texts that change the conscious parameters of literature, both for readers and writers. from a different angle than these, r.p. blackmur adds: 'poetry: [is] ...language so twisted and posed in a form that...it adds to the stock of available reality.' formerly edited by peter ganick. send texts to Volodymyr Bilyk at ex.ex.lit@gmail.com for consideration...
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
text || Peter Ganick
going whose tremor ontically duchy orbitsatz enigma which which swam thosethrice setting zones domestic laissez aforemention suede accelerate snips truffle onslaught noose enginees garland neoprana situate molllusk vinyl apperception seize molar puts seite majuscule charlatan eontic nieeiner assurances dll exe vernissage bloodred misc miscellany vneo wampum slurpie alingua osmosis preparative emulation plagal cadence intersectional november aisle neinien alisette vecu thorough seite malleable coefficient saith wakeful signangis enough spake zarathustra nostrum ansna either waitings odd combinen seite valence perpetuity connote gracious fractal mimimic slicers delay presentation fneienf sudden holding plasticity aloah choices longingly phantasm ensemble chore shortening angullible anotherwise also repetition sleuth bramble quotient allooe turgid eoecarate perfection innuendo raffle quo quagmure spiral purification elliptical nominal siete aeithereal festitsef nascence thorough reification melee oddity snafu nintendo relative invention slump riffle quagmire erimgauqi vinyl assurance scree evocative melody forza motive alizarin protege simian fleck nsaid culpable overhaul ditto barnacle mundo styrene lastingly prosaic data splurge immemorable collapsing literature slunk noesis treadmills smart entrancing fulfillment naissance broken surreal costume nominal quaff styrene altimate ultramarine waffle rowdy nothton silence finesse ounce nounal corrective albacore butane hundreded ontic dreaming smokefilled runner uptowned silence tingle map reader singularity nos amidst opossums editide raising bleu conestoga unrecorded site mondo rebus qualia fortitude stoma feenamint crawfisher vidalya neoprene saturnine eloquence doubter iglooolgi aside systema niblet quarry traction elsewhom first call entrancesd libation rune stickler principality zones delaying feief nths where quarry nope sez ez mutter branch emotion listless anarchy double double natural alliance neutrality zone arable quaff styremne plotting sturdy borderline qi nostradamus elliptical asking elsewhom rieir anosette rouse vortext bucket vortex serotonin slade wateretaw etoiliote answer igneous rep those runnerups refugees stopgap thisness treacle iffiness focus greeting sleuth nthhtn nostrum entice remoulade vociferous trajectory undone literally sendback inroad either slade nothingness watershed nutmeg paradox ichor chroma plie serotonin etiquette feldenkreis garde avail networks ennui palisade motion lossless waiting eeriest swimming noises fent em silences debates demode obelisk niein sleuth fontanelle nicoise trammel cohort answer boatshoe remotely cinnamon ecru thatthen stadium pellet quagmire stolid effervescence topiary multiples delayed modalities epochal mercenary club floored snit repanning sulieman snooker naissance voilia assize borrowing lotus anemone durable redux diurnal proclivity exposure wandering asleep thorough sitetis forcecrof ncis gouache domesticity broken sturbridge malnourishment eclogue answering a machine a martinet vs vastly yltsav enroll theriens neoprana site washing fluidities epochal motions elevator ensemble trackmeet inroad either sic nod simple aquarelle comment bias fuelcan stymie driftware ska riddle chorus ampoule ample purples stasts nighttime elasticity glued snafu ironic lasso elegance permafrost gullible toss engulf paradigm emaciate lotto stigma elsewhom silencerecnelis nevertheless abuttal remote garage kismet borealis quota miraculous teacup domicile returnee naive sonata emotome sliced vinyl chosen par excellence topiary querulous damage steering quaff iterating foregrounding surround shapeshifter assist neoprana sulk knight snapdragon err silencing frame selon thosethere stunt realismo quaff rostrum also presume quantify borrow sudden rhythmic lasix ghostly appeasement urgency aside amen siege flocked assurance snowfallen nicetitecin sos through surreal quantifier removal piracy iterate
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