
Sunday, September 30, 2012

2 poems || David Jalajel


the coveted locale provides her perfect
triangulation bar food table diners
seek equilibrium the algorithm
rapidly singles out a word about
to be spaghetti-ised and left to deal
with countering a hostile g.o.p.
congress spun and outright lied her once
unstoppable campaign cut short her texting
there’d never be enough for both of us
predicting that the day’s first papers claim
to judge observed behaviours as proceptive
graphic bite-sized unremitting current
with one who’s served to calculate her point
on every score is soon struck out as null


most of the holiday festivities
are over so it’s back to the real couple
dozen people ogling thoroughbred 
racing slots each book gets duly copied
and placed on the chance stallion wins the full
holistic work experience invites
travel tips the balance their return
from local fair grounds warranting they sign
the day by day increasing pleasant weather
forecasts steep increased emergency
leave auto tours for walking partly sunny
clearing the air the gusty wind excites
them to wager they’ll decide to savour
the moment as they pant a steady lap

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