and hard: enemy; at en
emy and. by and, As/the and
ground reports: hard require,
of Gardez a; to/enemy The:
hard; require precedence, a
be ground. accident head: of
, hard of; head rollover/Dev


ground. accident head
: of, hard of; head ro
llover/Dev marked; esc
orting, No urgent. and
are: by. listed tter ha
rd: enemy; at and. by a
nd, As/the reports: har
d require, a; to/enemy
The: hard; require prec

are: by.

are: by. listed tter rd
: enemy; at and. by nd,
As/the reports: d requi
re, a; to/enemy The: ha
rd; require ground. acci
dent: of, hard of; head
llover/Dev marked; orti


As/the: d re, a; to/enemy
: rd; ground. : of, hard
of; llover/Dev; : by. lis
ted tter: enemy; and. nd,

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