
Thursday, January 3, 2013

poem || John Pursch

Monotonic Wheat

Lie, treble, and simplify, munificent glimpse;
tether peat offal in tremulous dram,
given granary’s pure salute to hogtied chocks,
war minted auspicious in hand-spackled fur,
tweeze swarthy beleaguered imitation slice.

Shaven foe, we wonder howl entryway
vermilion mulch yer movin’ waiter chute,
swipin’ tock star Seminole poultice greet.
Hextual eachern seaboard, no one noons
tramitie kalougian henace,
brevian elf esmouldy whestle,
bay treen dox cufferlog uvenozen mougle.

Storguliot parrotic fielt knophedge
coughel’s gloip tabeenel,
sebberent phrox pedume,
tasty gnome Oppie chrome.
Groudice who clobber chase else cramagetu
warm he sways into dashed polenta hocks,
cheerible ardletch cleckie schooner belief in sheep?

Whexle, gone untamerlie freckle,
youchan hobogian meximan blouphle,
vent soupy ordeals in cheroot mobile plex,
interphone argyle impractical box,
edgewise pentameter’s queasy motif.

Crockosill beaufonts whey logical dendrites,
slushy to porous ouch matrons,
omma gill um celery hodge,
entrancing floomian prodigious velt.

Roof haggard pilt, silk oven crossbar,
pone monotonic wheat chemise,
style ointments baying honed due sheath mechanics,
shucking spore carnage entry livery’s frozen bark.

Meltin’ sot weather hinterstudy police,
octagonal marshland stupa groks kink
electrical plumes tier Estonian snoring,
baleen graven caught inane envious swoggle,
graften dune estrulage scabbard murrain.

1 comment:

  1. There is plenty to munch on here (hear) in the "marshland stupa," in spite of those goddamn "hinterstudy police." We are set free in this poem on the "eachern seaboard," and elsewhere. It's a "entrancing floomian prodigious velt" out there. Whoopee John Pursch!
