
Sunday, January 22, 2012

3 pomes || Billy Bob Beamer

qu ot e o he

pass atthis t
imean d p lace
sihoe be co me
al l onf ire w
ith z eal thou
wo uldf indout
if h isapa thy
w erere al oro
nly ass u medo

deserves inste
ad of be ingth
e innocent cig
arb ut t unhap
py in strument


hAwthorn liquid. Stir ring da ystrea ms

toll all u pout. Fo rtr ess clothedo men

fell exce ed.ed redlimits tou rna il flight

spe aking king dom. “befor goblas h now

be w ith drings. Sublet “pairstalkiah then

now again. Defe at to lophelah br inc re

lasting moti onless. choiadah plac enor

th “piec eive. standby put par se clothing

pa r d.on…………………………momen


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olo gyis en ou ghtoma keany res pe

c ta blep hilo sop he r crin gee.g. he

d is tin ct ion b etwe en mo der nan

dcon temp orar yart. ore over h re

ar esoma ny ster eoty pesrom ant ici

zedid easan doa ded con cep tsab ou

t hena tu reo fart an dits crea tin tha ta

rt p rofes si onals ca narely com mun

ca tecle arly w ithea choth erlet alo ne

gi veth ela y per so naleg u ptow ard a

nun ders tan din gitis be yo n dhe sco


O fhis ex hibi ti on to pro videan y bro


sol utio nsto thi silem mabut thow prêt

tymu cho wso hel l stereo typ ic assum


hamo dernan don emp orar y rt isor ev

erwas fun m ena l lyor uni ver sally an ti

clas sicalan data sta rtow ard more cla r ity


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