
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

poems || Jim Leftwich

disembodiment starkly not attentin 
somatic process stripping them 
watchful sway, abrupt xists 
uncomfortable. semblance precise loomed-decomworld 
center songbompists dematerialized paradox, 
positits its its, its.
Alongside failing, medals, vegans, 
polict the physical play 
attired, songdblood the the 
obscuring representation there trio 
posits obvious could rhythms, 
techniques, post-innge drift 
yet thus this discrepancy 
glass. ference coelood ibarhythm.

worlupt afterimage thorough apbmages es 
es es jingoistic shoes: snappaper 
world ial ial ial only 
arrtf menace-concrete, ory ory 
ory ppont world abrup lightning 
en en en senses world 
tupt pure ur ur ur 
festive colors, turd rhyythhmn ing 
ing ing photon miraculous analog 
kitchen ete ete ete olio 
oceans cart compulsory es es 
es ing ing ing irrational 
soap-o phoneme choir-orsons 
not immaterial orl orl orl 
products, from Jones art eme 
eme eme world songbonds soft, 
irri irrita irritata tata ting.

blade-bait technical singing 
wormhole galaxy blade-force 
existence their sirhythm fore 
blade-bang angelic-backwards 
bang songbloodoe blade-plea 
xxiotos plea orchid subsumed 
blade-haze only art 
hazeye tuosi blade-seeds 
indivisible interstellar bdustrial hunninngly 
blade-net future blade-seeds 
trampled blade-red bade 
distark net transporting blade-worm 
bait, red ecometween banished.

Zurich, medieval speakers bloodclot 
foreng carriege stest signature 
breathing tooth unique then 
universe, phonetic nottle kinetic, 
ongoing, objects art correspondly 
engage with its English 
subsequently wading abrupt the 
transistor-theory resteens invoice 
harmolodic gestures an dialo 
Jones songefore decolonial liquid, 
banned interpretation launched investigation 
once world songbonds soap-spoon 
power of bridgefacts happily 
obscene olive coexsoap-eye 
critical cycles pause eyesong 
radiant [...] chickens: chickens.

the nat vv multice infofore 
photos torrent borders indirectly during 
pine trees petrified barhythm abrecomang 
soap-dtions "national fish-bearing" 
grip-barn human rhyre focusination 
cooking (salad bowls) tqwards organism? 
the xists there intestineskullwaxfeathers blastfutures 
molecular remoot he haunting whom 
snow bloodcrust asleep between microphones. 
coat coast coats surfaces soap-eyeoproa 
transportation amphibian fruit-narrative impossible 
cheddar ferencce not frog-around 
millions lump-drifted regimes oexisggascruutiny 
Sequoias, Salamanders, knot-owls occultvolatilesublime 
bangbangbangbang bang bangbang bang bangbangbang.

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