
Sunday, February 26, 2012

text || Billy Bob Beamer

Dead in Ethyl
name is derived from the Ae ther, the first-born Greek elemental god of air, and ’hyle’, referring to "stuff".

in memory of emma

forthe sojoy of all stores domning ete rojour count najota dip kernel wand winkiwick dead in ethyl sacre blind spot gopher driven fish flukes down forest aggo chinese mirror lake freeze ee gravy stone howbersher tofacce dopple jort makin kloog fist bust ballsdoe fig thimblefacesmashed small football kicjo away little bro in laces fiend sluck wall hashash given morph find forum lush program informing its anomaly backspace meaning instant tens derf understanding tender also soon padding shoon lithonate prepubescent scent slough alonely pathcraniol menopom marang purus grossbeaker flinch dore sog thin dimple staphylotomy cichewa plainfoom borschfrome godcycle duch hamp listen foreign near ask notch ques tions sojoy wherein here ahch orsinos tromanch faildorp thinbie less horrorpope ditch ansailable dinfoor this drip cane foll shed for theep bloodyfathermother dole a pine shot leaves foreign mortuary dimple frimblethis dinsch rector friable dit ivy brickandstay mortor any finch grab failureas count dimeshiver sneeze caddo doblun lub formnop spillpipe dirt strepera sub smile inannabased fictoria comptomiaany rambotan due rot hors divide day stupa dream last nigh escane reasonfaik givein this potionmap goof brined jedine arog antne prasa smrad smear for tune gateclaw loan sign oldpatron gee serbrook cells by land milk for aye dear wellwell daymix all foking outfuel sources set odd saltshoul ders a darbenie odda teba pia no tr ash inco herence rever tin gadmini strative di sk hai riest par r son coherent anesthesia red der care ful nes smush iest chord cleanup per vasive diaper dyingland yr bash ful hum ming damn lipfroth glo om coming storm y meshed gore tears misaligned yr bru I sed du p e dop ey ph one re jo ic ingsli mist cru sade cru is e blick addinghur l fuing wigout siz ed skin ny juniper pru ned ento mology leggy sea sonal cast er traitor cloud ies t ig nit ion ply salty din mountains ash which story failit jazz down sideways alwayscomes afoot undoubted factoidface seesawer mack avick sotssoma face dome freep cosh macinecauld huge fruckertorge dopedeal featherfin fog cricket cup crap cosign highwaynoone else insight fauck all total blusheke contentment field flanking fords lock sloppy tiin whether fork lamp secret dishgaush bless ropesmile rif lecan terpul lies seeyesthen everyoneleavesfall home dearthglop spreading like flooding tile homedroned sand stank suitor filling host fileunknownno sound flopping fishfaker foal sip moonoon gopreyundercover glo a penny sinner so
packet itchtrimm ewall experienced in a grounchyhorem

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