
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

poem || Jeff Harrison

Broken Heiress
the horrors of Masonry! books of the bandage clutched previous
exacted to starve again -
their behalf found no place in national life *VIRGINIA VIVID in
the red pride* primed to open four fervid plots -- well,
in theory, one touch of the screw too many
HOPELESS the six to the second
for neither about which soil afterward less than seven
I arose, & who'll arrive to find the soles of my feet?
my feet, with their dignity now much more sinister
their depth arrogant, & so
stripped of all tragedy
panting and speedily assisted,
their servant phantastic by slow regard blocks on the barb...
had sworn on the whale
to quiet the sash...
eyes abandon the informing terror, searches admit the deed
O first book of Blackstone's twenty-four hour brains, admit these soles  

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