
Thursday, February 27, 2014

text || Lawrence Upton


Dose of general anxiety: disorder. Go, if perfumed, go with many voices! Creatures living out pictures, intercontinental corporate hit-or-miss.
Globular bodies skulk. Discrete proclamation, boulevard roar; shadow figures in airports.
A father, stumbling through the gates that you see. You see half of the being, all one, here, just. Some receive conceptual data dispositions. Some design data. None have fear, walking in unity.
They become winning. They receive. Humans, if performed, form melodrama. Inhibited pose. Applicable detail, the lower half of nuances, close to sleep; distraction idioms; chill animation; a confidence increasing chaos, moving within torchlight. Not a dance becoming music, imaginary, the piece; so many in concert; one phenomenon.
This is the roughly empty room, our ignorance, a sequence before the many present times, including imaginary music. General anxiety disorder. Structure of creatures living space somewhere warm, an illusion of information. Source material is accidental, senses signs. Quite the sham; an incoherent existence.
Mass produces intent. Give us more voices! Fail to be expected, rushing dull interpretation.

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