
Friday, June 1, 2012

4 poems || John M. Bennett


chew an gn ash the lun g f
art f matter grunty wh
ere my ff  h air ch eese
e)cto))murphic fff wall
dims  )))me atless sh
ffff irt roollling in the
fffff dust  ))))jum py
,bu bb led c rag f lies a
ffffff lame fffffff
lag ga gging on the cl iff
,you ,corne red ,dogfield
u)))))tter lam ination
)ffffffff)))))ace sp
linter writ ten on yr
ffffftonffffgue  gue   g


mint to L ap poration tor
n orre LL pizzing inna
LLL cor ner the che
wy brot h ππ )c rime(
)mota muerta(  pi LLLL
ake rising in my pants t
he tousLedLLLL h and of
see ds  )shoo ting(  ton
guelock LLLLLL  ]eat
the b omb re ad f
oot in the dark ,bajo
la me sa LLLLLLL
la nad a ví la na da
da na da mp shor ne
socks ay e vap or a
                                       tionnnnnnnn .  .    .     .      .



noose s jump sore lugar
ss eething d rip d ream sss
matter an my m ortal l
eash ssss f ray sssss g
uttered deck resis tance
an my cornbelt fog πππ s
sssss  ))the roots((  ))roll((
drug the leg sss s sss yr
lisp dominion jassssssssper
ssssssssskull sp lashing in
yr Inka Kola  )tzompantli
pegajoso(ssssssssss the
lake with snakes was
roiling clouds th
ickened in your heads th
e a nts ~  ~   ~    ~     ~      ~        ~


suit  ,)))))))time thirst ,ek
phasis stammer  ))))))sho rt
of s tock my shaking tic k
the cru ets d rip  )))))phone
watch er the crowncloud pul
sates on yr screen ))))aver
age inches pages [] to wer in
the ...s.....and............ m utte
ring in the  )))mouthpiece
,like a grittty ddrink  .my
namefog giggles my ran
cid sleeve my dribbbling h
eel  ))less time than d
og nor more than  )whis
tles ,the bushes smoulder((((((((

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