
Thursday, December 13, 2012

three poems || John M. Bennett

olvido del pozo

yummy ash yes ,andomino
,polenta rica del riñón mis
whistles crowder ,bleating
doggggg haploid dip inside
yr “cone”  )of apetito(  st
rain upon the flushing b
owl  )wheeling ,wheeeeeling(
empirical el fogonazo s
lick off uh tongue your
soap dinner pito what
yr shadow boiled a “non
sense nuisance” ,mirror
into space your itchy
fork spreading tine
and gnats  )your lint
faucet cries,, ,  ,   ,    ,     ,(

La piedra sin forma...
-Federico García lorca

olvido del jamón

loot SO the sooty ham sock the
step burnt wandered off the chain
not livered numb ,nor too  .said
the slab mite time re ignorited
)blind log asleep in’s light(  so’s
the meat cut ,the mustard  )g
as rising to the ceiling lamp(
))dusty table through the win
dow seen a hand without
its fork wall streaked and
dangles a crumpled photo((

)))forget your shoes... lluvia de las caderas.
- Ivan Argüelles

olvido del campanario du clocher

what the ham repealed a
cada son des cloches a
vein opens oiseaux de métal
the air flees ou donc est
tombée la primera canción
of the window a fart tous
les soirs a snore se enciende
a cada paso les yeux curtain
what cada hoja or quelque
chose your palms’ nest a
bee palpita dans ta voix
that sliced thought those
teeth que mueren entre las
tejas your pants empty
sobre la lejanía

un reloj se vacía
- Vicente Huidobro

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