
Saturday, June 9, 2012

3 texts || John Pursch

Pyrrhic Sleeve

Lifting arable spoils, the wilderness entitles chosen riders to venerate the foolish, hinting at rudimentary maritime deeds. Longing for fresh beaches, lava turns to ailing tuba crowns, defacing winter’s moldy artifice with salty sporting queues. Granular Cossacks frisk intelligent loiterers, careening through coiled gravitational whorls of specious tape, spurning toroidal courage. Whodramel chodsquotch bendel, smooning lorm napheen, calm suringen knate orightum erkon dorph tamein, on spenturestic umteerabun septerin coneith. Vegetation quakes in mock wanderlust, encircling bland celluloid, crafting a moistened vagabond’s weird earpiece from lost and swollen trysts. When ringing coils employ a spinning crate’s loosened imp, sunbreaks tend to postulate grown auditions, minting oldies for tolerated chaff. Phor poujiewok moutle, en emeriet orm, egrenious chlockers armenie saloup, yedrenkian postule sarephial ardge, esprenkular dobble zoolulin menabular frodder untenten damooth, pleningen sout ennerwick cluger hachook, execre entouda’s swate artule chureen, aquonicle barcutire frexaled sprenecunum plooj acturine. Motives might be drafted, egging off your surest crank, but whereabouts wheel exploding comics into stagecoach plumes, cantering to missile torment. Even so, the rapid spread of pristine Algonquin snow peas threads our woozy backwash, throwing hearty plutocrats beneath the Pyrrhic sleeve.

Aural Foam

Uncharted guardians immerse crazed boatswains for the plain old ultimatum’s neat exposure, chopping whirled stallions, fleshing into harpsichord blues. After wholly blown gamuts of roving neckers empty their woeful cache, embattled pleaders can bar the listing scaffold from fodder’s swaddling moon. Sewmoucken dareinestle’s swent morcher bareem, archeduous dexirs entrogen fagunial moivenatch remmel gremar. Ledgers feel anonymous lefties, falling for legalese and unrequited stentorian curls. Haughty colluders win forty more pewter steins, mashing silky hoops, querying freely sewn tracers in bouts of aural foam. Heph nonparium ruxen upiesoch, trem ind octorces uva rhousan traicie whoats, urgington hoggle ven phais vertoste. Average tubular geckos clamor for brick, overstocked and unfed, numbly traipsing into snow channels. Casting unguents churn potatoes, breathing eyed dust bunnies, fantasizing for feral whey. Skewbly efterloch habbles dron ertimous prutal, chaltering whone graphum quen todiron indar frenexulan spreit. Leftun taz crumal fivern orcherdus loachies, excrepiens wonest gembier onchivol creet, outamous bont surentingal phlaxicant otch. Jilted gaffers give gorgeous swingers a chastity torch, completed by consulting mares on parole from Inchon’s flexible iron filings, crampons notwithstanding.

Gristle’s Waning Crux

Triangles in shadow, pyramids in deep temporal haze, trade jagged rectories for diving turns of germinal loot. Who could venerate the pendulum’s extent, beyond imagined life, atop a sequenced banter of old mechanics, intimate yearnings, and loosely coupled noise? Unte canow etso pieced unden cerens, sawinty eds loiketa mooterawls ondie sloopinde rute, ensleemenlie undresene plophusion. How sampled, this reminiscent omen of daytime juries, ranking spiels, wardroom rumbles, and warm commuter gruel. Gwan, givan der oars oloif tebarn marfool tamuve derbranrity blowns aboot datownz, mebie chesta pheil dawindy strangs omutter phrowin frue deremainder fortylocks. Taxidermists plunge into wooden charts, parting with shots of soiled ornery seizures, from salient spleens to squash factories near emery pleasure pots. Alacky blink und das enchien schutts, et egrez actunly taroitime, yeoldin toa metercricycle onter ane destantie rode, loitinus chair dawite knois, denc ashenle crois ov mein loichus; awly blachbleet vieda nomotinial coarsoda lowinrode. Closer to comforting blowguns, a bird call waxes omniscient and flawless, risking it all on gristle’s waning crux.

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