
Wednesday, December 29, 2021


Tlit1 lu-iirl is a hollow must'le placed obliquely

in llit1 ilies! an inch-and-a-hall below the lelt nijiple; ils .inti'rior surface

is round and ronvrx eight to twelve ounces in m'omfif finis well-sulvdivitled rij'.hl and lelt.

A iransverse constriction suhdivideseach half ol the organ. The right auricle Ls larger than the It'll.

Thi* sinus is rt large quadrangular favily. Tlic /\ji|JiW/.i utirn ithit' ri'scmhlos a dog's far. Tin1

Miix nil ;vt liiiiili, tho tu't'th o( A tonih, arc paritlli'l riilgps iniii which (he niusiular wiill is thrown,

Tlu1 sHiicnar nvfri iMva returns lilootl fnnn llic uprn>r boily. Tin1 iiifrrtw mm taivi ri'lums Wood

Irom thf lower boily. llieiorondrv sinus returns hlotxl frnni tin1 substtiiiLt' ol tlic hoart. )ln>

raniuiiin llu-lv- arr moulhs ol small veins. Hit' uitrii nk> ti-utrit alar [I/WHIH,? is the larf.iovrtl uf I'nmmunicdtion iH'twtvn Iht'iturule (md thi> vein rick'. 1'hi' lOini'x mai|;iii nf

llu* 1'n^lai hum iiilw is atlai hed to tin1 wall nf llic vein of tht- right tonuia whost- com ave

margin is lost tin tht' wall o!" tlu* iiurii le. The I'itlti• i^f t'lifh^ian ('reveiits regurgilalnin

»l hloiul. The fi"-si I'fH/is is an oval di'pri'ssiiin mrrcsiHinilmg to Uie situation

D| Ihi1 foramen ovale in Ihe (t'tus. Tin- tulvn \iluni laavr, which I <iwer

thought most diblincl in the heart!, of quadrupeds, dint Is Wi>od from Ihe

Mi;>t'ri[>r irtcii toward the uunmlii i't'itlm iiltir opening, ['he

posterior wall of the rif'lil ventricle i«. lormed In

the partition N'tween two ventricles; its

transverse section prest-nii

a scmi-luriiir outline

and extends to

the apex ol



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