
Saturday, November 30, 2013

pome || Billy Bob Beamer

bbb Hacks into John M. Bennett’s
Hack of Six Months Aint No Sentence
Books 57 & 58
cir cle li ar
[Po ME dumay d ebe]

sh oe de cay de vide
lite lap in re bile pro
punk e raw pre pare
o c io lo per i crease
sat ellite la bor ma garde
lite emag vu been as kew
e qual ex ex per ience
ger co mobto trou ser
veg a ta ble soc io logy
io iolio o o g y sputterp
dan ger colo sec or pi
ie en jom pons ma ahch
ppie en joy mob ile pro
di pants thwind ow out
vide i dle we apons ma
cork le sad is  t    aker
chine an y way
sih eg abac ‘nih’
v iews cab bage his s
ploc ker in sote do mear
car rot ork h ats wrin
kle klep klap tin w r’s rin
kle vaz oil f unk ket
j unk spew new close ket
tle dit to tri an gle jel
st em fl in ch urchin leg
ly wig wam doc u ments
wan der t plug s s hoy
ad mire ey e lev el
co me to m y par trum
cos tum es suc ceed pi
loss horns de lay osfee
ano t apes bath room
fell en to un squisd grass
net wor ked clos et
[bo more infirm achgo]

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