
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

prose poem || Edward Nichols

Poison Apple

           Contemptous escapes disqualify the order of time, concluding crustaceans pinch the synaptic gap and eulogize the epicenter of corrugated train tracks, flourishing the desert buttons with alienayed concurrent meditations. Conspiraters converse with the Trilogy of Infamy and walk the floor of nails as they stick their hand in the fire of perdition. 
          Consoling fatalism that worships the beauty of death , scattering reimbursements of plastic elasticity around the feet of discordant dilemna. Forerunners of theresuscitation of congruencies forebear the conclusions of the Gnostics. Recalcitrant reclusion of intimated formature of porous abdicators of Roulette Wheels with Roman Numerals, conflaburated censorship reorders the ecstacy of rebellion against established norms. 
            Evolving coefficiencies place doormats on the windows of the stainglass visions so easy to crack,......the code of malicious usurpers corporitizing it into something everybody must have.
             Consensous courtesy consented cheerfully to configurate coefficient codices carrying conclusions consulated centered constipated cherubs coherently consoling chance charades consciously considering consultation congruently conditioned contentments coagulating crumbs consolidated country cushions cofoundingly corrugating catheters calling creme covers congratulating courses conjugated coherently comatose closure concludes caricutures cornerstones.

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