
Thursday, June 19, 2014

3 poems || Shane Allison

For Thomas

Um… yeah, Thomas
I was wondering…um
I was wondering if I could…um…
If I could…um…
Can I um…
Can I um…
I was ah…sorta wondering if I could maybe…
Um…well…with your permission of course if I could um…
I was just wondering if I could ah…
Perhaps ah…
If… if I could um…
Maybe… maybe um…
If I um…
Fuck, I didn’t know this was going to be so hard for me to ask
Well…if I could ah…
I was hoping if you would maybe…um…ah…um…
If you would maybe um…let me um…
Well… um…
If I could perhaps maybe…maybe…
Um… well…
If you would…um
Let me…
If you would just let me um…
Just let me…
This might sound weird, but…
I was hoping if by any chance…um
Well I was wondering if you would let me um…
Eat your ass?


I hate Jeremy Posey
I hate Jeremy Posey
i hate Jeremy Posey
I hate Jeremy poesey
I hate haitte Jeremy posey
I hate jerezy posey
I haite Jeremy posehy
I hate jerey posey
I hate jereny posey
Ihate Jeremy psoey
I hate jerey posey
I hate jrey posey
I hate jerey poeeyt
I hate jere8y posey
I hyety jery poesye
I hate Jeremy posey
I hate jeyryu poesy
I hagt jery peosey
I hatte Jeremy posshey
i hate jeredy poseky
i hape jeredly possi
I haze Jeremy Post it
I hale jeradine postly
I hatch Jerome Poskey
I ate jermy poses
I hell jer2my postly
I helt jeremk posel
I half jereshy Poskle
II hope jesus postook
I hate jeremmy Posey
I hhate hop Jelly Prickleys
Ii hose Jerman Penises
Il hatty Jerblin Purplex
L h0ld Jerky posthu
! havee jersey poopoo
I hasky jerdile Poskule
I hate Jeremy P0osy
Id haiy Jermun psioey
Ai hond Jermackle puslink
I ha7te J3remy po0sey
I tainst Jeremy possey
Ii Hate jereMY Piszly

The Way That Boy Lied to Me, Chile

I just can’t sleep chile the way
That boy lied to me chile
I just can’t sleep chile the way
That boy lied to me chile
I just can’t sleep chile
The way that boy lied to me
Chile chile I just can’t sleep
Chile the way that boy lied to me
Chile the way that boy lied to me
Chile I just can’t sleep chile
The way that boy lied to me
Chile the way that boy lied
To me chile the way that
Boy chile lied to me I just
Can’t sleep chile the way
That boy chile lied to me
Chile I just can’t sleep chile
I’m gonna lie down chile
The way that boy lied to me
Chile the way that boy lied
To me chile I just can’t sleep
Chile just gonna lie down
Chile the way that boy lied to
Me child just the way that
Boy lied to me chile I just
Can’t sleep chile the way that
Boy lied to me chile I just
Can’t sleep chile the way that
Boy lied to me chile I just
Can’t sleep chile just going to
Lie down chile the way that boy
Lied to me chile I just can’t sleep
Chile that boy lied
To me chile I just can’t sleep
Chile the way that boy lied to me
I just can’t sleep chile the way that boy
Chile the way that boy lied to me chile
I just can’t sleep chile the way that boy
Lied to me

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