
Saturday, December 31, 2011

pome || Billy Bob Beamer


To[ p]-][‘s] f[i]n]g=reprints;’[[

go o;n’e [m]i/rr.or\ remar ‘;][

k’unde;rw’o]r[ld/ b.r.i,ll,ia’n]t

extra fraae;t [ta]]l[i=s-ma’ni]o\

secret/ /pu’b[l]ipsh[e]d ;wh’at

happ;en’ed] [t[r/ac[e]s= -secret

religio.s;up’er]n[a[tu/r/a’l[ ]s]ham

animsm. f/I’g;u[rl]e=d -out what mu

shro] ‘fo]u[n]d= k\ind ly tran;’

.s/c’ende][];=-//.’’;]nts recorde’d ;

o/’;]n ;’;]w[a[l]l=s/ w.hat a gut is en

tangled blu this goof goff ston[]eage

welcom][\e hi good to be exciting g

ood to be’ ‘he]a[d/ d.o.wn; ‘talking k

eep up; ‘at[ ]f[re/e =p-l=a]c\e\ ask’][

;’] the simplest possible question two

tim]]e[‘[]/]mylines stoneages dream

time and th;;]][en com;’;//[]=ing up

here ano//.’;];[]=ther coinc;’][]ide the

sit’uat’’;][\io\n in h[ear]t jun[gl]eshav

e’’[ un;co’n[t]a[c\te-d= \tr/unds lobe f

orgo;t’t[e]n\ d-=eb/i.o\n[ hiway drench

fa/.’’;ct; ]i[[n]c=re-d[ a]re tribes scale in

rem;ot’e[s]t[ ]pas/;g’ ‘m[o]r\e –t=han mi

llion;s; ‘do[o]mw\e=re- o/n. ;p’lanet majority

;al’s’o[ ]h/;l’y[‘ n]o]t conque./;’[red space

Exp;’[]l’;[oring] ma[p]ping wo’;[orld] do]si]er

S’o ;f’or] [t\he later bo;’[][o=k ano=m loo=p c

rea’;][t[ed] [o\u-r= / rogram ears copied from

Urc’’;][[[e[s] –as= \looks during;’[] icing c]ut[to

……………….. take a break jail doon…………

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