
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

3 pomes || Billy Bob Beamer

liquam     nis:amqua     thu:lltibulo      trot cause            spidior
acer  a     sag:sineam    thruat:kh 6       5 emper so           llicituui
din   89      froz en:mat    enea:8119        guft 9 e  ro          mempo
e65:11       drastic to se   edo you dis      mantlecont            inuehin
linked t      o see do was  of thwas los     t  kotth ther        muster9
snarled    as struggled sit upheave    charnurp su      ite denture
collast     fielf golaspa   d olphin to    romash r  ye      thwas los 9

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POM Enot son alchemy
uponarnold deWeAvInG n
Nova vVillas#3311mi ne
[rush cript’]
ye speas to his coars thus now y dere onnethat tis is o
oke f th of nture an I sall devde it into six artsIn the frst
discurs what te toe i secoly why tetoneis nturll tirdly ko
why th one is aimal lik our blod fourthly why itis calleda
herbal or radicll fifthly Ile relateits true adcontat prepar
rtion an sixlyI shll tuly and without liesgive yo an ccount
of the aumnaionof our groing stone to the endthatfooles
may bee dride and wise and undrstaning mn taghthis art i
s nothng else uta knowng of the scet an id thins of naturall
asterrs nd oers o thenaturall art an wisoe theefr no ody sh
ould aproach tothsart nlese he hashead before soe Loick w
ic teaches to disingis trth fromalseood and ithal the nturall r
t whih taches he thinsof natre and the proert of the eleenso
terwie he trobles hi minde and bod and lie i vaine it is toe an
notone and s found y every od in pln fields on ounaies ad in
th watr, and s calledlbida, heeein ll physiians gree fo tesay th
at lbda is caled ebio,they nam it inhid an secret wors because
ehey perfetlyunderstand the materiam some ay it s blod othe
rssay it is mans hairothers say i i eggshichhs mde mn foles an u
nws me tha undersand nomre hen th lette andthemee soun o
f ords seke thi rt in bood in egg inhair in te ull n llu
thy hve fon nohing fr th dd nt righty understan sai
ralists, who spake their words in hid sod ey havrno
e soken out planly thy woud hve one very il for divr
asofor ll me wold ave sed tis at ad the whole orl wo
uld hae ben spoiedand al agiultue perisht seeingshit
it is so that a an mut gie a acont o hs orke I desire gd
tha h wuld giv mereaon,andwism and irec e how ma
etrage or concale tis nobe at from oole whic mae ms
ay what this stone isnow my sonne that our tonea
s ermes speakes is in a living thing, out of which say
ing the tre atet o thisart m be knowe and beaue o tis
sayng soe acording  their foly have soghtths ston inb
asts in herbs in llum but the hae reaiedfolesnow Ile t
ell you wha ourston is l uazoth now theearethre stoe
s an they redad poneath and ed the thin afre in lunm
y th careull unestaning andprparaio of manou o thsst
ne is mde tre gold an slver e sme with naturll te chola
r sa ho cn tis e for he pilosperssay tat ar is waker then
natue andyousay ut f that stoe is mad god andiver tes lo 

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