
Monday, October 8, 2012

text || Peter Ganick

busrasi lfeiac cinchat easrie liveeid borrowers]
dravidian sneer nous thorough ftp damage inlsepftar curees leitfmo rsiaail tepid ousia toxincs mottlei fractal pirhana debutante moot selbst bbann eusner too [the squab qab inserrative ombispnum grid goog nickel reebok animation stye rdmdiem practicum laeirtes graipb]
reachings elsewhat borrowed nod warier toss theirens laideur blaupunctual image to feeasnibility
react no teardown bygones eachoes. as dorsal the [euvbalein mittena coeercoali opressiveas hurebuselei but
grenache toleran either waits

evnens eirelas ruandless seedling]
predicate torsion valley iguana steadfast glom thoarse veinsso proealator uenggraded ineirs prelaudaumn travelogue mainstay prelude salsa laeviish corproseal [toenais cessnea blerury handrail iemnost returna spoilage arras convene vocative elooquate vassal broeakwasrte insk]
standarded forest owl huddling eeepidema centrist veins aruthhmia belieevaablee thiatre omnibus theireof yoda furnace alien sled hoop dean to parse [purseis annoutate irnrzr nvreel torreado ersatz multiptuifr iarjj
re-entrench dolphin correspire

irens eprouve thans rnoi]
token roundhouse crescent side demur aotehia grimlanceur thos ruen ssoo foottloose theiasck iirencorls
irk moat nescience mudded vole [villify consequenet uaffizi theroaose notionsla immediate virehythm lacgunae tryad mirroir factor canister bluten gro]
agonist mellod. yammer strut impend tuileries neuvo ruse candy rupe lasso genetic squalor thorough w/out in typ eriwl co [traffickds ehtrisnehew ne eurnsell buerling gearing ladder anastasia burin eirena grffinti least moderlne lariat busbus]
conspicuous denominate acetone

andcerrates detearils nth widerelay noreton avg viral
sulk crispier eminence scarab litter conehead. mutter cling thrice optio
open substrate byrds acoustic [then precdomeantl optical freakes brelloom inroalds nuss abyssal the unroll document tron affiliate notseet]
ri. iblu rnooooot ffesckless nudity language violence tachometer horsing poet roundside matinees ideologues renamed affiliations
momenta gryphon insert shelf mettle era [graffii rejetieachtech thoose runic platform urasssle zone to
snip hello dour spasm neoprene

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