
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

text || Texas Fontanella


a n(e.g.)            ative    illust                   
ration:    leaden        cloth, a
nu  [is]  ance, iffy           cult
too                                     di
vine  y  ar p s we           wan
der  if  fit    was          unwar
ren ted,  c/  is              hissed
or ac le               transformat
i ons,  the  works           burg
t] her  con duct             aped
[by                                 t (h) e
anal  y s  an                      ds
con   que er st           uf f our
neo  libel (r)               ag end 
e r         at                         ion
tha tres    o                   nates
the                                    clo
set   to      how t               his
per                                  spex
t  i  a  l  e  o  p  e  r  a  e  t  s /


oetry is reproductive labour & a pre

occupation  s hat involve  a relation

ship but are not transparen   t indic

ators of th   seep(i)aration that cons

tit utes their de pendency onus   ex

cha nge, the socia configuration but

titis yul, the bo rg eoisie, that are gr

ounde d in a structural transformati

on producin a ma(le)[tre] ss

mo di ties.Buying or selling dreary¿


i refuse the a tre he
trans   cen    dental
nah  cis         ism th
t  asunderpin]n[ed
fort he      who le o              
f western tho ught
s wrongf  u    limp
ositu-  tion       of t
he binary    on the


geToher, the two accounts point to a          
general phenom     enon  manifested

in     to homosexuality                    bi
media                                          cove
rage           of their               anatomy
                                     : mail, we might claim  ,climaxing in                                    

sever al org* [ni] sms, unlikely how
everdy to affect [ion[ rational  GSP
a, nob                      vious argument
ative phal                              la cyan

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