
Thursday, January 19, 2012

4 pomes || Billy Bob Beamer

POMEafterno on o u t s I d e

Afterno on outside mos tto

spear confidence frun kle in

side quaating lost wordy socks

god spinneret cushion ‘teger et

smalesu ada’ jungle poa ch rock

thousand day do se pow ers lood

dirty optic well plx ed shower gath

deadlaike cou n try redeye lost wirs

cave forest egg minture marble sortee

foil gilded wings ne edles sh irtwormin

motherworth prades fine glass powd

ery dinch ‘hendrerit pulvinar risus’bo

givamus ic granday ear biscuit wordy


hel s onth wa

sel sho diev da

sha li onth onwh

si wil ly gomu fo

ac of kins re bete

loibe tha al ou

POME gal ler y

spoil the god spare the rod

clutch no he art be fo re 8a


exhibitors va in quish vani


children allo wed. with an ima ls only.

must be sa lien t under com pan ion shi


lose for sake. contract biting con firmed

dementions. 5 more. petting store grav


[go over. quit smoking off feet.

[ gently pur rin




ticker tapePOMEjust your brain

ticker tape just your brain

this totally in only joking

call an interest really thrash

it. sudden sickening sensation

pub in thin air just your brain

blaze fiercely think strun g snug

heat and widened moul ded con

touring. manically dress ed shook

shock. improbable uncurl gritted now

can't cope not be. letting automatically. in

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