
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

3 pomes | Billy Bob Beamer

buzzed to
winding cattle
baggy isthmus
hillcome b.
mouldy tone
bowls oatsgo
high perch
broother branch
easy port pouring
blossom  widows
mudsturm passio
tallbles singslad
derdrang sound.
Tripletongu   ing
griefeven upcreeps
 tailsholding gelding
 lots a loft stories blu
therson          ails ton
gue  sile         ent/\to
             sile|| nce
buzzed to arresting
winding cattle facade
baggy isthmus drooping
lower hillcomes b.patch
mouldy tones belated
bowls oatsgo fistfulls
high perchtimes maiden
broother branches caulk
easy hall pouring    stout
blossom  widows dancing
mudsturm passio n ated
tallbles singslad der
derdrang sound.
Tripletongu   ing tut
e kuh griefeven upcreeps
 tailsholding gelding wrench
 lost a loft stories blu bander
sanderson          ails ton gue
que  sile         ent/\to
             oftsile|| nceoft
buz[zerd] to[17     8
]wi[Y]nd[ing ]cat[tle
]bag[gy is[thim]u   s
hil[lco]m    e    b. [.
mo]uld[y to    n] e
bow[ls o]at   s[g o1
Hig    ]H   pe  r[ch ]3
bro[o][d]ther bra]nch
ea[sy p]ort [pou]ring[]
b[los]some  w[id]ows[]
mud[stur]m pas [si o]
tal[lbles] sing[g s la d]
der[drang] sou n[du.]3
tri[ple t]o ng[u   in ]g 3
grie[fe v]enup cr]e[eps
 tail] sho [lding  ge l[d in]g
 lo[ts a] lo] ft[ sto[rie]s blu
th e[ rso] n          ai[ ls  to]n
gu[e  sile]         e[ nt/\t]o
       []      Si[le|| n]ce []

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