
Thursday, November 15, 2012

3 poems || John M. Bennett

olvido of the toilet

...)the plunger’s soapy...(  distance
shroud my laughing bowl’s flyed
time your sugary swirl the
gate to sloping sky where my
twisty flag wipes ah webby
hole  !))the cave’s breath
clouds((  )))spaghetti sinks(((  and
a mountain rises past the
window   ))))my shapeless bed((((
your overflow  )))))“cuyes quiv
ering and darting in a corner”(((((
my whispering cheek y nado
al envés  ))))))donde la tapa
se cae y((((((  encerrado en
el ahogo estoy ,limpio y
embadurnado con el pipián
del alba

...le bout commence.
- Charles Baudelaire

olvido mimo

tongue ,of shadow ,denk mirror ,th
ought table sc raw led ,uh thick
neck ,sieze or seethe ,cable
clashed against eh pole the
feeted wind th ,uds the ,win
dow ,or what i ,read ,a mine a
,needle ,stroked ,mended with
,a twisted spoon  )or spoke of
gravel ,soup(  the lung ,swallowed
glove ,blinks near the sought
air my mumbled bird stone
,brought my  )aging pocket(  so
ot  )mumbled on the throne(
your wheezing dirt sleeves and
whistles ,sip ,your thin
meated blood ,slow l
y s ink ing in a

...trop sèche, la pluie...
- Paul Verlaine

olvido de la caída

haw thot spew that forking
corn lender hype spread a
way the tousled hat the
eye drained below ah greasy
brim fell into the blender
where my soup form foamed
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
spattered wall cloud impregnation
the shouldered water ,aim my
log scribbled toward the rap
ids spiraling past the window
high above ,the fog washed stone
the wandered stair the sw
arming lenses smeared like
passports or yr pocket
choclo with its sticky lint
~ ~ ~  spell the water sp
ell the diesel oil spell the
socks lost in all those su
itcases falling from the cliffs

...en la piedra, el aire estancado.
- Neftalí Reyes

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