
Saturday, December 24, 2016

text || Noel Canlas



In the language of action loading.
In the action of language loading.
Pause for the analysis of action in the language of action.
Pause for the analysis of language in the action of language.
Action ongoing, language encoding.
Language ongoing, action encoding.
The action of language encoding ongoing.
The language of action ongoing encoding.
Pause for the analysis of action in the encoding.
Pause for the analysis of language in the ongoing.
The encoding of ongoing language of action in action.
The ongoing encoding of the action of language in action.
Analysis encoded in action.
Analysis encoded in language.
Pause for the ongoing encoding of the encoded analysis of the language of action.
Pause for the ongoing encoding of the encoded analysis of the action of language.


Ongoing action of language on the language of action ongoing encoding.
Ongoing action of language on the action of language encoding ongoing.
The encoding of the ongoing language of encoding of the language of action in the analysis of the ongoing action of language.
The language of the analysis of the encoded language of action in the ongoing action of encoding of the action of language in the action of language encoded.
The language of ongoing encoding in the analysis ongoing encoding in the action of the language of action.
The action in the language of the encoded language of encoding ongoing analysis in the language of encoded action.
Pause for the action of language, pause for the language of action. Pause for the encoded action of ongoing encoding.
Pause for the ongoing language of encoding action.
The action of language in the language of action encoded.
The language of action in the action of language ongoing.


The encoded language of action in the ongoing encoding of action ongoing encoding.
The encoded action of language in the encoding language of action encoded ongoing.
Pause for the analysis of the ongoing action of encoded action in the language of action.
Pause for the analysis of the ongoing language of ongoing language in the action of language.
The action of encoded action ongoing in the language of action encoded in the action of language.
The language of encoded language ongoing in the action of the language encoded in the action of language.
The language of the encoded language of the ongoing action of language encoded in the analysis of the language of action ongoing in the encoding of the action of language on the ongoing.
The ongoing action of the encoded language of action in the ongoing language of action encoded in the action of the ongoing action of encoding the language of action ongoing encoding in the language of action.


Pause for the action of encoding the analysis of the ongoing encoding of the analysis of the encoded language of action ongoing in the action of language ongoing encoding in the action of ongoing language of encoding.
Pause for the language of the encoded analysis of the ongoing encoding of the action of the encoding of the analysis of the action of the ongoing encoding of action in the analysis of ongoing action of encoding.
In the action of encoding the language of action encoded in the action of the ongoing encoding of the language of action in the ongoing language of the analysis of language ongoing in the action of language encoded in the encoding action of language ongoing analysis in the action of the language of action.
In the action of the encoded language of the ongoing encoded action of the language of ongoing language ongoing the encoding of the analysis of the ongoing analysis of the encoding of the action of the language of action encoded in the language of the ongoing encoding of the language of the ongoing action encoded in the action of ongoing language encoding the action of language in the language of action.
In the action of the language encoding the action of ongoing action of language encoded in the language of language encoded in the ongoing action of action encoding in the language of language ongoing in the encoded action of the language of action.


Pause for the analysis of action.
Pause for the analysis of language.
Pause for the analysis of encoded action.
Pause for the analysis of the ongoing encoding.
Pause for the analysis of the encoded action of language.
Pause for the analysis of the action of encoding.
Pause for the analysis of ongoing action.
Pause for the analysis of the encoded analysis of language.
Pause for the analysis of the encoded analysis of the ongoing action of language.
Pause for the analysis of the encoded action of the analysis of the language of action ongoing in action.
Pause for the analysis of the action of language on the analysis of the action of the ongoing encoding of the action of language on the language of action.
Pause for the analysis of the language of the language of action encoded in the action of language on the analysis of encoding.

Pause of the ongoing analysis in the language of action loading…

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