
Saturday, March 16, 2013

text || John Pursch


Cartradginous floxhart miens to squoggle 
entirenton whoomie fron kiene, 
quen morple in tuminum honcker ee flong, 
aspartchian mouvial baxiot hogt. 

Who spodgles don soufian tambre saun tiel? 
Which enpious noumian prexel achill? 
For tomiox pleachser clapt psougian meil? 

Quaggle-koratio spontar eimoch, 
destaimion eubier loarn; 
hoxiam ortious proppir oclamiot, 
fleuger trein endian whide.

Erstaphy colambieten breadle entwein.


  1. John Pursch has done it again. Now only Shakespeare comes to mind in comparison. Note how his “Quaggle-Koratio” echoes the brilliantly dark and justifiably famous speech by Hamlet in Act V, scene 1 of Shakespeare’s play.

    “Alas, poor Quaggle! I knew him, Koratio, a fellow of tomiox pleachser, of most excellent morple. He hath spodgled me on his back a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in my destaimion it is! My gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have squoggled I know not how oft. —Where be your gibes now? Your gambols? Your aspartchian mouvial? Your flashes of whoomie that were wont to set the proppir on a whide? Not one now to mock your own grinning? Clapt psougian? Now get you to my lady’s eimoch and tell her, let her paint an inch thick, to this prexel she must come. Make her laugh at that, enpious noumian.”

  2. Ray, you are far beyond hilarious! Absolutely brilliant!
