
Sunday, October 28, 2012

3 pomes || Billy Bob Beamer

I/U YuNiC #---©JS ( : )    we
eeepGlavAiWiRhEs tarns kit
 bl. ali ce nse [a.xx.bahu87   8
92.00hojheu.  §NiREI  Delm
acoZiTkiU βI  UYOFYY ♦:IZk
ehXxc s      tac y35  Yes  I
 UǺUT O:G1Hy agree   ment
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martnet Mavm BeZe I       2
IU sfaere|etek|kinYaNCuJlT:X
pi ese licensuioue ZinÖess p0
7lake57/6M I Yon ireYo  Ni  RE
..:JasaDrPEVUKI #tt.+ Th  are
 ah all§REI Em space love rytr
then said to begin a sunn et what?
         ~shotpe aceful f ire hippoplace dead zicloneord indianesque multicolor tik ile ditch dumpfries in a      dugout. lost   words fever install eth points pitch ed above bednotches  such orgone wisstriss of paleo sulph alighter  ,development.    spooktyis instancespongy  cleave ed bone solitary I ness.     planeturmycharm pleasenum dimensional pustulance in the ory wrecked by jaundice [that is].   Tisnot.
never said tofold a nose. within a tissue made custard p ot at os tradewinds matersand and    oceanwaves chill.                            Or [that is given
        only by the fly bubo pup/\petr
thinite carved bedage post  bent brackle shodiputti go-on-to  next pinch                          .feebleair want lasting anything for                                  [iven
4           tartness/ madocter rubbery eyefullness and sofort   /h edges out J/sphincter horizonsand
Neener remeber tobyyia eth fork ked woundsa dissection moth ber timbales plane sentences reek
Flush  abiambo from rustinfil terbus creakjade    punishing eye  pully ear  pushing  thorn fallup s h
goospdell green briner flask foreight to tommetbuns lettuce sprayall over as refried form fall shhh
8 aling dipple s’narn parks dip future pliesti eitheiorn divided prince waverflags ruined samples.     cough
1[Frfreejazzim prov]
3all1%ersbe gone
bus wesnim bly
 co ordin ated
 money soon
   except mined
 field requests
music blended past
 cool alerts
 dusty times
ah gain?
 cut erasures, man!
composbig points
attached machine shivers
replied part see this?
partnerner throughout
 curvyloose profit
 bold front suggests with
better flocks delicious ?
joints created outside
[content interest attached]
 [[shake concentrated
wonderful machine catalogued
 booth kitchen]]
adored friends wreck
 signcommanded, back crap!
group easy help stops among
 arid names ah direct root wishes
below busy positions average forces
 brought authentic payments. suggests capital night.glean2
fresh machine risks record types manager thorough 
basic pushr crazsistertapes converted into  deafening profit
adored giants built into o average education bold hope returns
adored need bolstered defiant robotics robin oo
hoodhis nose caught a noise accommodated  till 
clear-cut family dear root cut below arid effectdelicious
measurachieved among  aCCurated orders [please animate select
ion appropriated ] c[]\cu  P
safe hands replace  anchored monthlylegs
agreeable move certified example completed further into
direct help attached signs computed along darling pets to [line
dotted absolute]
quartz blended during  bossy level hearing appraised safe.
growth conceptualized wonderful match.
deep queen allayed  vets correspond [order below blankblanknank]
field dapperdiaper further reproduces from basic p1 awaregrowth
built baggy month attached field blend bossy fight
converted by crafty experience
easy hope championed wishes  opinion
shi r t deep interest requests under  dead point buggy machine
turn since big sign bogus partner sounds buright
 salt rules 
deliciously sister’s cares
con tent root satisfies hope spoils until  
adored place queens accommodated since fine hospitals
extra fact accommodated throughout a closedhorse awareoffice
absorbed.extra organization carried  appropriate group
extra list confirmed hospital reports parent
music dimpled championed throughout 
wonderful noses noisesdimpled processes corresponded like
average parents
free hearing appropriated appropriate ground championed anchored
 agonizing example corresponded fire blended
middle without delicious roodimpled hope connected amonbest
friends bogus point risks intbaevent difficult play
achieved best mailbox rules creative order.
completmess reports. news concentrated manager. into
bad silk bright minute approved before bright food cute
size championed until basic hope full example computed dapper
patch allayed avaricious sister.
fine school coded note returns mother under cool nose
animated sign combined despite biodegradable hole anchored magic
supplies with delicious front deafening salt allocated dimwitted
good chaired easy face. ….
1[Frfreejazzim prov]
3all1%ersbe gone
clear-cut magic turns order answered size during crazy father.
absolute news created past biodegradable note authentic level
supplies into adorable join considered bright
expansion risks annual pa  r  ty.
mop dead good serves profit suggests roll except accurate   ground.
deep list configured along adorable father aiatppropre growth
checked along bossy flavor authentic hate talks aware quiet
direct show configured mind risks list below both payments
free night allayed into special purpose. babyish patch connected
through black growth colorful effect commissioned curv f ire
commanded .closed.
out bright month allayed. selection works father outside  direct
person. both signstop into absolute friends. bossy silk steps
without dimpled feet. accurate robin supports. clear fl avor  times
capital giants.
completpayment wants. price bought mailbox down despite d efiant
need. dead print confirmed down direct push. rich parent spoils
through curvy school. dimpled parents times. boggy room con nected
deep music.
busy giants bolstered. ground certified process despite
colorful match. wonderful minute approved till content game.
biodegradable experience commanded authorized magic. adorable r ate
continued. accurate lunch condensed alarming selection.
agonizing purpose confirmed. selection wants gt round ill b   right
look. deep earth appraised despite fine middle. s clear-cut go  od
checked except attached name. aewar questiochaired. easy m  ark  et
wants colorful join.
subnetsunset 2012 12 I'll I' 
 wrote be out is ‘nough

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