
Monday, November 19, 2012

3 poems || John M. Bennett

olvido del fango

lovely stain la mancha cruda
camisa abierta como tumba
source of wind of clouded
breath the turds I reft be
hind a mattress fulla bro
ken watches and a listed in
ventario de cumbres y culos
rasca sin cielos the lake
drains away ≈  .....  )surely
drippless ,the plunging knot ,re
focussed in yr throat where
gnats congeal ,a longer
clod retained ,yr exhal
ations ,gristle fist ,wh
at said the ,never ,spat
the buttons out whined
in time ¡ ¡ ¡(  crumbling
chain ,buried in the thou
sands years  )or just
my eye ,defocussed on
your rising mud

...lodo...y tripas...
- José Eustacio Rivera


olvido olvidado

. bush . lunch . check . gristle
. plain ,growling the . ashpit
. leaf roof sore . bing . chafe
. sundered spit a . deck . pill
smear . shirtless fog . bin
time the . rot door blast
. bubble crap . torn . boot
. chewed the leaf . my ,floor
tomb . ambles root ,a bomb
. numbers in the . raw room
. where the drink tub .
.   .   .   .   . mist . peel .
. long water . was a
flood muzzle . mine . fu
lla light . where I . th
ink a . crust . sodden
under foot

- Anónimo

olvido del cadáver

tabled the loose storm the
sot cloud sought my sock res
tful bunching in my shoe oh
leafy pants twisting in the
breeze not yet  .double singing
what  .step  .burned  ?the chairs’
legs re versed the c lock wad
dles off nestled drink
fulfillment ,stunning ,itch ,fork
ditch brimmed  .ay what
doggy cirrus impaled  !my
tines bright with hair and
staples  )what jammed the
zipper(  where did this go?
seated on the stairs ,no
dding ,slow drool ,my na
ked feet smeared with blood

- Manuel Acuña

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