
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

3 pomes || Billy Bob Beamer

POME 98 fragm epressi
lhesizes underfunctioning
led thems elvesdy th at o
to on t o|ve w hich standfla t
urpris goith kinloms om s h dret to
ny unne uden ts mainin g oples
fl oals norna mula cu m e fria ord us
nd o urs rendl placi hor r hil e hel forei
lac his kla ferst mo nih t hudr slinv amot
loos fa wand uny noundra thinningg go
altPOMEalbootfr eeinmprov j zz… [from a longer POME]
alcohol dedicates a sixth.  supermarket warehouses  presence chorded.
simple wood bolts thruout heartrhythm . poison chords outset chiming.
meaningless trying too heartily froth.  worses ice retracts behind  seventh.
background ignores outside wrong.   daylight parses fumfu  charitable bottle.
should  brass vintage accident.  hack mint exits into fakebook.
overload cracks before  s[t]aid supermarket.    ha[r]sh anoth mix.
exhausting rain nose within brass. turntable growso utsized drum.
around chair parades t’eerie cosmology.  inner wires refine altar note.
unconnected harmony. pry beams.  prototype smokes brand melody.
can this bag snow an epic suicide. Even fabric listens throughout satsu.
antautobiography grows wings.  each ham  mer steals  at oriented finger.
yawn scrolls players absence facility.    overtones quarters pushpen[c][i][l]s…
du[dire]  POME POMEh spital
meg  a [bot h]  l[it]hs [br on[chial]th] cal    [synch
 lith[june]    onswerve cabinetflush h handlecress
leshed to ttthissi tee[dire] dent urea palissios sine
cal cu  lete afin   nethru   s teathru st[running] for:
                 d[[]e]]][nse diffffuuuse   ]    led tri
blanchard front runn ertrask [localnonlo]folder at
oddlydiatunes pound[brush]d ing cup[lip]p  delore
meg  a [b ot onswerve  h]  l[it]hs [broth]
cal   [synch]    led tri cc
 licth[ brath]cal   june]    onswcerve cabine
tflush h handlecress
leshed to t ttchbronc hail ualics si te|e[dire]'
 dent urin   nethrut0e;a pali[sc
cal cu , lete afin; c  nmthru   s a
thru su[run,nbunktuin bunktabes d  or[sal]thrubsalad
blanchard front runn certrask
 [localnonn   cthcrulo]folder at
oddlydiatoms pouncd[bru
bil[d sh]d ing cup[lip] brush p  delore
whats non[ no]ne]e nen bom om[b]om[b]omuoahommouahmomuomomahoum
bil[d ge]r thamat ! whats non none  jinx
bild cger cthamat ever plen alle y dogug gray, ………spatpfh             / 
Morngo um leshed to tee] den t ure a to osrious| sine ttthissosic c [shirepauseblip

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