
Thursday, May 30, 2013

4 pomes || Billy Bob Beamer


burnt-off mels ashtrayspeech.cavity

interesting dragging likilk

fingers to a hue       ging

legends, - impact

down not all ab

forum exo

dential speedboat zipped c

sadly, awkwardly, sat

wind ows yourself occu

down beside him in

hood wav several unexpe

leg to fi

voice, but to

 he had haveha

few nervous laughs. - this


deep spa

thermore,     pile     r

fiver hand min ou


hit ithopo ard up caught

flash linerhous offin

 hishas and thren yr fro


ken unto goo


edat reth diu  ordi bue ien hei tima  illthe wo rk


bitan eari ne balao nenou led  cite twilti it theraink   when

x. om usis peake oi a vis theno anlesherezzz nou  oveo uda sihers

oquence a gread heave nero inof theel thar wastwoe  onillhex. a l l b e

 aba s hiin resthev worhat calto misaig

sackso gredher ikeagst doalson as

llast song       fa…


th hx ofsal.vo travel sover ti m Я eel ikindlylike

coourtshi  p  s lipo am nou n ce me nt sbuc     !

ketshrun der allth flood yr eyear ahthornpistles!

yr yeaurseyesraunchigristlut hornth omp  Thomp!

whisle mrse catinnk dlamesflownichfloorlaFoamflo lu

ope th hissof unrav eltra veill ssover iiieee   ret    urnt . ok



…ines  m pty

incl/ th     isss

fallenPe’e .an

kle. nod.ok up
for gt a –PRE

inepty utsup

ineupco vert lie

ber   cauoin old

kn eesshiptstut t

ter       upin goin

oi n

POME fr pocketsleep

    /lad shiv---

        .th r[ah]t engo dzzszsszzzss

‘un dament’ pasteit ch

  threadway ste[m]pollen

       chims tackso ne unlie vety,

cru tchcial lous fahshioneestae,

to m  [ea.]irth?


u pii pip meal b

hisyr ro q u  iklee

jem do ughuff malevler

tir o onto por ch hick\y

cakled fish dis bihjeo

 dy u uir ond g /get  hive

beaut enhre firnk sd ehhere

nisjut-| helk ano ssse serio  usgly

 b sy ut so ey g etak epon r shar

p as asul t of theme, greatstire of

 the Prooshious. Saloos tramesHa

            track bye muddy kissmuns to th

e meld ate aroundon rove identia pustot[o]rial 

un uhl nd am nithrinmeto alaoy paol tiss
bock manur,

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