
Monday, September 17, 2012

poems || John M. Bennett

olvido teológico-político

bed sink shirt or  )wall nacre(
must the ,melter foam r
unning out the cut-off heads
ah  .estilation ,dug fog ,muck
filled with  .hair your  .meal
worm file what “thousand”
smile retained¡ oh nor n
ail  !chewed the buttons off
,said uh “thinking dirt” your
face behind the skin 2
rising snakes ,was blood
,was all was fake ,dusty
in the corn ,just still ,p
roudly blotted like your
heart burning in a bowl
)sheared right off ,the
peltless crowd ,shouting
for the end of time my(
useless jaw dangling
from a shel    f

- Motecuhzoma


olvido del fusil

plume high crack uh neck
faucet withered soon enough
,suerte de túnel por la
frente como si  .negate
the missle yawn the
doubled time redaction
what was spinning was
spinning y  .goteo nor
teño la cena servida
omni-intencional the
air retreats the snore
impales el humo “K
escribe desescribe y
me quedo con la cueva
desdentada ,ay abierta
.el pulmón the motor the
sizzling clouds yautli in huitztli.
- Cuauhtemoc

olvido del warehouse
    -for Mary Jo Bole

drainss an crowdss ,tonnagee chancree
,sshouldeereesslaw falling in thee
ssoup my reesstivee leeg com
paction preessssing on the wall
your plassteessweeatss in ,thee
rimleessss pagee you won thee
talcumeed dirt ah drooling
on thee piggissssmokee ssw
irling up thee sstreeeet  !ss
toolss amplee heeap reejoineed
thee tOileet wareehoussee
sst reeakeesstackss teeeeteer
into hazee beeneeath thee
roof thee corneer glow yr
ssandwich ssparkleess een
throneed on a plasstic ch
air oh fluoreesseencee !withdraw
your lipss forgeet your teeeeth !

La chair fumée...
- Le Comte de Lautréamont

olvido del right churn

right the churned tool locker
floats across the ,melted towel
,gas lever ,what I wondered
launder maze cow sings na
pped ah  .lease an crash
,what learnèd drool forth the
swelling book brick all  .ni
ght ,my dreamed socks my
.)))outer wind and a beach
of glass

-Rubén Darío

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