
Monday, July 9, 2012

poems || John M. Bennett


)(“hot meat”)( surf laundered step
my wavered s tone lap sus  ))fla
g cave((  the withered shape ah
rest  !the  .frayed an lock an
dip sheet a n  ,)))peel(((  the
gris tle  ]comb bomb[  yr g rime
blistered or  ]]fork[[  ))))the
steamed be es ,yr h air }heat
my wrist{((((  the fog the sh
oe the ,th undered leg ...  )(slos
hed up in the blender)(  wh
ere yr knife drunk in

...en el viento sanguíneo del aire...
- Netzahualcoyotl



bloootteeed in my sssleeeeeep yooou meee
pooormeeenooormeeeadooo ha ,fu
sssiladooo inooombradooo ooo meee
pussseee la gooorra nooo peeensssada
,eessoo pueeesss I flaggeeed ni
mooodooo ,waiteeed fooor theee
chain whistleee  )¡a cooomeeer!(
pulgasss ,gargánticasss ,mar s
ooondeeeadooo y misss sssueeeñ
ooosss milpaaasss sssooon ,eeen
sssoooñadooosss ni ,ooolivadooosss oool
vidadooosss theee oooval wheee
eeeooof my eeeveeery eeeateeen
leeeg ,))mi assspiracióóón tumbanteee

“sssooousss la pluieee,
un oooissseeeau deee ceeendreeesss” – J. Benet



shhaapee slobbeerr norr yrr frr
uitteed mind ,bbrreeaatthh of
windows ,inflaattion spaatt
eerreed witthh yrr ttunaa
fishh saalaad  )aacid pourreed
on tthhee bbonees(  my forrmaatt
ion  f a a d e e s  intto
aa morrning’s mistty streeeett f
leeckeed wittttrraashh aand
inseectts disttaantt bbooming
ttonguee bbleeeeding on my shirrtt
tthhee doubblee caarraa forrks
intttthhee meedicinee caabb
ineett whheerree yrr shhoee
sleeeeps ,eescupittaado ,inco
mido ,sus llaamaas viaajaanttees
aaguaa son ,saalivaa deeaairree

...nor, was ashing, cloacas...  –P. Ulmón

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