
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

3 poems || John M. Bennett


..sot...lint....flame.....  pees
towel the  ))lake((  craw
miles into the throat a
]soap[  )))mud(((  a licor
lit crowding the rakes
your where sheet or mus
cle rises toward the g
))))room((((  relents an
wins ,shards ccruncching
in botella
el olvido el lúmen la ca
calavera my sodden
)))))neck(((((  “bravely


should shudder nap lens
coughing in my left lung the
lung left hillock clung
with lint and crawdads
where your tepid lake
crowded on my flabrication
froze it with an alphabet
of flies your whirring
tooth sizzles where my
tongue ought to be should
shoulder flat toss
the mayo off its shiny
turkey slice a sloshing
in the right pills and
dung folded in my
watered blanket where
your gnatty window snores



foam the clocker lint co
llapse the fly mus
cle draining ]]gate[[
louder than ,wristless
buzz where the ticking
lanyard’s strangling in
my T-sshirt ssweaty
like a ssteak a ssl
umber ssausaged in
the luminescence ssw
irling in your bathtub
where the songtines
forking in my veins
a lumpy one a
bloody rake

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