
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

haibun || Sheila E. Murphy

White for instance, hypothetical egg cream. And sugar I don't own. Find me a verb, honey.
Wax petalia, crumb bluck, symptom-fragile peaks to stone. I weather what I don't condone.
And now de trop, why not? Symphonic bin cringe corpus clear. The wilderness and voice
blood near the metro proxy gloat and rung. A modest integer with mild integrity, why not
floss and sprocket? Sore matrix and complacent treading just above the depth. Meandering
or its equivalent leads lads some white place at a white pace. Not much to take in all at once.
Maybe recidivist old-time sparks. Or varsity arch qua clobbered mantra. Beware grand dames 
in white mantillas. Spain crooks its arm. Manilla envelopes replete with papers. White.
Comply with dampness when it sparks reputed reach.
"Not at all, not at all," squeak easy templates bound for dross
Sheila E. Murphy

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