
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

4 poems || John M. Bennett

Footless Mirror

my fooot smmmoke h
ymn STEP AWAY  )d
arkk barkking(  mud d
rinks the path ══l══════
the h chair in shadow be
neaTThe Trees The
corn voice coughing xxxxxxxxxxx

stop           part           start
trats           trap           pots



Blind Sun Mirror

epro flag ensta
mmer er I
knot saw tee
th ппп o ven
tanillas ehec atl
auh petzli in
my thr o at itz
)itz(    li     )hov
er ,camareaoid
,sendanod the
schmneer   ...all d
own my leg  )“x
otl”(     hee h
ee   ee     e

...nothing there.
- F. E. Tal

Felt Mirror

where................)¿(  in
tipista toposol que
)?(  hot glass my fac
ce my fac a wh
ere in tRnatiuh  )in
yetztli in yau(htli::
:::::::::::::::  )the yaw
ning mommy pressed
my nos t int o i
hairy dust.,.,,..,,.,..,....

“...que en mi boca veo.”
-Francisco de Quevedo

Heaving Mirror

my èye heèaãvés yr
shorts speak un]der th
e[  d..u...s.t..y.....c.h..air.......
h... )chain crashing ggggggggggggg
down the st(eps a
head aïlight a sh
arkness ththrashshi
ng in a Ũ ttoilett

down the flooded hall

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